Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 9: Mickey Mouse Club

Welcome to a special Music Fridays that is part of my Mickey Mouse Club retrospective, Mickey Mouse Club Mouseka-Notes.  Now unlike most other Music Fridays, this edition will feature six songs. Two from each version of the show. That is pretty much the only change but other than that everything  else is the same. Put on your Mouse Ears as we take a listen to these songs from every version of  the Mickey Mouse Club.

The Setlist

Mickey Mouse Club '50s

The Mystery of Applegate Treasure

First off, I'm not sure if this is the name of the song but it is the name of this serial. Therefore I'm going by that. It is rather short but what do you expect as these serials were to partiuclary long. If you'll recall in Mouseka-Notes Pt. 1, when talk about The Hardy Boys, I said that the only video I could find was an awesome pirate song. Well this is that pirate song and some of you may be wondering what this song has to do with The Hardy Boys. From what I can gather, it is basically summarizing the plot in the most basic details of this serial. Not a bad idea.  I find it particulary catchy and fun to sing along with. I was going to judge this on its own mertis by sperating it from the serial but with it summarizing the plot, I'm not sure that can be done but I'll try. All right if we seperate the song from the serial,  it is a simple pirate song that is telling the legend of an old pirate and his treasure. It sill works there because it has a story to tell even if it r is rather short.  I also find the way that this song is sung alot of fun and can put a kid in the mood to go on a pirate adventure.

Triple R Ranch Song

Our next song is Triple R Ranch song. This is the theme from Spin & Marty. It gives us a description of all the characters and gives the audience a basic idea of the personalities of each of the characters. I find this to be both a fun ranch and fun campfire song.  I believe that anyone give have a fun time singing along with this song. Gratned, this would make more sense if you have watched Spin & Marty. I do apologize for teh quality but this is the best I could find and this version was recorded from a vinyl record.

Mickey Mouse Club '70s


This song here is titled Showtime and this is from one of the theme days that was doen onthis show. Something I did not mention in any of the Mouseka-Notes. All versions ahd theme days and the episode would have sketeches and songs correlating to the theme of the day. This one here from what I guess is that the Mouseketeers are going to show some of their talents.  Yes this was shot at one of the parks.


Okay, while this is more of a dance, there is still a dance. I have to say I think I may have found somethign else to like about the '70s version because as much I ragged on it. This song isn't that bad and it is original to this show. Dance moves are all right for kids. Certianly better than what I coudl pull off. Though it does appear that they made this easy to dance along to for the kids watching at home.


Now this is where things sort of dip for MMC because most of the songs that they perfromed were just covers.

When Can I see You Again - JC

Now we have finally moved away from Britney and Justin. This song here is sung by JC and as I said it is a cover. I do not know who sang this song originally but I have to say that I like JC's performance here. It certianly feels as though he knows the passion of the song and it also makes me wonder does anyone now think he was underused in N*Sync.  Anyways, I also find this song to be very calm and relaxing even if the subject matter might seem odd for a Disney Channel show but not really. The way I look at this song can be about a guy who went on a date with a girl and they had a great time and he wants to know when they can meet up again.

Right Here Waiting

Now I do know who sang this, this song was first sung by Richard Marx and no I don't know the name of the guy singing. At first , I had to laugh becasue I didn't think this song would fit with MMC but then I did some more thinking, this sketch deals with a boy who called into a radio station who just gotten into a fight with his girlfreind.   Sure, it may seem silly but with all love we want to believe that our partner will be there for us. While I find this cover enjoyable, nothing beats the Richard Marx version but I do suggest that you give a listen to the Clay Akien cover as well as he does a good job on this song.

Well there you go, this closes out Mouseka-Notes and I hope that you have enjoyed this look at all three versions of the Mickey Mouse Club. Oh, there is one last song that I need to include to bring this retrospective full circle.  We started with the opening theme from the classic Mickey Mouse Club and we are going to end with the Mickey Mouse Club Alma Matter or the closing song from the classic Mickey Mouse Club. Now I know I already included this song on Pt. 3 of Mouseka-Notes but it just felt right.

Join me next time for Music Fridays # 10 Grab Bag. Where I  grab  four of my favorite themes or genres that have been featured on Music Fridays and  give you songs that I could have included but I didn't. There will not be any Mickey Mouse Club songs as that would be too soon.

If you want to reread any of the Mouseka-Notes just click on one of these links

Mickey Mouse Club Mouseka-Notes Pt. 1

Mickey Mouse Club Mouseka-Notes Pt. 2

Mickey Mouse Club Mouseka-Notes Pt. 3

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