Over the years, Mickey Mouse has been used to sell many products and well there have been some rather unique and odd choices of Mickey Mouse Merchandise. Today, I'll be taking a look at what I think are soem of the most uniques things to use the name of Mickey. Now these aren't your typical Mouse ears. They are shall we say, a little stranger but they are not all bad.
La Vida Mickey

Now a genre specific album using the likes of Mickey is nothing new and when this came out, Latin-Pop was big. I will admit that I own this CD, however I have not listened to it for a while but there two reasons why I now find this odd....
Lou Bega
I think it is safe to say Lou Bega was a one-hit wonder with Mambo Number 5. I'd like to play that song for you.
Now Mambo # 5 is basically Lou singing about he is a player so to speak and he can get any girl he wants. Fun song, catchy not bad. But this brings me to one of my problems with La Vida Mickey. As you see, Disney had Lou record a Kid-freindly version replacing the girls with Disney character names.
Now while I'm not opposed to this song as it is not bad, it just seems odd. Don't get me wrong if I had never heard this song, I would have never the actual Mambo # 5 but now that I'm older this just seems strange because in Mambo # 5, Lou is singing about all thse girls that he likes and wants to get with them. Here in the Disney version he is just listing the characters and saying why he likes them. I'm not a music reviewer but this just seems rather lazy.
According to the research I did there was follow up album to La Vida Mickey simply titled La Vida Mickey 2.

Mickey Mouse Ultitly Belt

Now this I found on a top list at nerd site, Topless Robot. I reccomend that site as they got some great articles. Anyways this comes from an article about the top 5 best and top 5 worst ultitly belts. I think we guess which one this landed on. If you said worst, you are correct. I can't remember the person's reasoning but it was not only because of Mickey. In my mind, I can understnad why someomeone would say this is a bad idea because when I think Mickey, I don't think ulitily belt. Also while this toy may sell its self as ulilty belt, I think that is false advertisement as it looks more likes Mickey's Camping Equipment. Also as I have mentioned in the past there are Disney comics being put right now where the Disney characters are featured as superheroes but when I last read an issue, Mickey did not have a superhero persona. Therefore that does not work either. As I said Mickey's name will pretty much sell anything but this just seemed like a bad choice.
Mickey Mouse Viewmaster

Now I don't how many of remember the Viewmaster but I loved this thing. It was a little bionacular where you'd put reels and click the bar and look at pictures. It was basically a lsiddeshow for kids. Yet, I found it entertaining and we have dozens upon dozens of these things. When I first saw these googles I thought they were so cool. I mean okay, yeah the main reason I thought they were cool is because it was Mickey. I like Mickey and also the design to me makes it look like Mickey is wearign sunglasses. Now I do not own these but they are awesome. Even at 22, I still want these things. Okay, I do have Finding Nemo Viewmaster bionuclars but c'mon it's Mickey. Oh well, maybe some day. Just not now.
There you go and so this concludes another blog about Disney toys and music. What are some odd yet awesome toys based on your favorite characters you wanted as a kid but now look back and say this thing is just odd. Tell me in the comments.
La Vida Mickey

Now a genre specific album using the likes of Mickey is nothing new and when this came out, Latin-Pop was big. I will admit that I own this CD, however I have not listened to it for a while but there two reasons why I now find this odd....
Lou Bega
I think it is safe to say Lou Bega was a one-hit wonder with Mambo Number 5. I'd like to play that song for you.
Now Mambo # 5 is basically Lou singing about he is a player so to speak and he can get any girl he wants. Fun song, catchy not bad. But this brings me to one of my problems with La Vida Mickey. As you see, Disney had Lou record a Kid-freindly version replacing the girls with Disney character names.
Now while I'm not opposed to this song as it is not bad, it just seems odd. Don't get me wrong if I had never heard this song, I would have never the actual Mambo # 5 but now that I'm older this just seems strange because in Mambo # 5, Lou is singing about all thse girls that he likes and wants to get with them. Here in the Disney version he is just listing the characters and saying why he likes them. I'm not a music reviewer but this just seems rather lazy.
According to the research I did there was follow up album to La Vida Mickey simply titled La Vida Mickey 2.

Mickey Mouse Ultitly Belt

Now this I found on a top list at nerd site, Topless Robot. I reccomend that site as they got some great articles. Anyways this comes from an article about the top 5 best and top 5 worst ultitly belts. I think we guess which one this landed on. If you said worst, you are correct. I can't remember the person's reasoning but it was not only because of Mickey. In my mind, I can understnad why someomeone would say this is a bad idea because when I think Mickey, I don't think ulitily belt. Also while this toy may sell its self as ulilty belt, I think that is false advertisement as it looks more likes Mickey's Camping Equipment. Also as I have mentioned in the past there are Disney comics being put right now where the Disney characters are featured as superheroes but when I last read an issue, Mickey did not have a superhero persona. Therefore that does not work either. As I said Mickey's name will pretty much sell anything but this just seemed like a bad choice.
Mickey Mouse Viewmaster

Now I don't how many of remember the Viewmaster but I loved this thing. It was a little bionacular where you'd put reels and click the bar and look at pictures. It was basically a lsiddeshow for kids. Yet, I found it entertaining and we have dozens upon dozens of these things. When I first saw these googles I thought they were so cool. I mean okay, yeah the main reason I thought they were cool is because it was Mickey. I like Mickey and also the design to me makes it look like Mickey is wearign sunglasses. Now I do not own these but they are awesome. Even at 22, I still want these things. Okay, I do have Finding Nemo Viewmaster bionuclars but c'mon it's Mickey. Oh well, maybe some day. Just not now.
There you go and so this concludes another blog about Disney toys and music. What are some odd yet awesome toys based on your favorite characters you wanted as a kid but now look back and say this thing is just odd. Tell me in the comments.
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