Take A Look at Disney


Villains Profile: Toffee

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  I feel a bit bummed that I didn't get to post as many Halloween articles as I would've liked this year, that's why I'm giving you a bonus Villains Profile that'll serve as a precursor for January's Theme Week in 2016.    Star Vs. The Forces of Evil may just be the greatest animated series currently airing on a Disney network.  I'm not sure but I think that I may love this show more than Kim Possible and House of Mouse combined.  It's that good.  It's easily one of the funniest shows that Disney currently has airing.  And that is large part, thanks to the cast that include Eden Sher as the wonder Star Butterfly and Alan Tudyk as Ludo. Who throughout most of the early half of the season was thought to be the main villain of the season but that all changed when Toffee arrived.   Toffee is one of the creepiest Disney villains that I've seen in a long time.  And I've been wanting to do an article on him for the longest time. And I thought what better way than to close off Halloween then by talking about one of my new favorite Disney villains.

Voice Actor

Micheal C. Hall

Yeah, if you are expecting some comment about Dexter, I've never seen it.  This is the first role of Micheal C. Hall's that I've seen or rather heard in this case.  And he really sells  the effectiveness of Toffee quite well.  There is just something about the way that he plays Toffee, that there is something quite sinister to him and more than he lets on, when we first meet him.

First Appearance

Toffee first appeared in the B segment of the 8th episode of the first season.   By this point,  the show had seemed to establish it's universe and it's rules or so we thought.  Because when Toffee was brought in, the show changed what we had known from that point onward and shown that we now had a bigger threat.  Ludo,  Star's arch enemy was looking for someone to whip his minions into shape as an evil efficiency expert and Toffee just appeared out of nowhere. We didn't know where he came from as he just worked his way into Ludo's office and got the job.

Also, what's interesting to note is this episode,  Marco,  Star's best friend on earth convinced that everything fortune cookies said were true but at the end, she learned that wasn't the case. But there was one fortune cookie that she should've paid greater attention to.

A great evil has been unleashed.

In fact, I remember posting this on the Channel Awesome thread, when Fortune Cookies first aired.

Does anyone else think Toffee is being set up for something bigger?

And I was right. And that quote was indeed heavy foreshadowing that Toffee was the great evil that Star would have to face. And if I remember right, Star and Toffee had rather minimal interaction until the season finale, "Storm The Castle".  Which I think was a smart move as it showed how Toffee was willing to work behind the scenes to get what he wants.


The big thing that makes Toffee so creepy is that he rarely loses his cool. No matter, the situation, he is able to stay calm and collected.  Only once in the season finale, do we see him come close to losing it and acting out of character.

But even before then, he seems to be calm. Heck, even when he loses his arm, he doesn't lose it. Of course, it helps that it grows back.

 Besides being able to keep his cool. Toffee is a master manipulator as we see him not once but twice trick Ludo and his minions.   The first time is   Mewnipendence Day, when he is able to get Ludo's right hand man, Buff Frog replaced and fired because Buff Frog didn't trust Toffee and was suspicious of him. The second time was after another of Ludo's failed attempts to get Star's wands and he is able to convince all of Ludo's minions to mutiny and make him their new leader.

Grand Desire

Toffee's grand desire is to take and destroy the royal magic wand.  Which is Star's main source of magic.  Now, I don't recall why he wanted this but he has a grudge against Star's home planet, Mewni and from what we've learned on the show, they mistreated other creatures. So, it may have something to do with that. And y'know what, Toffee succeeds in getting the wand destroyed.

But the wand does return but at the moment, it seemed that all had been lost and Star had no other choice to save her best friend or he was going to be crushed.

Most Evil Deed

It's a toss up between  getting Star to destroy her wand and kidnapping Marco.  I'd say that they're both equal and the latter leads into the former.  So, I have to go with both because kidnapping Marco shows how far Toffee was willing to go to get what he wanted and when confronted with the opportunity, he didn't hesitate and other than that OOC surprise face, he acted calmly and reasonably to get what he wanted.


The season finale was really vague on what happened to him.  Star destroying the wand caused the castle formerly Ludo's that they were in to blow up and that made it appear as though, Toffee had been killed off but as the Villains Wiki put it.

He is seen smiling as his "death" unfolds, hinting that he expected the wand to explode and that he may possibly be alive, or that his plan has yet to truly come to fruition.

Which I'm thinking it's the latter because I don't think the show is done with Toffee just yet and that there is more of him that'll be seen in season 2.   I feel as though that him getting the wand destroyed was just one step in his overall plan and he's still playing the long game.

Is Toffee A Good Villain? 

Yes absolutely,  Toffee is one of the best villains that I've seen on a Disney animated series in a long time.  I'd put him aside the likes of The Dark Dragon and The Huntsman as a serious threat to our heroes.  Toffee is one of the best villains that I've seen that is willing to play the long game and do it patiently. And the fact that he is able to stay so calm and rarely lose his cool against our heroine makes him all that much creepier and it's frightening when he does act out of character in the season finale.  Toffee may easily be one of the greatest villains to come from an animated Disney series in a while. If you've not seen Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, do yourself a favor and check it out. You will not be disappointed.   

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