Take A Look at Disney


KP Week: Go Team Go

Hello and welcome to the celebration.  Today, join me as I review the episode Go Team Go and take a look at Shego's past.

The Plot

The basic plot of this episode is that we learn that Shego used to be part of a superhero team with her brothers called Team Go. They apparently received their powers from a meteor that was colored like an Easter Egg and now their arch foe,  Aviarius has returned and stolen their powers and Kim somehow had absorbed the powers of Hego,  Shego's older brother.   So KP  has to unwillingly team up with Shego in order to take down this new foe and help restore the powers of Team Go.  The plot for this episode was nothing special but it worked nicely.

Episode Title

Go Team Go

Seeing as this is an episode, I'll be taking a look at the title.  This title is fun and reminds of older superheroes with how they would have a battle cry.  Simple but it works.


Now normally, I would just break an episode review like this down into Main, Supporting, & Villains but this one of those rare times where I had to swap out Main with Important.

Important Characters

Team Go

First and foremost I actually want to talk about Team Go.  The team is comprised of Hego, Mego, The Twins (Wego),  & Shego.  They used to be one of the greatest superhero teams in the world but the more they fought evil, the more Shego liked evil and decided to turn to the dark side.   Now each sibling has a unique power, Hego has super strength,  Mego can shrink and The Twins can duplicate themselves.   Shego was just granted the power of heat rays.   Now here I want to go into the personalities of the team save for Shego.  Hego is the leader type and take charge. Mego is pompus and  thinks that the world revolves around him. Probably why he was my least favorite of the team.

Kim Possible voiced by Christy Carlson Romano

Kim is her usual self in this one but something about seeing her team up with Shego was intriguing to say the least.    The only major difference here being that she obtained Hego's super strength.   Thus he had to contact KP as he needed her help in taking down their foe.  Kim was awesome as always and adding in a layer of super strength was a nice touch but I will say that at the end of the day, I prefer a powerless KP as to me that is more exciting.  

Supporting Characters

Ron Stoppable voiced by Will Friedle

Ron was his usual goofy self in this episode if slightly turned up a notch seeing as how Go City where majority of the episode takes place is home to the biggest Bueno Nacho.   Ron's favorite eatery in the world.  Needless to say he is in Heaven until he finds out that this particular Bueno Nacho does not serve the Naco.   This becomes a running gag throughout the episode and it's an okay joke.   Of course,  I actually think that it's made funnier that Hego is the general manager of Go City's Bueno Nacho.   It was actually pretty funny but here KP seemed over shine Ron a bit and I'm not saying that's a bad thing as this wasn't a Ron centric episode but at the same time there are moments when there is too much KP and not enough Ron.  Don't get me wrong, he is hysterical and probably has one of the funniest lines in the entire episode.

That is the second biggest flamingo that I have ever seen

Yeah, it doesn't work so well out of context but it stills pretty funny and for the most part Ron was decent enough in this episode.

Rufus voiced by Nancy Cartwright

Ah, Rufus he was probably my second favorite character on the show. If you want to know who my favorite is just look at the first two letters in the event's title.   It was kind of cool actually in the climax because Rufus got in on the action when he somehow absorbed the powers of Team Go and fought Shego.  The little guy could hold his own and put up a pretty good fight. While not as strong a fighter as KP,  he was still pretty good.  It was funny yet exciting at the same time to see him take on Shego.


 Aviarius voiced by Richard Holtz

All I can say about this villain is that I'm glad that he was not used not much during the show's run.  He was probably my least favorite thing about this entire episode. If I understand this character correctly I think he was supposed be a parody of the type of villains that you would see appear on the old (and in my opinion awesome) Adam West Batman series.  Sadly, that didn't work for me. Don't get wrong, the show has done over the top villains. Heck the most of the rouges gallery are over the top but I feel that they took this character in a direction that just didn't work and honestly he didn't seem like a big threat. Now I know that this is a children's show and the villains usually aren't that threatening but they can be.   Just take a look at say Monkey Fist or Shego.  Heck, even Dr. Drakken can be a real threat when he puts his mind to it and gets rid of any distractions.   Him, not so much.

Shego voiced by Nicole Sullivan

Okay, now we're talking.  As you know Shego is my favorite KP villain.  Like always, she rocked in this episode.  Her interaction with her brothers and how she didn't put up with their antics was hysterical and of course at the end,  she betrayed the team and tried to steal all of the powers for herself.   No one should really be surprised by that move.  I gotta tell ya with how of the powers of Team Go,  Shego is someone that you shouldn't mess around with.  It was actually pretty cool seeing her with all of those powers.  Even though she had all the powers and lost them.  It seemed as though she intentionally lost because somewhere deep down she may still care about her brothers.

My Final Thoughts

This was a decent enough episode and it was fun learning about Shego's past. While I did have some qualms with it, it was still a passable episode. Not the best but by far not the worst.   It was a fun watch.

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