You know, we all have to own up to our mistakes and a while back I did a countdown of my Top 6 Goofiest Mistakes. Since then, there have been a few more mistakes that have been just as Goofy and today, I'm going to count down those mistakes.
6. Not Using Tags
Now this mostly applies to That Guy With The Glasses. For the longest time before, the blog updates, I never tagged my blogs there. Why? Well, the first reason is that I didn't think it was that important and also when I tried to use the old tagging system, my computer would freeze up. Now I'll be honest and say that I don't tag my articles on my blogsite but I don't see the need to there. Though, ever since the blog updates on TGWTG, I have tried to tag all my blogs with tags that fit.
5. Submitting a Reveiw to Reviewtopia
Now before I start this is not a hit on this site. You see a few months back, Reviewtopia was taking appliacations for new members. At the time, I decided to submit some stuff to Reviewtopia because honestly I wanted to see my series get more attention but later on, I realized that I didn't need a site to gain popularity and that I'm happier flying solo. Perhaps, I'll apply to another site in the future but not right now as I don't think I would be happy on a reveiw site and would just rather stick to my blogsite and TGWTG blogging community for posting.
4. What Happened to the articles I said I was going to write after my 1st Reviewtopia Announcement
After my first Reviewtopia announcement, I said I was going to review all of the films that I had listed on the poll for submission. Well to be honest, I didn't write any of those reviews for submission and I just forgot about them over time. I do recall that I had The Lion King and Meet The Robinsons had the poll and The Lion King had gotten most the votes. This is one is really inexcusable as everyone that voted in that poll expected a Lion King review and I didn't deliver. Why? I'm not sure, myself to be honest. I will admit that doing reviews do indimidate me and I find them to be a challenge but everyone needs a challenge. As I said I do find film reviews indimidating but I'd like to think that I have found my footing and I'm comofrtable with the way I do my reviews. They are perefect. Who's to say? All I know is that I'm more than happy to do a film review for you guys and sure I may question my reviews sometimes but in the end of the day, I'm happy with the work I produce. Also I think I found the idea of doing a Lion King reveiw daunting as many people myself included love that movie. Though after reviewing Snow White, I think I can take on The Lion King.
3. Whatever Happened to A Look at Disney Junior
Ah, yes something else I announced but it never happened. You see I had planned a special event where I was going to review an episode of 4 of the most popular Disney Junior Shows, they were Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, Jake and The Neverland Pirates and Special Agent Oso. Let me start by saying that I tried to watch an episode of these shows but I couldn't make it through any of them. I found Mickey Mouse Clubhouse embarrassing to watch as Mickey fan. While I found Handy Manny and Special Agent Oso boring. They gave me nothing to work with. They weren't bad shows but they were just so dull. Then Jake and The Neverland Pirates. Oh, that show would have been a rant on what they did to Captain Hook. Honestly, yes he was a comical villain but this show turned him into a buffoon. Not only that, I swear he looks like a bath toy in this show.
I mean I honestly expected a rubber duck to appear in the ocean each time I looked at Hook. It's just sad. So don't ecpect any Disney Junior reviews from me anytime soon.
2. My Can We Talk about Magic Kingdom Gay Days Article
Normally before I wrie an article especially a Can We Talk about, I try to research the topic at hand and while I thought that I had done enough research. I apparently hadn't as I had thought this was a Disney Sponsored event when in reality it is actually a protest held by the LGBT community at the Magic Kingdom as I was informed by someone who commented on that article. I apologize for misrpersenting this event and I promise to try and do the proper research before I write an article.
1. Taking So Long Getting Your Top 6 Songs Done
I'm just going to be honest and say I don't what happened here. I mean I first announced this on February 4th, one day after my birthday with the intent to have this thing done in March. I put up a list of all the songs and the blogs that they were featured on. Then I narrowed it down to 12 and put up that list. Then because of The Big Celebration (Blogs # 90 - # 100) I put it on the backburner and then a little while after I finished that I put up another list. Again forgot about it because of college finals and then I finally put up the voting list in June and finally got the list posted that same week. I have to say that I didn't mean for this to take so long to get done but it just happened that way and that is part of the reason I don't think I'll be doing another Your Top 6 anytime soon. Because I was bad about forgetting to post a list for you guys to vote off of. What I should have done was post the voting list every week until I had gotten the 6 songs locked in. In the end, it's done but I feel like I really procrastinated in this area. Posting a list every week probably would have saved me some trouble but at the same time, the list might have turned out different than the final list came to be.
In the end, these are the Top 6 Mistakes that are Just as Goofy as the last list of my mistakes. I'm sure there are other mistakes I have made but these are the ones that I noticed and I know I'll make more mistakes in the future because I'm not perfect. I'm not trying to be but I do think if Doug Walker taught me one thing it is good to look back and own up to the mistakes you have made. I appreicate that and I'm not trying to copy his video but rather be honest with not only my audience but myself and go over the mistakes or flaws that I noticed in my past articles. Well, I only see one way fit to close this out and that is with the Goofy Holler.
6. Not Using Tags
Now this mostly applies to That Guy With The Glasses. For the longest time before, the blog updates, I never tagged my blogs there. Why? Well, the first reason is that I didn't think it was that important and also when I tried to use the old tagging system, my computer would freeze up. Now I'll be honest and say that I don't tag my articles on my blogsite but I don't see the need to there. Though, ever since the blog updates on TGWTG, I have tried to tag all my blogs with tags that fit.
5. Submitting a Reveiw to Reviewtopia
Now before I start this is not a hit on this site. You see a few months back, Reviewtopia was taking appliacations for new members. At the time, I decided to submit some stuff to Reviewtopia because honestly I wanted to see my series get more attention but later on, I realized that I didn't need a site to gain popularity and that I'm happier flying solo. Perhaps, I'll apply to another site in the future but not right now as I don't think I would be happy on a reveiw site and would just rather stick to my blogsite and TGWTG blogging community for posting.
4. What Happened to the articles I said I was going to write after my 1st Reviewtopia Announcement
After my first Reviewtopia announcement, I said I was going to review all of the films that I had listed on the poll for submission. Well to be honest, I didn't write any of those reviews for submission and I just forgot about them over time. I do recall that I had The Lion King and Meet The Robinsons had the poll and The Lion King had gotten most the votes. This is one is really inexcusable as everyone that voted in that poll expected a Lion King review and I didn't deliver. Why? I'm not sure, myself to be honest. I will admit that doing reviews do indimidate me and I find them to be a challenge but everyone needs a challenge. As I said I do find film reviews indimidating but I'd like to think that I have found my footing and I'm comofrtable with the way I do my reviews. They are perefect. Who's to say? All I know is that I'm more than happy to do a film review for you guys and sure I may question my reviews sometimes but in the end of the day, I'm happy with the work I produce. Also I think I found the idea of doing a Lion King reveiw daunting as many people myself included love that movie. Though after reviewing Snow White, I think I can take on The Lion King.
3. Whatever Happened to A Look at Disney Junior
Ah, yes something else I announced but it never happened. You see I had planned a special event where I was going to review an episode of 4 of the most popular Disney Junior Shows, they were Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, Jake and The Neverland Pirates and Special Agent Oso. Let me start by saying that I tried to watch an episode of these shows but I couldn't make it through any of them. I found Mickey Mouse Clubhouse embarrassing to watch as Mickey fan. While I found Handy Manny and Special Agent Oso boring. They gave me nothing to work with. They weren't bad shows but they were just so dull. Then Jake and The Neverland Pirates. Oh, that show would have been a rant on what they did to Captain Hook. Honestly, yes he was a comical villain but this show turned him into a buffoon. Not only that, I swear he looks like a bath toy in this show.
I mean I honestly expected a rubber duck to appear in the ocean each time I looked at Hook. It's just sad. So don't ecpect any Disney Junior reviews from me anytime soon.
2. My Can We Talk about Magic Kingdom Gay Days Article
Normally before I wrie an article especially a Can We Talk about, I try to research the topic at hand and while I thought that I had done enough research. I apparently hadn't as I had thought this was a Disney Sponsored event when in reality it is actually a protest held by the LGBT community at the Magic Kingdom as I was informed by someone who commented on that article. I apologize for misrpersenting this event and I promise to try and do the proper research before I write an article.
1. Taking So Long Getting Your Top 6 Songs Done
I'm just going to be honest and say I don't what happened here. I mean I first announced this on February 4th, one day after my birthday with the intent to have this thing done in March. I put up a list of all the songs and the blogs that they were featured on. Then I narrowed it down to 12 and put up that list. Then because of The Big Celebration (Blogs # 90 - # 100) I put it on the backburner and then a little while after I finished that I put up another list. Again forgot about it because of college finals and then I finally put up the voting list in June and finally got the list posted that same week. I have to say that I didn't mean for this to take so long to get done but it just happened that way and that is part of the reason I don't think I'll be doing another Your Top 6 anytime soon. Because I was bad about forgetting to post a list for you guys to vote off of. What I should have done was post the voting list every week until I had gotten the 6 songs locked in. In the end, it's done but I feel like I really procrastinated in this area. Posting a list every week probably would have saved me some trouble but at the same time, the list might have turned out different than the final list came to be.
In the end, these are the Top 6 Mistakes that are Just as Goofy as the last list of my mistakes. I'm sure there are other mistakes I have made but these are the ones that I noticed and I know I'll make more mistakes in the future because I'm not perfect. I'm not trying to be but I do think if Doug Walker taught me one thing it is good to look back and own up to the mistakes you have made. I appreicate that and I'm not trying to copy his video but rather be honest with not only my audience but myself and go over the mistakes or flaws that I noticed in my past articles. Well, I only see one way fit to close this out and that is with the Goofy Holler.
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