Take A Look at Disney


Classic Shorts Showcase: Merbabies

Hello & welcome back.  Today on Showcase, we are taking a look at the short, Merbabies.   My thoughts, it was okay.   Now I should mention that this short was outsourced to MGM for animation and you can really shows as the animation in this short does not feel like a Disney short animated by Disney one bit. With that out of the way, let's begin.

The Plot

Now if  I'm to be perfectly honest, I felt like this short had holes in it's plot.  Though it didn't rely on the plot rather heavily as it was more about watching the merbabies play.   Okay, so at the beginning of the short, we see the merbabies come to life as they pop out of bubbles. Clever.

Now  I had no issue with how the babies came to life but later on in the short, we see them put on a circus.   Cute but here's my big issue with that.   We are never given a timeframe of how long the babies have been alive. So, that led me to assume that they already knew what a circus was but how?  If they were just  created on that day, how could they know what a circus.    How do they know what anything is?   It just doesn't make sense to me.   Thought the circus is kinda cute.   Now there is one other aspect of this short.  You see at the end of the short, the babies are turned back into bubbles and taken back to the place where they were born.   That is a dark and frankly in my opinion out of  nowhere ending for this otherwise lighthearted short about merbabies putting on a circus.   Now I've seen some debate over whether they died or if that is just part of their cycle of  life and they are reborn everyday.   I don't know which is more grim.  Because if we go with the former,  they only lived for a short period of time but if we go with the latter, they never age and they are stuck as children forever.   I know some people might say that's a good thing but they'd never get to experience anything new or go out with a merfolk of the opposite sex during those awkward teen years.  (What, we know they exist!  Just look at Ariel).  

Now normally,  I'd go over the Memorable Moments with a short like this and there are plenty but it just ends on such a depressing note  that showing those moments is kinda hard after talking about such a depressing ending. So instead, I'll talk about some of the sea animals they used for the circus such as a snail served as the seal. And yes they had clownfish and they are creepy looking.

Fish or no fish,  clowns are creepy.  

My Final Thoughts

I would've liked this short if it didn't end on such a depressing note.   Yes,  I have my qualms with not understand how the babies knew what a circus was but putting that aside, it was cute watching them play and then bam, we are hit with "Oh these babies are cute, aren't they. Time to say goodbye to them".   The ending truthfully bugged me and left me with an uneasy feeling. And felt out of place for this otherwise lighthearted short.    I'd suggest if you want to watch this short, skip the ending but as for myself, I need some time to get over it before I consider rewatching this short as that ending does not sit well with me.

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