Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 88: PMV

Hi, I'm Magic Dust.    I'm from Canterlot,   I'm good friends with Moviefan12 and he asked me to fill in for him on his blog.   He told me that doing this blog might help me understand why my cutie mark is a pair of red shorts with two yellow buttons on it. Anyways, Moviefan told me that a lot of you here like my cousin, Twilight Sparkle and her friends and some of you have made videos set to music celebrating them. I'm sure, they'd be honored by that.   Moviefan said if I was able to find 6 videos set  to songs from this place called Disney,  it might help me understand my cutie mark.  Well, that's why I'm here today, I don't want to waste anyone's time.  Now I think it's time to get started and my cousin's friend, Pinkie Pie would say hold onto your hooves.  

Belle - Twilight Sparkle


Magic Dust: Well, this Belle lady seems to have a lot in common with my cousin, Twilight Sparkle.  Especially their love of reading, so this song fits her well and also seems that this lady is different but special and stands out for her love of reading. Almost as the others are ridiculing her for that, well we other ponies wouldn't do that but still, this is a great song for my cousin as it captures, her love of reading and  her  personality quite well. Still not sure, how this is going to help me find the meaning of my cutie mark.  

Stand Out - Rainbow Dash


 This song fits,  Rainbow Dash even better because as any pony that has spent any amount of time with her as I have, knows she's all about being awesome and being the best.   And this song captures her awesomeness and coolness perfectly.   It shows Dashie at her best and this song like Dashie is 20% cooler.  Maybe that's it, maybe my cutie mark is about being cool.  Well okay, I'm not the coolest pony in Canterlot or the most athletic. So, that can't be it.  I just need to know.

Almost There - Applejack

This song about being hard worker to achieve one's dreams certainly fits Applejack because after spending time with her on the Apple Family Farm,  I haven't met any pony who's a harder worker then Applejack.   This again is a great pairing and maybe that's it.  My time with Applejack working on Sweet Apple Acres taught what it means to value a good work ethic but if that's the case, my cutie mark is rather vague.   

When Will My Life Begin - Fluttershy 

I'll admit that the next three ponies were harder especially Fluttershy.   I had to listen to at least three of these Disney songs before I could find the right one for the best pony. She's so pretty.  Oh, sorry. Don't let Fluttershy know I said that.  Anyways as I was saying though, after  some more listening I think this is the closest to a match I could find for Fluttershy.   I really don't have much more to say on this one.  I just wish I had the courage to stand up for myself like Fluttershy and maybe ask her out on a date but she'd probably say no. No pony would want to go out with me. 

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - Pinkie Pie

Now unlike Fluttershy,   where I couldn't find the right song, it was hard narrowing down the right song for Pinkie Pie as there were too many good options. But this one I think just fit her fun and over the top personality.  She is always the life of the party and this song captures that quite well.   Hmm, I wonder when Pinkie will be throwing her next party.   Maybe that's it,  my cutie mark is about having a good time. Yeah, I don't know why but I think that I am getting closer to finding the meaning.

Part of Your World - Rarity 

Rarity had to be the hardest pony to find a song for because she's just so unique but I think this song works for her and as it shows, I think this song is being used to show her wanting to be part of Canterlot's upper crust.  And in that sense, it works but like with Fluttershy, I'm not sure how well any song could fit Rarity.  Well in regards to my cutie mark, I still don't know.  

Well, there you have it. these 6 songs that I think for the most part fit my cousin and her friends.   Now I hope everypony enjoyed thus but I still couldn't figure out the meaning of my cutie mark through this exercise.     It was fun doing this and I'm happy Moviefan let me fill in for him. but I'm still confused. Maybe I need to go to this Disney place, this land.  Any pony, where I can find this Disney land, because maybe if I  go there, I 'll find the answer to my question. Well,  I'm off to continue my journey. Bye!  

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