Take A Look at Disney


Remake Month: Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco

In 1996, three years after Homeward Bound was released, a sequel was released.  Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco.   Sequels to remakes are an odd beast as that means the stories have to expand in ways that carry what made the original work. And that's the thing,  this movie isn't bad but it's not as good as the original either.

The Plot

I won't be doing a full overview of the plot as that would just be taxing but the idea does remain somewhat the same in the pets are lost, however, they have other animals to help aid them and Chance gets a love interest. 

However, that brings me to a core issue with this sequel, the threat that the pets face feels less severe being lost in a city and having help from other animals. 

The stakes just don't feel as high in this movie as they were in the first movie.  And that's even with bringing in human antagonists, which is something that Homeward Bound truly doesn't need. Beyond that, the pets never truly felt lost and the movie duplicates the ending of the first where it faked us out with a Shadow death that didn't happen.  This time, it was with making you think that Chance had been hit by a truck. 

It's not a bad movie and there are great moments such as Shadow saving the little boy, Tucker but there isn't enough to warrant giving this a movie a re-watch.  With that outta the way,  I don't think there is much reason to discuss the characters as they are the same as they were in the first movie.

My Final Thoughts

Not a bad movie but not as good as the film that came before.  If you like Homeward Bound, this one is okay but like most sequels can't live up to what came before.  Next time, we continue Remake Month as we count as many spots as we can in the remake of...

101 Dalmatians

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