Take A Look at Disney


Month of The Mansion: Music Fridays # 179: Grim Grinning Ghosts

Welcome back foolish mortals, we've have taken a look at many of the residents and the history throughout this first week of our stay here at Gracey Manor and rest assured (for those of you that can still find peace), that we will be looking at many more of the residents in the coming week but for today, we shall be taking a listen to one of the most well known aspects of the Mansion, it's song. A song that haunts any Disney fan's Halloween playlist as it is as timeless as the ghosts that inhabit the Mansion itself.  Now, let's begin.

Grim Grinning Ghosts

We of course start with the classic and there is indeed a reason that this song has remained a staple of the Disney Parks discography as it perfectly encompasses the spooky yet fun nature of the Mansion so well.  It perfectly paints a picture of what to expect from the Mansion in your head as you hear the song bring the ghosts alive once more.  There is no better song befitting for the Mansion, then that of this song.  

Grim Grinning Ghosts - Happy Haunting Party at Disneyland 

Ah, this version was popular in my youth as it was played on the Disney Channel quite a bit during this time of year and I have heard from many other associates of my age that this was the first listen that they ever had of this song and for some, the imagery was rather scary.  Perhaps the mixture of Disney villains and The Haunted Mansion may have been too much for some of the younger viewers or perhaps it was the dancing trees that looked as though as they stepped right out of an Oz fueled nightmare.  

Though, while this version is quite a bit of fun, it does seem to pull back  a bit for the younger audience with the inclusion of a certain duckbilled character dressed as a ghost. Still,  this version is quite a bit of fun, if only for the nostalgia factor that it brings.  But those dancing trees are a bit unnerving and there is something rather unsettling about that Captain Hook costume.  

It's as if those eyes are staring into your very soul trying to break you down.  Perhaps, we should move onto the next version and perhaps one of my favorites for all the imagery included in it.  

Grim Grinning Ghosts - House of Mouse

Consider this one a preview of a review to come in 13 days. Ooh 13, how befitting.  This version comes from the excellent Disney series, House of Mouse and what makes this version work so well are all the visual nods that they throw in there from the Hitchhiking Ghosts appearing onstage and singing the song to that of the Beating Heart Bride. And even the Mansion's famous wallpaper gets a nod but beyond that, we also see some nods to great Disney spooks such as The Skeleton Dance and even, The Lonesome Ghosts.  This version gives you everything a Disney fan could want from their classic scares all in one place.  

Grim Grinning Ghosts - Barenaked Ladies

For our next version, we look at the cover done by The Barenaked Ladies that was done for the 2003 film adaptation and well, it's okay but I fear that it sounds a bit too upbeat for my liking.  This is a song that is fun but not cheerful, it should still have a spooky edge to it and well, I don't hear that here.  Now yes, the Disney Villains version also pulled back on it's punches but as was stated, that was meant for a younger audience whereas this was for a big budget movie. It could have afforded to keep the spooky tone to the song but it is nowhere to be found in this version.

Grim Grinning Ghosts - Dapper Dans

We end with a performance with a performance from the world famous Disneyland Barbershop Quartet, the Dapper Dans.  And like the Barenaked Ladies cover, this version is fun but you can still hear a bit of the frights that are meant to go with this song in their voices but I don't hold them not having the whole spooky edge against them as this was an acapella on the street performance and for that, it's very good whereas the Barenaked Ladies version was a studio produced cover that just got the style of the song wrong.  This is easily, the better cover and it is quite a joy to listen to and one that I will most likely be returning to, time and again.

Well,  it is now time to lower the coffin to a two day rest but do not fear as I will return as I am joined by Les as we look at the...

Ghost Host

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