Take A Look at Disney


Urban Myths of Disney

Like anything that has been around for a while, myths have been built around Disney. Most of them are just fan speculation, some I can by and others in my humble opinion do not make sense in the slightest.  I'll be cover four different myths.

Myth 1: Gaston Killed Bambi's Mom

This one I don't understand but it is one of the oldest Disney myths around.  The myth being that Gaston is actually the Man who shot Bambi's mom.  I just don't buy it and there are  a few reasons why. First of all, while never it is never stated where "Bambi" takes place it is hinted at through the plant that is is somewhere in North America while Gaston lives in France.  Another reason I find this one unlikely is the time gap between the two movies, "Bambi" came out in 1942 while "Beauty & the Beast" came out in 1991. That is a big gap and I'm sorry I just  can't see how people came up with this conclusion.

Myth 2: Andy's Mom is actually Emily, Jessie;s original owner

This one while not as famous as the Gaston myth has been around a while. I think it's a cute idea that Andy's Mom would actually be Jessie's original owner.  Right now, I'm going have to place this one in the category of maybe because I have not found any solid proof to go either way and I would like think this is actually the case.

Myth 3:  Walt Disney was Frozen and buried in the Disneyland castle

This is perhaps one of the most famous myths regarding Walt Disney.  The story goes that when Walt, his body was frozen so that he could be brought back to life years after he died. This one I can say without a doubt is false because from all the reading I have done on Walt Disney, each book has said when he died Walt was cremated. 

There you go, these are just a few myths of Disney.  Do you know of any? By the way Request Month is coming up. 

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