Take A Look at Disney


Top 6 Posts of A Look at Disney 3.0

Ah, it's that time again.  Time to countdown the Top 6 Posts of A Look at Disney from # 200 to # 300.  I gotta be honest with ya, this was harder than last time because not trying to sound cocky or anything but I really think that I churned out some great articles, this go round.   Now seeing as I produced a lot of good stuff, I've had to change things a bit. First, I'll mention the cross over as honorable mentions. It's not that that I didn't enjoy working with you guys but I also want to take a look at what I wrote.  Secondly,  only one per segment that I do.   With that out of the way, let's begin.

Honorable Mentions (Crossovers)

I certainly did a a lot of cross overs this time,  I mean I was even a guest on someone else's blog twice.  I got to do one of my dream cross overs with James for our Music Fridays on Phil Collins.  Pos and I did my first two part cross over when we counted down our Top 6 Disney Dads.   For all the cross overs I've done, I had a blast doing them and well,  I hope to do more with some new faces and some returnees.  With that out of the way, let's get to the list.

This was probably one of the angrier articles I've written but that goes back to what this article was about.  This article,  I have to be honest and say that I have a strange relationship with it.  On the one hand, I'm happy that I wrote this because I was furious when I found that song. But at the same time, you could make the argument that my hate blinded me and that this song should still be around. Though I for the most part stand by what I said in this article and I do believe that  this one of the few times where my anger jumped off the screen.  

This was the toughest to choose because I love writing Music Fridays, it's my favorite thing to do for you guys.  Picking a favorite wasn't easy but at the end of the day, I had to go with # 26: Channel Awesome.  This one is my favorite probably because it mixes two things I love: Channel Awesome and Disney. And you can't tell me that Kickassia video is not awesome.  I'll admit, it is strange that I chose a Music Fridays that wasn't even posted on a Friday.  Here's that video by the way.

I'll be honest with you guys, this is perhaps the funniest I've gotten to be in one of my articles.  This was just so much fun to write making fun of those stupid costumes.   I still want to know, what they were thinking with these.  Each time I see this picture I crack up.  They look so stupid.   Plus I got to use my favorite joke in this article and that always makes me happy when I get to use the Disney Face Palm.

I introduced a new segment  this go round, Vs. and well this one is probably one of my favorites. A. because  it got a really strong response and I just thought it would be really fun to pair these two up.  As I've said in the past, these are some of the harder articles to write. Now while Tiana Vs. Belle, may have gotten more comments,  I like this one more but I can't really say why.

Now there was no way that I could leave this off the list.  This was a big moment for me and I'm proud of this article and I'm prod of what it stands for. A year of sharing my passion for Disney with you guys.    Having  my readers vote on the topic really seemed to be a great idea  and they couldn't have picked a better topic with the opening Day of Disneyland.  Great pick,   Now I went back and forth over whether or not to put this one in the the # 1 spot but at the end of the day, there was an article I  felt deserved the number 1 spot more.

Now I  knew I wanted to include this on this list.  This just as with the previous # 1 on the last Top 6 Posts,  was a bit more personal.  I had wanted to talk Roy and mainly his death and how it affected me as a fan of Disney.  As I said in that article, that was not an easy day when I got the news.  This is probably one article that I'm very happy that I wrote because I like talking about the people of the company and Roy was one of the most important people in the company and his death touched me because as I said in that article, that day it felt like the magic was gone.  I didn't cry when he died but just sat in my kitchen in disbelief.   I was hoping against hope that it was just some stupid rumor that turned out not to be true.  As we know, that wasn't the case though.  

There you have it,, my Top 6 Posts of A Look at Disney 3.0   Tell me in the comments, what were some of your favorites and here's to 300 more!


  1. I found myself giggling out loud. Those costumes are beyond stupid. Really, what were they thinking? Also, the Kickassia video's sync between music and the footage is just perfect. :)
    I was greatly shocked by #6. It's a twisted and disgusting song, yet it helps me realize that we mustn't forget what happened long ago caused by those who didn't deserve to be called"humans".
    I wish I were here earlier to look at your awesome posts and you are the most passionate Disney fan I've ever met. I am so glad I found your blogs. :)

  2. Yeah, the costumes are pretty dumb and that Kickassia video is awesome and as for # 6, well that is perhaps the most rage inducing I've ever gotten on A Look at Disney and I agree with you that it is a great window into the past and a reminder of what happened. I'm glad you found my blogs as well and yeah, I'm pretty passionate about Disney but I'm just one of many passionate Disney fans.
