Take A Look at Disney


Classic Pixar Shorts Showcase: For The Birds

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney & welcome back to Classic Pixar Shorts Showcase. Well, today we have finally found a short that I didn't care for as I take a look at For The Birds.  My issue is that there is nothing to this short  This short has no real substance to it. Let's begin.

The Plot

The plot is simple enough in that, an ugly looking bird lands on a telephone line with a bunch of little normal looking birds, who  don't want him on the line and at one point, they try to peck him off while he is hanging upside down.  Though when they do, it flings the rest of the birds into the air causing them to lose their feathers and now making them look odd.  That's about it, really.    


The Ugly Bird

There's not much to say on this character other then, he's ugly.  And I guess it is kinda nice to see come out on top, when the other birds lose their feathers.

The Other Birds

Not to much to say on these birds other then they were jerks.  Yeah, that's about it really.

My Final Thoughts

This short isn't very good.   I believe that so far, this is the weakest of the Pixar shorts. I'd say go ahead and skip it. Join me next week, when I take a look at..

One Man Band

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