Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 22: Already Established Used In Disney Movies

Today on Music Fridays, we will taking a look at songs that were already popular before being used in a Disney film. Now if you recall my Lilo & Stitch review,  I stated that  I found this idea lazy. Let me clarify, while the idea of using already established songs does come off as lazy to me, I don't think of the songs as lazy. Just the practice. To be honest, if I had not heard these songs when attached to something Disney related, I may have not known about them. Now this will be a mix of songs actually sung by the original artists that were used in the film and covers of already popular songs the were covered for the film. For the covers, I have decided not to include the originals. In this Music Fridays, I want to mainly focus on how the song fits in with the film.

Somewhere Only We Know - Keane

To tie in with the release of Winnie The Pooh, I have decided to talk about this song, Somewhere Only We Know. Here is an example of a song that I did not know about until I first heard it in the trailer for Winnie The Pooh. The way  I see it, this song fits in with the promotion of the film more so than the film. Because it feels as though this song is being used to tug at the child in all of us reminding us of the times in the 100 Acre Woods with Pooh Bear. So in that sense, I think the song fits quite well. I also feel that while it has a different sound than all of the songs I featured when I last  talked about Pooh Bear songs, it still fits in nicely.

Route 66 - John  Mayer

Now unlike Somewhere Only We Know,  I was familiar with Route 66 before seeing Cars as that is a classic song. Funnily enough, the soundtrack for this film features both this version and the Chuck Berry version of the song.  ( Which you would know if you checked out my Music Fridays on the Cars soundtrack that was a part of Automobile Month.) Now it is easier to see how this song ties with the film that it is attached to. A.  Radiator Springs is on part of Route 66. B. It's a classic car song so that it makes sense to include in this film.  I must say that I really dig the John Mayer version as it breathes some new life into this song. Oh, don't get me wrong the Chuck Berry version is timeless but their is just something about this cover that gets me pumped.

I Melt with You - Bowling For Soup

I love, love, love this version of I Melt With You.  Now I have heard the original version and I can't quite recall who sang it but this cover which was featured in Sky High is just so upbeat and fun.  I mean sure the inclusion  is melting and superheroes and well, the best I came come up with is that is supposed to be their superpower. Well, that is the superpower of one of the sidekicks in this film. I don't  know what it is about this song but I think I enjoy it because of the way, the band sings this song. It's just so much fun.

For our last song, we will be heading back to the world of Cars, to take a look at a song that was featured in Cars 2.

You Might Think - Weezer

This is one song, where I knew I had heard it before and I knew it was a cover but I couldn't recall who sang it. After doing some research this song was made famous by the band, The Cars.  Ironic, isn't it. No, not really.  Now this is one song where other than the original band name, I had a hard time figuring out how it tied into the film. The best guess I can come up with is that instead of talking about a troubled romance as I believe that is what the song may be about, the song was reworked here to focus on the friendship between Mater and McQueen. But it does not work at all.  I mean sure, Mater is crazy and goofy but the lyrics in this song to me at least still hint at it about being love.

Join me next week when I take a look at songs that are either sung or about male characters that well are just manly and I think Linkara can say it best for these characters...

Poll for Year One & Halloween Update

I decided to give you guys another update on the Year One Poll. Currently nothing has changed too much as Tangled is still in the lead but there is still time to vote.  Just click on this link if you wish to vote.    

Also some of you may know as I posted on the Reviewers Unknown forum, I was looking for ideas for Halloween reviews. Well I came up with a list of things to review and here you are. I hope you guys are excited about this as it is something that I'm really looking forward to.  The Halloween articles will start one day after the anniversary article is put up. With that out of the way, here is what you can expect for  A Look at Disney Halloween

Day 1: Top 6 Male Villains  (Oct.  17th)

Day 2:  Top 6 Female Villains (Oct. 18th)

Day 3:  The Tower of Terror (film)   (Oct. 19th)

Day 4:  The Other Haunted Mansion (Oct. 20th)

Day 5:  Music Fridays: Villain Songs (Oct. 21st)

Day 6:  Classic Shorts Showcase: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Oct. 22nd)

Day 7:  Top 6 Henchmen (Oct.  25th)

Day 8:  Boo to You Too! Winnie the Pooh (Oct. 26th)

Day 9:  Disney Costumes (Oct. 27th)

Day 10: Classic Shorts Showcase: Skeleton Dance (Oct.  29th)

Day 11:  Mickey's House of Villains (Oct. 31st)

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