Take A Look at Disney


Songs Written Exclusively for The Stage

Last week, I talked about Stage versions of classic Disney songs and I guess you could say that I have been on a Disney stage Binge as of late.  Well, today I have decided to talk about songs that were written exclusively for the stage adaptions.  Since I forgot it last time, why don't I go ahead and start with the "The Little Mermaid".

Our first song is titled "She's In Love" 

Here in this song, Ariel's sisters and Flounder talk about how Ariel is in love with a boy and they how wonder who it is. They sing the differences they have noticed in her personality. This song starts out with just Ariel's sisters but later Flounder joins the group. This has a very '50s type vibe to it and for some reason I listen to this song I can't help but think of  "I'm Gonna Wash That  Man Right Out of Hair" from "South Pacific". Though that's probably just me. 

Her Voice

"Her Voice" is  sung by Prince Eric, her he recounts about the girl he met who had a beautiful voice not yet realizing that Ariel and the girl with the beautiful voice are one in the same.  It may be a short song but Eric realizes that the girl with the voice will come to him soon.

Next up is Beauty and The Beast

Our first song is titled "If I Can't Love Her"

In this song, Beast is singing about the pain he is going through with not being able to show Belle, his true emotions. This song takes place after Beast kicks Belle out of the room where the flower is kept.  You can hear the sorrow in The Beast's voice and how he wants to show Belle that he loves her but is afraid to.

A Change in Me

Here in this song Belle is talking to her father, Maurice about she  sees things differently and no longer sees the Beast as a monster but as a man. That he is a good person and that she knows she's in love with him and how she is okay with leaving her dreams behind for love.

Next is  Mary Poppins

Our first song is titled "Practially Perfect"

Here Mary Poppins is singing basically her resume to the children and telling them how she will help. It's a fun little number with Mary Poppins really getting the audience in the mood for the play.

Being Mrs. Banks

This is perhaps one of my all time favorite stage songs. In it, Mrs. Banks is singing about what it means to be Mrs. Banks to her and how George, her husband doesn't need money to make her happy. She just wants him to be happy.

Finally,  the two best songs ever written for a Disney Stage Adaption. They come to us courtesy of "The Lion King" First up  is "Endless Night"

Endless Night

This song takes when Simba sees Mufassa in clouds and he sings about his father was never when he needed them, which led to be so scared and unsure of himself. Just listen to the line"Whenever I called tour name/Your Not Anywhere". This line shows the fear that Simba had growing up without his father and he is scared but know he must face his destiny. This along with the next song can bring tears to my eyes.

He Lives In You

This song is actually a reprise of the "They Live In  You" from earlier in the play but I find this song to be much more powerful. In this song Ratiki (feamle Rafiki) is singing about how the spirit of Mufassa lives in all of them and he always will. Now I don't mean to get religious but you could also say that this song is about how God lives in all of us with Mufassa representing God.  That's just my theory.  I love the line "Have Faith",  that line gives me goosebumps each time I hear it. 

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this. Come back on the third for a special surprise celebrating my birthday.

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