Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 165: Tangled: The Musical

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  It's been a while since I've talked about Tangled, hasn't it?  I know, I know.  It seems rather odd, well last week, Tangled: The Musical debuted on the Disney Dream. And I've been listening to the three new songs as Inside The Magic uploaded them up onto their YouTube page and they are pretty good. So, that is what we will be looking at this Music Fridays that I am so excited about.  Keep in mind, that we are only looking at these three new songs.  And compared to the last time that I looked at stage musical from the Disney Cruise line,  I actually heard effort put into these numbers.  But then again, when you bring back Alan Menken to write the new songs, that is to be expected.   Oh, I can't wait... let's get this started.

Flower of Gold

I do apologize if the quality of these videos aren't the greatest but the audio is up to snuff and that is what's really important here.   Now, I'll be honest and say that my first thought, when this song was "Please, don't suck!".   And well, the last Disney Cruise musical that I looked at was Toy Story: The Musical and we all know how much I love Tangled.  So, I don't think those reservations are unfounded.  And y'know what, this song doesn't suck.  It takes Flynn's narration from the beginning of the film and turns it into a song.  And it works,  this is great set up for the story that is about to be seen. Sure, Tangled is a more current movie and the audience is more than likely more familiar with it, especially if they have young girls but this opening song does what an opening number should.  It gets the audience excited for what they are about to see.  It's really heartfelt and I gotta give props to the actor playing Flynn as he does a knock out job with this number.  

Wanted Man

There couldn't be a better song than this for the charmer that is Flynn Rider.  It's a bit cornbally and cheesy but so was Flynn Rider.  And that is part of why I love Flynn so much.   This song in many regards reminds me of a more pop version of One Jump Ahead.  And in that regard, it works really well.  And while I do like that Flynn got a song, I do wish that they had given Eugene, a song but then again, you could argue that I See The Light is Eugene's song and this is still Flynn before he accepts that it's okay to be Eugene.  This song is so silly and cheesy but I love it for that.  It's just a lot of fun.

When She Returns

This song takes place where Kingdom Dance would've been in the movie and at first, I didn't care for this song as it felt like fluff.  But then the ending hit me as the villagers sing me about the lost princess be reunited with her parents and the toll that her absence must have taken on them. And it goes from being an okay song to making me feel bad for The King and Queen.  Which, the movie did but there is something about how the song gets across the message that really hit me.  But I still feel like you have to sit through a bit to get the good part.  It's not a bad song and as far as celebration songs go, it's enjoyable.

There you have it, my look at the three new songs from Tangled: The Musical.  And my thoughts, I like them.  With probably, Flower of Gold being my favorite.  That song is so good!!!  I could listen to Flower of Gold all day and never grow tired of it.   I'm going to avoid comparing these songs to the movie songs until I hear how the Musical handles them but as far as these three songs go,  I enjoy them and I'll probably be listening to them some more in the future.  Am I being more lenient because it's Tangled?  I don't think so as because as rare as it may be,  there has been some Tangled related stuff that I didn't care for.  I just don't care to remember those.  No,  even if these songs weren't related to Tangled, I would still be praising them but the fact that these are 3 new Tangled songs only heightens my enjoyment of them. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go listen to Flower of Gold some more. Peace!

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