Take A Look at Disney


Dr. Drakken Vs. Dr. Doofenshmirtz

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  And welcome back to Vs. and today, I am doing a Vs. that I've been wanting to do for the longest time.   Today on Vs.,  it's the battle of the of the doofus Dr. D's.  From Kim Possible,  Drew Theodore Lipsky and from Phineas and Ferb, Dr. Heinz Doofensmirtz.  Oh, this one is going to be so much fun.  Two of the silliest and perhaps Disney Television villains going up against one another.  Now seeing as these are TV baddies, this will work a wee bit differently from a regular Vs.   Most of the usual categories had to be thrown by the wayside for this one but I wanted to do this one so badly.   Here are the categories,  Personality (Round 1), who has the better personality.  Backstory (Round 2), why did they become a villain?  Rivalry (Round 3), what good is a villain without a hero to round their rivalry?     Big Scheme (Round 4),  what was their big scheme that brought them close to success and finally Entertainment Value (The Final Round), simply put who is the more entertaining villain.  With that out of the way, let's begin.

Personality (Round 1)

Dr. Drakken 

Drakken is not dumb.  One should not make that mistake with him as when he puts his mind to work, he can pull off one of his plans as seen in So The Drama.  However,  Drakken does have 2 huge flaws that always seem to trip him up, he is petty and gets upset very easily when his plans do not work.  Similar to Shredder in the '80s Ninja Turtles cartoon.   Another big thing to take away with Drakken is at one point in the show's run he becomes very scared of Shego after he used a min control chip on her. Drakken does also have a bit of fraidy cat side to him, which is quite humorous.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz

Doof is an idiot, plain and simple.   I am convinced that he only became evil because he could not hold down an actual job. He is so inept at everything he does. It is very comical and  more times then not, Doof is his own downfall.   Still,  I love the guy b Drakken is more composed so I gotta give this round to...

Dr. Drakken

Backstory (Round 2)

Dr. Drakken

Again, this is a look at why these guys became evil. Starting with Drakken, there are actually two direct points in his life that led to him becoming evil. First as a young boy, he had listened to  a wax recording of his great-great-great grandfather, he was intrigued by his ancestor talking about one of his plans and it led young Drew Lipsky to start building torturous devices.  Later on in life during his university days, Drew was laughed at for his designs for the Bebe, which he would use years later to exact revenge on the people that laughed at him including KP's dad, Dr. James Timothy Possible.  

Dr. Doofenshmirtz

Doof had a comically tragic childhood growing up as we see in almost every encounter he has with Perry.  His parents never loved him and made him due stupid things and as Doof said, when he was born, his parents didn't even bother to show up (It's a cartoon, go with it).   His parents were mentally abusive and always loved his brother Roger more.   This is tough as I could make a case either way because Doof had a sad upbringing but Drakken's backstory is quite intriguing.  Knowing that he was interested in evil from a very young age. Hmm,  I'm really not sure who to give this to as these are both great but I think Doof just barely edges out Drakken in this round.

Rivalry (Round 3)

Dr. Drakken

I've said it before and I'll always say it.   Drakken thinks that he has a rivalry with Kim Possible.  But KP's true rival is Shego.   So, I cannot say that Drakken has a true rivalry with KP.  I mean don't get me wrong, he takes the rivalry seriously but it is such a one sided rivalry as KP is better then Drakken in every way.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz

Doof's rivalry with Perry is genuine.  While yes Perry is smarter and better then Doof in every way, Perry does view Doof as his rival and the feeling is mutual. And sometimes, the way Doof views it almost seems as though Perry is the closest thing, he has a friend.    So without a shadow of a doubt, I have to give this round to..

Dr. Doofenshmirtz

Big Scheme (Round 4)

Dr. Drakken

For Dr. Drakken's Big Scheme.  I have to turn to So The Drama.  As I was saying, when talking about Drakken's personality.  When he wants to put his mind to something, he can succeed. And that is seen here as he created Eric to distract KP from saving the world and studied the dating pattern of teenage girls and used that against Kim and it almost worked. Almost but Ron helped KP out of it, when they found Eric was synthodrone.  And admittedly Drakken's plan was absurd and elaborate as it also involved taking a toy company and Bueno Nacho but in the end,  Drakken almost came close.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz

With Doof,  I'm not really sure that we've seen a Big Scheme from him just yet.  I think the closest we've seen is Phineas and Ferb: The Movie: Across The 2nd Dimension. When he teamed up with 2nd Dimension Doof to take over the Tristate Area but 2nd Dimension Doof quickly threw him by the wayside as he saw what a loser Doof was and decided to work on his own. For that reason, I have to give this round too...

Dr. Drakken

Entertainment Value (The Final Round)

All right, the doctors are all tied up.   This is it, the deciding round to determine who's better.   This round will look at who is more entertaining.  With that out of the way, let's begin.

Dr. Drakken

Drakken is a very entertaining villain because he is funny and his plans are a little convoluted such as mind control shampoo but they are fun plans and he rarely repeated himself.   So, it was always entertaining see what Drakken had in store for his next big scheme.    

 Dr. Doofenshmirtz

Doof is very entertaining as a comical villain and he is great with slapstick.  It is always a hoot watching him and his backstories are so absurd and over the top, they you have to laugh at them. But the big drawback with Doof for me is that his plans sometimes feel as though they repeat themselves. So for that reason, I have to give this round too..

Dr. Drakken

The End Result!

So by a score of 3 -2, Dr. Drakken is the winner.   Again, I like Doof but I just think Drakken is the better bad guy. Both Doof and Drakken, are fun bad guys but I just think Drakken is all around better. Peace!

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