Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 46: Music From Roger Rabbit (Roger Rabbit Week)

Hello and  welcome back to Music Fridays. Today, I  continue Roger Rabbit Week as I take a look at the music of Roger Rabbit. Enjoy!  

Smile, Darn Ya, Smile!

This is such a fun song and it instantly makes me think of ToonTown.   It's so cheerful and upbeat and over the top and funny.  It's a fun listen and it certainly gives off that cartoonish vibe and it works.   In some ways, this song makes me think of the Silly Symphonies from back in the day and how this song sounds like a bigger production of a song that you'd hear in one of those.  Still a lot of fun to listen to.

Eddie's Theme

Hmm, not what I was expecting for Eddie.   This tune is rather upbeat and cheery for a character like Eddie Valiant, I was expecting more of a somber tune for this character. It almost seems to clash with his character but still it's a good listen and I like it all the same.   Certainly  has a classic feel to it and I love the intrustmentals.    This feels like something that you'd hear in lounge on a cruise and it's the last thing I would think of for Eddie Valiant but all the same, I still like it.

Judge Doom's Theme

This is most certainly an intriguing piece of music for a villain.  I love the way it sounds,  it has that menacing feel to it that fits Doom to a tea and then there are these quiet moments.  I wish I had known about this one sooner as I really like it.  This does what I think good music should do and takes you on a roller coaster of sounds.  I also love the fact that it's not in your face but instead there is a slow build up and I have to say certain sounds make me think of people  trying to run away from Doom.    If I were to compare this to anything, it'd have to The Stampede from The Lion King on Broadway.   Though The Stampede does have a bigger sound to it and more bombastic,  I still feel  there are certain attributes that are close to each other in both scores.

The Merry Go Round Broke Down (Roger's Song)


This is a fun little moment and while I do prefer Eddie's version, Roger's is still a lot of fun and it does a great job at setting him up as a goofball of a character.  It's silly and over the top just like Roger is and it is so funny.    Now as mentioned yesterday, that is actually the Looney Tunes theme that Roger is singing along to and while I think it comes across better is Eddie's version, you can still hear a hint of it and oh as for the lyrics, the Disney Wiki has them up on their site on the page for  this.  Just click that link to get them and enjoy.   

Well, I hope that you've enjoyed this special Music Fridays. Join me Monday when I close out Roger Rabbit Week by taking a look at what I consider my favorite Roger Rabbit memory as I take  look at...

Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin


  1. I know it's overused, but no "Why Don't You do Right"? Still great selection.

  2. Well, I already used it on Trail Mix-Up and it was # 6 on my Top 6 Moments from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Using it three reviews in the same time frame felt a bit redundant.
