Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 55: Newsies (Broadway)

Making it's Manic Expression debut is something I've missed seeing get  responses.  (boy that sounds petty)  Anyways, that's right I've decided to bring Music Fridays over to ME starting with a look at 4 songs from the Broadway adaption of Newsies. A film that I reviewed not too long ago.  Anyways let's get a move on.

Santa Fe

Uh, what happened to the lyrics? These are all new lyrics. It really seems different.  Is it going to be like this for all the songs?   Okay maybe I'm overreacting here and I have to say I'm not a fan, I think Christian Bale did a better job. Now I do understand that with a stage production, you have to belt but here it just seems forced and fake.    It just doesn't feel genuine and this singer is not that good.

King of New York

Hmm,  again it's okay but this version sounds corny.  Uh, where's Denton?    (Does some research)   What, Denton has been replaced.  NOOOO!!!   I'm sorry but he was the best character in the movie.   Who's this new character, Kathleen Plumber, a female news reporter that is the the love for Jack. Well that's a plus but still no Denton.   That is a strike against this show in my book.   The stage show of Newsies is't impressing me so far.   This song is miles better than what they claim is Santa Fe because that isn't Santa Fe.  This one at least keeps the spirit of  the song.

The World Will Know

You are forgiven for what you did to Santa Fe.  This is perfect, this is what The World Will Know should be.   It is just perfect.   I'm sorry for all the bad things I thought while listening to Santa Fe.  This song is just gorgeous.   This is THE song that stands out. It is bar and none of the best Broadway versions of a Disney song I've heard.   Sure, it's different but the spirit  of the song is still there.   I'd almost go so as far to say that this version is stronger than the film version and I love the film version.  God,  this song would so convince me to see the musical.  and this song shows me that it being Tony nominated was not a fluke because it  deserves to shine.  Does anyone  find it funny that Disney took a film that was flop and made it into a stage musical that is now Tony nominated?    Granted isn't the first this has happened but still.  I think this just goes back to my theory that Disney used the wrong medium to tell this story and it should've been a stage play than a movie.    

Once and For All

Again, we have some lyric changes but not many and actually, I think this one is an improvement as we get to hear all of the Newsies and I think it makes the message stronger.  Again, this is a nice song and you can feel the passion and anger that the Newsies have. Something is going to stop them from getting what they want and I just love it and it is just poignant.   This is a good song, not as good as the previous song but I've noticed a pattern here, the two songs that involve the Newsies and focus mainly on the strike seem to have the better delivery. Odd, but it works. 

I hope that you have enjoyed my looked at these songs.  Join me next week when I take a look  at more strange covers.  

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