Take A Look at Disney


Great Bloggers Tribute # 10: Moviefan12

Hey check out this recent interview that I took part in.

Greetings TGWTG fans.  Positive Troll here to resurrect a great blog series.  Before he left our ranks, NOTYETUSEDNAME(NYUN for short)had done a blog series called the Great Blogger’s Tribute.  This was a blog series where he selected a blogger to showcase every few weeks who produced an outstanding regular blog that brought something unique to the site, but might not be very well known to the community.
Having discussed my desire to continue his series, NYUN gave me his approval, so let me give the uninitiated a little background first.
Wishing to honor his good friend, James Daniel Walsh(Manic_Expression), NYUN wrote “Great Blogs, A Great Blogger and a Great Friend(Still alive and producing Awesomeness)” on June 7, 2010. http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/blogs/latest/entry/great-blogs-a-great-blogger-and-a-great-friendalive-well-and-still-producing-awesomeness
The article was well received and had many well-wishing comments(at least it did before the blogging system was re-vamped and all the comments were erased, but I digress....)
At the suggestion of Cferra, NYUN decided to make it an ongoing series.  In this fashion, NYUN gave a tribute to:
#2:  Daffy for Daffy Reviews
#3:  Cferra for Starbolts
#4:  A double tribute to Welshy and The Sad Panda for Sad Panda Q&A
(This was NYUN’s first successful prediction for a future Channel Awesome contributor)
#5:  J_Conrady for Liquid Nostalgia
#6:  AnthonyR for Music Freak
#7:  Cinfully Wicked for Song Lyric Smackdown
#8:  Derek@AudibleUnderwear for Music Video Theatre 3000
#9:  Diamanda Hagan for Diamanda Hagan Reviews, Homelesssb’sterrd Reviews, Bonekickers and Twatty Who.
(NYUN’s second successful prediction for a Channel Awesome pick up)
And so, for Great Blogger’s Tribute #10, I’ve decided to showcase:
Moviefan12 for A look at Disney
Oct 24th, 2010, Moviefan12 began his blogging career at TGWTG posting the simply titled blog:  The reasons I love A Goofy Movie
He introduces himself, and the reasons he loves A Goofy Movie(simple, right?)  His review is well organized, well written and insightful with many examples to support his opinions on the subject he, clearly knows a lot about.  This is a quality that will persist as he continues blogging.
On November 12, 2010, Moviefan12 introduces his signature series that will define him here at TGWTG blogs.  A look at Disney.  Blog#1, appropriately, An introduction to A look at Disney  http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/blogs/latest/entry/an-introduction-to-a-look-at-disney   He states his desire to write Disney themed articles and do fan requests for anything Disney(except for TRON-which he hadn’t seen, or Gargoyles-which he wasn’t into, but recommended Doug Walker’s video review which he also put a link to).
As he continued with the series, his writing style improved.  He learned how to include photos and music clips for his articles.  As always, he showed a meticulousness to detail that revealed his expertise in and passion for Disney.  It’s also noteworthy, that he puts out a high quality blog every, or every other day-now that’s hardcore blogging, my friends.   Even NYUN couldn’t match that schedule at his best productivity LOL!
I had the opportunity to talk with him recently.
PT:  How did your love for Disney begin?
MF12: It's hard to say, I have always had Disney in my life. Though I think my love for Disney came into full swing when I was in the theaters as a young boy watching A Goofy Movie for the first time. There was one scene where Max and Goofy were playing a game called Man or Woman. I think it was Max, I'm not sure who guessed “Walt Disney.” I recall saying "That's not a person". Then both my mom and dad informed that Walt Disney was a real person and my young elementary school mind just went "Whoa! You mean to tell me that someone actually created these characters that I love so dearly and Disney was more than just a brand name? To me that was the coolest thing. 
My other big love comes from reading How to be Like Walt, my favorite biography about the man. I highly suggest that book because that book knew the one thing that so many biographies seem to forget. Which is that Walt was person and he had flaws. This book actually works like a self help book in a good way in that it shows us what lessons we can learn from Walt's life and how we can use them in our everyday life. 
PT:  Yeah, being older, I was around for The Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday Nights on television, so I saw Mr. Disney weekly introduce the magic.  I’m very impressed with the knowledge of Disney you’ve accrued, my friend.  So, what made you decide to blog for TGWTG?
MF12: Linkara! Simply put, I saw what Linkara was doing with Atop The Fourth Wall. Cherishing the medium he loves(while poking fun at it at the same time). I tried that at first but over time I realized that I'm not Linkara, I'm Moviefan12, and I had to be my own person. I soon thought that I couldn't make fun of this stuff, and I don't like doing negative reviews.  This is the reason why I'll never review a direct-to-video sequel. True, there have been the occasional negative review such as Ben & Me, but that was different because I had never watched that particular short before. This is also the same reason that I'll never review a certain Pixar film that I despise that everyone else seems to love. 
PT:  ‘Nuff said about that Incredible family movie.....What are your favorite blogs in the series?
MF12: Gosh, there's so many that it's hard to pick but I have to say that I'm quite fond of writing Music Fridays http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/blogs/latest/entry/a-look-at-disney-music-fridays--13-richarad-sherman . 
It's almost easier to let you know that I think my worst article is Urban Myths of Disney http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/blogs/latest/entry/a-look-at-disney-urban-myths-of-disney . 
Though one that I'm the most proud of for personal reasons is Stitch Has a Glitch & I Have Seizures http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/blogs/latest/entry/a-look-at-disney-stitch-has-a-glitch-a-i-have-seizures . That was a hard one to write because of how personal the subject matter was but it turned out well. 
I'm also quite fond of my review of Beauty & The Beast http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/blogs/latest/entry/a-look-at-disney-beauty-and-the-beast as I feel that is my strongest review to date. 
Then there is all of my cross overs, though if I had to pick my favorite cross over, that would be Top 6 Leading Ladies of Disney http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/blogs/latest/entry/a-look-at-disney-top-6-leading-ladies-of-disney-with-dawnheart , which I worked on with Dawn_Heart. Such a lovely young lady. At the end of the day, Stitch Has a Glitch and I Have Seizures, is the article that I am most proud of.
PT:  Those were very good blogs.  I’d also add to that list, one of my personal favorites.  The touching tribute you wrote for the late Roy E. Disney:  A Look at Disney The death of Roy E. Disney  http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/blogs/latest/entry/a-look-at-disney-the-death-of-roy-e-disney   It isn’t easy to write about our heroes when they pass away.  You did an exceptional job, my friend.  Have the comments helped you with your blogging?
MF12: Extremely, sometimes they help me when I make mistakes in my facts as BigBlackHatMan has helped me with a time or two. Though more than just the comments, one blogger has helped me in particular. James Daniel Walsh aka Manic_Expression helped me to improve my blogging skills and also helped me when I had to deal with a minor annoyance one of my blogs that was a Redo of my Top 6 Underrated Disney Songs http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/blogs/latest/entry/a-look-at-disney-top-6-songs-that-are-truly-underrated . Which ironically enough the original version ended up getting me an Awesome Blog of The Week from PushingUpRoses. 
My first nonetheless. 
James with Stop The Hate, helped to inspire the "Can We Talk about" articles. I saw what he was doing with Stop The Hate, and I thought to myself-I could something like that with Disney.  That was the original idea, but it has grown into so much more than that. In fact, I even had James on a Can We Talk about one time where we took a look at Disney Rumors http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/blogs/latest/entry/a-look-at-disney-can-we-talk-about-disney-rumors-with-james-daniel-walsh . That was so much fun to do. 
Besides that though the other commenters help me to keep going as I love seeing that people love seeing what I have to say about Disney. I tend to avoid the word fans in my articles because it just feels weird to say that because I think “who am I to use that word?” But I would be lying if I didn't say that I thought I had a mirco-fanbase. I'm not even sure I can call it a small fanbase just yet. 
PT:  Trust me, my friend.  You do have a loyal following.  I hope, with this article, we can expose your art to a larger audience.  What are your plans for the series?
MF12: Well in the near future, I have some big events coming-including an article celebrating Walt Disney World's 40th anniversary. I had the hardest time coming up with what to do. I originally thought about taking a look at the opening day celebration of Walt Disney World, but I decided to go a little more personal and talk about my favorite Disney World memories. I also have my one year anniversary of blogging coming up where there is a poll up on Reviewers Unknown to vote for what I'll review. I also have a special Music Fridays coming up that will be a Channel Awesome Music Fridays where I'll being taking a look a two covers of Disney songs by people from TGWTG and also a Kickassia Fan made music video that uses a great Disney song. Outside of A Look at Disney, I have also recently started a new series titled Survivor Recap. In this I'll be doing weekly recaps of the episodes of Survivor that air. I have decided to do this because as much as I love Disney, I felt like I wanted to talk about Survivor too and I haven't seen anyone cover reality shows and they are actually a fan of it. Only time will tell how this new series pans out.
PT:  And there you have it, my friends.  And so the time has come to lift our glasses for the traditional Great Blogger’s Tribute Toast:  “Here’s to you, Moviefan12.  May your passion for all things Disney never fade as you continue to share your love for this magic maker in your inimitable way.  May your fan base grow with TGWTG members who will be inspired by your craft.”
And thank you TGWTG fans for giving us some of your time to appreciate one of your own.  Peace.

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