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Music Fridays # 2 is a Breakthrough Blog

Hey guys, normally I wouldn't post two things in the same day but Music Fridays # 2: Sad Songs was recnogized by AnIdiotsLantern as a Breakthrough Blog. I was just watching C.R.I.T.IC TV and I saw this. This is so awesome. I'm just so happy that Music Fridays is gettting the kind of attention I was hoping it would because honestly I was nervous about starting a new segment.

Everyone seems to enjoy it though.   Thanks, AnIdiotsLantern to recnoginizing my blog and I loved your sniffle scene with Baby Mine. Thanks to all my readers who keep coming back esepcially BigBlackHatMan and Patrick O, you guys are awesome.  Anyways here is a link to the epsiode of  C.R.I.T.I.C TV in question along with a link to Music Fridays # 2: Sad Songs. Make sure to come back this Friday, when I go Country with Music Fridays # 4: We're Goin' Country.    


Music Fridays # 2: Sad Songs

For the heck of it, I want to share one of the songs from that blog with you, I give you Your Heart Will Lead You Home by Kenny Loggins

Thanks again to C.R.I.T.IC TV for showcasing my blog and thanks again to my readers.  Just so you know I'm pretty close to my 100th blog and there is going to be a big 5 blog celebration around the time I reach it starting with blog 95 so keep an eye out for those blogs.

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