Take A Look at Disney


Looking for a Blogger who can cover upcoming Disney news

As I have stated in the past, I have own blogsite Here is a link, so you can take a look. It is just another housing area for my blogs.  http://alookatdisney.blogspot.com/

Anyways I'm looking for a blogger to cover upcoming Disney news covering the parks, the movies, and anything else Disney related.  If you are interested send me an article at legoland2007@yahoo.com.  Please have an original title.  I'm sorry to say that there will be no payment. But this could get you known.   Also please keep this professional and avoid using profane language.  If you choose to send in an article, please include pics with your article and send it as a word document attachment.  In the e-mail, please leave a brief synopsis in the e-mail and put the title in the subject area of the e-mail.

If you are picked, you will be required to post but I'm pretty laxed about how often. While I usually like to post at least once a day. It will be up to you how often you post.  You can post once a week or once a month.  Also it's  up to you whether or not if you just want to post on my site or twtg.com as well. But if you choose to post on both sites, you can get more recognition.   

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