Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 19: Jazz It Up

Jazz is a genre that I have always been curious about.  So I have decided to take a dab at learning about Jazz through listening to Jazz covers of popular Disney songs.  Now Jazz has a unique sound all it's own that was originated amongst the African-American during the start of the early 20th century. So join me as I Jazz it up on this swingin' Music Fridays (Okay, no more puns). Now do bear in mind that these songs will sound drastically different than their original format and heck, they'll even sound different from the Country covers.  But that does not make them bad, rather unique.

Beauty & The Beast - Elizabeth Shepard Trio

Now admittedly, when I first dived into this, I had no idea what to expect. While it clearly does not sound the same, I actually appreciate that as it gives the song,  a new flavor. I really dig the way the lady is singing this as it feels as she is pouring her heart and sould into this song. It's just great. Also love the inclusion of the intrstments as once again it gives the song, not a new life but a different form. While this is normally a love song and I still feel that here, I had so much fun listening to this song and I don't think that I have ever tapped my foot this long during a song.  I think my only real gripe is that I feel that this song could have done without the backup singers as I feel they bring the song down a bit but other than that, I love this.

Feed The Birds - Kurt Rosenwinkel

Ah, it looks as though we have reached the very first intrsutmental song for Music Fridays. I feel that this is a nice choice as it keeps the song simple for the most part. Granted, it does get a little busy in certain areas. Such as in the middle of the song but I like that and I can still recall the words. I actually found myself singing along with this at certain times. While the strongest, I still think it works and perhaps it is just me but I like the fact that the lyrics were excluded as it shows another way to do a cover. Also with excluding the lyrics, I think that gives the audience a wider scope of imagination. This is by and far one of the coolest covers that I have ever heard of a Disney song.

Everybody Wants To Be a Cat - Heather Marie Marsden

I don't know what it is about this song. But I find the way it is sung rather enticing and dare I say seductive.  Heather Marie Marsden took this song and turned it on his head. You can hear the fun she had with this song and why not. If any song should get a Jazz cover it is this one. It makes sense to me and it works. It is a great idea and it is so much fun. As I said though this is something about this song that I find rather enticing and I can't exactly pinpoint what it it is but I would say the way it is sung. Out of all the songs that I have featured thus far, I feel this one is the most simplistic.

It's a Small World

We end with what I think is the most creative cover and just as with Feed The Birds, it too is lyric free.   If nothing else this video is a lot of fun and I actually this song tolerable as I don't have to put up with those dolls.  Man, this guy is really getting into it and he did a bang up job. Again as with the Feed The Birds cover, I know the song so well, that I can recite lyrics without having to hear them. I will say that this video in my humble opinion does the best job of putting a fresh spin on a classic Disney song.

I hope you have enjoyed this rather fun Music Fridays. Join me next week for the 20th entry in Music Fridays. As I have got something extra special planned but you'll have to wait to see what it is.

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