Take A Look at Disney


Kim Possible Vs. Fillmore

Hello & welcome back to Vs.   Today, we are taking a look at two animated  TV heroes and pitting them up against each other. From the show of the same name, Kim Possible and from Fillmore!, Cornelius Fillmore.  Both young and upstanding citizens who'll take down the bad guys.   Now once again,  seeing as these are TV characters, this one will work a wee differently.   Here are the categories,  Personality (Round 1), who has the better personality, Why (Round 2),   why did they become a hero, Partnership (Round 3),  who has the better partner relationship.  Skill Set (Round 4), what skills do they bring to the table.  And finally,  Awesomeness (The Final Round), I know stupid idea but who I do think is more awesome.  With that out of the way, let's begin.

Personality (Round 1)

Kim Possible 

KP is very sure of herself, very confident. But on the same token, she is just a teen girl trying to balance school life with her hero work. She does worries that a teen girl would have such as boys, trying to fit in at school and dealing with her family.  And there is a good balance between  both.      She can at one moment, stop Dr. Drakken, while the next having to put up with her annoying twin brothers.


Fillmore on the other hand, is very dedicated to his job. For those that may not know, Fillmore is part of his school's safety patrol and the show is basically a parody of cop shows such as Law and Order and in that sense, it works. Fillmore is willing to get anything to get the job done and capture the culprit. Which in this turn ties into his past as it is a bit shady.   Fillmore, we really don't get to see much of his relationships outside that of the safety patrol. He is very stern and serious but also kind and compassionate.   This is a tough call but I gotta give this round to...

Kim Possible

Why (Round 2)

Now in this round, I am taking a look at why, they became a hero.    

Kim Possible

KP became a hero by accident.  Really,  as a young preteen, KP had set up her site,  KimPossible.com  as a babysitting business.   A millionaire, Mr. McHenry, who had set off his alarm was trying to contact the group, Team Impossible  to come to his rescue but he accidentally typed KP's URL and Kim and Ron showed up and saved him.  And KP's fame as a hero grew from there.  So really, KP became a hero by accident.   There is a possibility that if McHenry had typed in the correct address, Kim would've never become a hero.  And I'm not sure how I feel about that.   On the one hand, it's a cool idea but on the other hand, it's seems contrived.  


Fillmore didn't have a choice.  You see before Fillmore joined the safety patrol, he was a thug himself.  His record was so filled with crimes and detention slips. That he was given one of two options,  either spend the rest of middle school in detention or join the safety patrol and help track down the bad guys, that he used to be like.  Now I actually like this more then KP's reason.   Because Fillmore was given an ultimatum. Either clean up your act and help us or forget about having any freedom during your time in middle school.  And it worked, Fillmore became one of the top safety patrol officers for X Middle School.   So I gotta give this round to...



Partnership (Round 3)

Ron Stoppable (Kim Possible)

This one is tough.  KP and Ron had been best best friends since Pre-K  and it was clear that they were very close to each other.  And I can understand why KP would want Ron by her side as there is no one, she trusts more then Ron.  So, it's a good friendship, great even. But I'm hesitant to say that it is a good working relationship.  I mean KP can get the mission done without Ron's help. Well unless you go by A Sitch In Time, where it shows that KP needs Ron but the ending of that movie erased the events from the canon. So, I guess for moral support because as much as I like Ron, KP is much stronger and tougher and doesn't need him to take down the bad guys.  So it's a beautiful friendship that blossoms into a romantic relationship but as a working relationship, it's okay.

Ingrid Third (Fillmore)

Again with Fillmore!, it is important to keep in mind that this was a cop show for kids and in that regard, the relationship between Ingrid and Fillmore was great.  Ingrid was on equal footing with Fillmore. Just as tough and as smart and could track down the bad guy on her own. It also helps in a way that she has a similar past to that of Fillmore.   You see Ingrid was new student to X Middle School, when she first appeared on the show.  She was the victim of bullying and led to her acting out at her old schools.  And in her debut episode, she took the blame for a crime that she did not commit as she didn't want to stay at the school but Fillmore convinced her otherwise and she became Fillmore's partner.  And she is a great partner for Fillmore.   She is just as tough and as capable as Fillmore.  They balance each other out nicely.   So I gotta give this round to...


Oh, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that Ingrid is my favorite character voiced by Tara Strong that isn't Twilight Sparkle.  This was the toughest round to call as both of these relationships are great but I just think Fillmore and Ingrid compliment each other better.

Skill Set (Round 4)

Kim Possible

With both KP and Fillmore, when it comes to their skill set. Their is one word that comes to mind,  experience.  With KP, she uses things such as her cheer leading skills to help take down the baddies.   Of course, she also relies on the gadgets provided to her by Wade and uses though, when she has to.  But she is very capable without them. As she is very strong.


Again,   Fillmore started out as a thug and when the case calls for it, he uses his past and he is able to think like the culprits some of the time to help stop them.  He is also a very strategic thinker and knows how to rely on his wit to help solve the case.   This one is tough as it could go either way but I'm going to give it to...


Awesomeness (The Final Round)

There's really no need for this round as Fillmore has won but I'd say KP would win this round as I just think she is more fun to watch sometimes.  So this round would've gone to..

Kim Possible

The End Result!

So by a score of 3 -2, Fillmore has won.  I'll admit I thought KP had it in the bag.   But the more, I looked at it, Fillmore is the more interesting character.  I'll admit this one was tough, I'm a bigger KP fan then I am a Fillmore fan.  Kim Possible is one of my top 10 favorite cartoons of all time but looking at it,  Fillmore is the more interesting character, even if I enjoy Kim Possible more.  Peace!  I think Brekclub85 will be happy with this outcome.