Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 161: Rollercoaster: The Musical (Summer Blowout)

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and back to the Summer Blowout.  And today, we are doing things a bit differently.  You see, one of the episodes that the show is most known for is Rollercoaster: The Musical.  Which is a musical retelling of the pilot episode. Now yes, there are quite a few key differences between the musical episode and the pilot as observed by the Phineas and Ferb Wiki.   But I don't want to spend a whole review going that's different, that's the same as that'd get boring real fast for me.  And that's when I thought,  I can still talk about the music of the episode as it's a musical, so why not make it a Music Fridays article.  And viola la, here we are.  With that outta the way, let's begin.

Hey Ferb

Okay, admittedly I love this one mostly for the musicals that it references and it includes everything from The King & I to Les Mis to West Side Story to The Phantom of The Opera and so much more.  The song itself is okay and it's fun but it's the musical references that really get me going with this one.

Your'e Going Down

While not bad, I do prefer Hey Ferb, though I do like the '60s Doo Wop feel as this number.  And though, it's never been confirmed with this being an episode  drawing inspiration from musicals, I always thought Candace's and her friends' dresses may have been a reference to Dreamgirls.

What'cha Doin?

Ah, now this is more like it. I love the fast paced and upbeat nature of this song. Probably my favorite Isabella song from the whole show and I think in terms of Isabella professing her love for Phineas, I like this one more than City of Love.  It's just catchier.

Mom Look

This is the better Candace song.  I love all the little references to everything the boys have done up to this point.  And I just love seeing her get more and more frustrated as the song goes on and it's a good frustration song and I really feel Candace because her mom won't listen to her. Wow, that's rough.

Aren't You A Little Young?

Not much to say here other than it's a fun and rousing show stopping number.  One thing I haven't touched upon is that at least three of the songs in this episode take lines that the show is known such as this one and turn them into a musical number and it works rather well.

Back In Gimmlestump 

I'll admit that I didn't want to make of this song at first as it was bad and I think that was the joke but yeesh, it was bad.  At least the second half got better but I think this is my least favorite song from this special.


Man, this song is just a blast.  Who knew singing about riding a roller coaster could be so awesome? Apparently, Jeff and Swampy (the creators of Phineas and Ferb) did and boy, did they knock it outta the park with this song.   While I love Hey Ferb for the musical references, I do think that this is the best song in the musical.

Carpe Diem 

I've always said that Phineas and Ferb are excellent with ending songs and this is no exception.  This like all of their ending sogns makes you feel happy about what you just watched.   And it's nice to see something with Kenny Ortega after I had to watch Descendants.  Though his cameo does raise a question and I could be stretching but part of me thinks that this song title could be a Newsies reference.  As they say in the song, Carpe Diem means Seize The Day and Seize The Day is the name of a song in Newsies, which Kenny Ortega directed.  I'm probably making this up but man. that'd be so cool if it turned out to be true.

I hope you enjoyed this deviation from the standard Summer Blowout article because next time, we return to normal with what is easily my least favorite episode of Phineas and Ferb....

 Mission Marvel (Bleh!)


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