Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 26: Channel Awesome

Yes, that's right today on Music Fridays, I turn my attention to Channel Awesome. The very thing we love and I have found some great videos of them singing some classic Disney songs and one Kickassia FanVid that uses I'll Make a Man Out of You. Let's get started.

Kickassia Makes a Man Out of You

 When  I first watched Kickassia I was just getting into the site and doing an all day Nostalgia Critic marathon. Needless to say I was left confused as to everyone but Doug and Linkara were.  Now that I got that out of the way, let's focus on the video. Okay, this video is just great. Oddly, this song works for Kickassia. I don't  know why it does but it does and the person that made this video chose all the right scenes for this video. I think one of the funniest things is how the line, "Hope he doesn't see right through me" takes on a new life in this video and almost becomes menacing when you think about what Nostalgia Chick was trying to do The Critic.  Besides I love that he gave the Mushu line to Angry Joe, it's just so funny.  Also for some reason, I want to hear The Snob say the line, "I'm never gonna catch my breath" now because that would be funny to hear in The Snob voice.  Brilliant move on using Insano for the line, "Say goodbye to those who knew me".

Part of Your World - The Ladies of Channel Awesome

Now as some of you may know right around the same time Lindsey posted her video review of The Little Mermaid, I posted a text review of the film and I said that I liked it. Anyways with that out of the way, I haven't watch much Nostalgia Chick, didn't really start watching her stuff until she started doing the Dark Nella saga.  Though I have noticed in at least three of the videos, that I have watched they end with a musical number.  Personally this one comes close but my favorite musical number  has to One Day More from her Le Mis review.  Though this one is great and all of the ladies do quite a nice job. Now I don't know if Nella's Sign Language is accurate but if it is, that gets big props in my books because I like the blending and Sign Language is recognized an official foreign language. Personally, my favorite person in this number has to  be PushingUpRoses as  I think her voice fits this song quite well and honestly she seems to be the most natural singing this song. Runner-up would have to go to MarzGurl as I just love the scenes of her going through her Marvin The Martian stuff.

A Whole New World - Spoony

Admittedly, I have not seen the video that this video actually comes from but I was laughing when I heard this.      Spoony, I like your videos but this is not good, it works a great joke but it is a little hard on the ears.  Though for some reason, I can actually picture Spoony dressed as Aladdin singing this. The facial expression on Insano is just priceless. I do appreciate the fact that this video ends with the actual song but not the greatest. Still fun, though.

I hope you have enjoyed this special Channel Awesome themed Music Fridays. Now if only, we could get Harvey Finevoice  to do a Disney cover and I also hope that you don't think I was being too fanboyish but if you do that is fine.  This is just something that I wanted to do and I thought it would be a really Music Fridays. Join me next week when I take a look at the songs from what I consider one of the best cartoon series to air in recent memory as I take a look at the songs of....

Phil Collins.  Oh, did I forget to mention that this one is a cross over? But with who? If you've read his blogs, you should know. Here's a hint he too is on Reviewers Unkown.

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