Take A Look at Disney


McLeach Vs. Clayton

Welcome back to Vs.  and today, we have two poachers going up against each other.   From The Rescuers Down Under,  Percival C. McLeach and from Tarzan,  John Clayton but seeing they're better known by their last names,  that's how I'll be referring to them.  Now this one will be a bit different as I had to cut out Song as neither one has a song and they aren't those type of villains.  So Instead, it'll be  Personality, Desire,   Action,  Death,  and Film Factor.  Now I should explain Action,  this will look at how they went out obtaining what they wanted.  Everything is self-explanatory. Let's get this out of the way. 

Personality (Round 1)


There's not doubt it but McLeach is evil and you can feel it each time and he doesn't hide it but rather he seems to embellish in it and makes him so much fun.  You know how cold-hearted he is and he just takes pleasure in all of his kills and nothing will stop him.  


Clayton is an interesting in that he hides his personality as throughout most of the film, he comes across a nice guy but in reality he is selfish and greedy and very violent but he hid it well.   Now don't get wrong, this is a nice idea and a nice touch and I think it shows how smart and cunning he can be but I gotta give it ot McLeach as I feel that he is so much more ruthless.  This round goes to...


Desire (Round 2)

Now let's be honest here, they're both poachers and after animals so that they do their job or make money and heck, that's why I chose them.


Now I'll admit that I'm a bit sketchy on McLeach  but if I'm remember correctly he was after Marahute and wanted to kill her and it seems to be more or less as a way to complete what he already started because we find out that he has already killed other members of Marahute's family and it seems to be more for game but he will sell their hides but again going back to Marahute, it seems to be more of a pride thing,  I mean as I've said he takes pleasure in killing and that can be seen when he sings his version of Home on The Range. 

Damn,  this is freaky as hell.


Clayton while not as obvious with his plans as McLeach was in it for money and basically viewed any creature that wasn't human as a means to make himself rich  and that is the main reason  agreed to take Jane and the Professor on this excursion because he knew about the gorillas and wanted to capture them and he does come close but again,  I have to go with McLeach because with him, I find it more interesting.


Action (Round 3)

Just as a reminder, this takes a look at how the two villains went about getting what they wanted.


McLeach was straight up with what he wanted and didn't feel the need to hide and again as I said when talking about his personality, he embellishes in his evil side.  It works great for him as a villain and makes for a fun watch. Man, this has to be the toughest round to judge.  


Now with Clayton,  as I said he resorts to trickery  and it  works I mean he manipulates Jane and the Professor to take him as they're guide and then he  later manipulates Tarzan by saying that Jane has not seen the gorillas and he gets Tarzan to take him to see the gorillas and there he lays his plan into action.   Now both methods work for both characters but I think that I like Clayton's trickery a little better and there I have to give this round to..


Death (Round 4)


Your going have to fast forward a bit to get McLeach's death.  As for it, it's okay but it doesn't live up to the villain.  I mean yeah falling over a waterfall is a nice touch and I do like the idea of nature being the thing that ultimately does him in but it has a feeling, "That's it!"   McLeach is a damn good villain and I just don't think he got a proper send off.  It's not bad but rather it just has a feeling of , "Oh, that's what they decided on".


Damn, what a way to go!   See, this is a great villain death right here.   A literal fight to the death with the hero but in the end, it isn't the hero that does him in but rather nature and to an extent himself.   Hear me out Clayton  cutting those vines and getting hanged like that  is his own doing and that is what brought his death upon him and there is just something so poignant about the way his knife lands at the end of this scene.   I'd be a fool not to give this round to Clayton. Therefore, he is the winner.


The Film Factor (The Final Round)

This is it,  the deciding round.  We're all tied up. Which villain worked better in their film?


McLeach dominates the screen whenever you see him and it's ashame he's underrated as  he commands  the screen and  you want to see what he's going to do next because he is just that interesting.   


Clayton isn't a bad villain but I do feel that he  can be overshadowed at points and that's not a bad thing for his character and he is fun to watch  but I don't know, I just don't feel it.  I wouldn't say that's he forgettable but the other characters stand out more in his film and for this round, I have to give it to McLeach.


The End Result

So at the end of the day, McLeach comes out on top.  Again these are both great villains but I think that McLeach is the better villain.  I like both of these characters but there is just something about McLeach that makes him a much more entertaining character.  


  1. Yeah Mcleach is one of the great underrated Disney villains! With McLeach though a big part of that character was George C. Scott's performance. That excellent performance demands presence and he stole every scene he was in. It was fantastic! Great job!

    1. Thanks, I agree and your not the only to bring up George C. Scott's performance.
