Take A Look at Disney


Classic Shorts Showcase: Paperman

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and today, we continue our Classic Shorts Showcase look at the shorts that are on the Walt Disney Animation Studios Short Films Collection as we look at one of the most impressive shorts from the last 4 years as we look at Paperman

This song was first released in front of Wreck-It Ralph and if I may, I think that this short film is more impressive than the film that succeeded it. The most stunning part of this short is easily the animation as it impressively  blends the two great styles of 2D and 3D animation to create a brand  new style that is a treat to look at.  The short that we are looking at next week will also be using this style and I love the Black & White nature of this short as it makes a treat to look at.  And while, I may be over thinking a bit but I think the B&W nature plays into the plot and to define our main character and to differentiate George, our main character from every other character in the short.

The Plot

We first meet George, a young accountant standing on an elevated platform in 1940s New York as he is soon hit in the face by a piece of paper. He is soon hit by a piece of paper that belonged to a young woman named Meg.  She leaves him with a piece of paper that has a lipstick smudge on it.  George heads to work and you can see that work is very dreary and gray.  Which is how I think the Black & White helps to set the mood of the short and to show how different George is from the rest of his older co workers as there is still life left in him and he still has hope for live while his co workers have resigned themselves to their blah and drab desk jobs.

At his work, George is surprised to see that Meg is in the building across the street and it seems that she is up for a job interview.  The window the other building is open and George tries to get Meg's attention by waving but this doesn't  work and George instead takes the papers that he was holding and on his desk and folds them into an airplane to get Meg's attention but this only angers George's boss.

He tries and tries and grabs the last piece of paper that had the lipstick smudge and attempts to throw it but the gust of wind grabs it out of his hands and it heads to a nearby alley where the other paper airplanes that George has thrown have gathered and in a moment that seems as though, it would be at home in Fantasia, the paper airplanes gather around George and  at a nearby stand, Meg find the lipstick smudged paper while George boards a different train and the two are finally brought together thanks to the lipstick smudged paper as they meet at a different train station. And as the credits roll, we see the two of them on their first date with the lipstick smudged piece of paper.

This short is very sweet and perhaps one of the best that I've reviewed during this event.  I cannot suggest this short enough. It is simply adorable.


George & Meg voiced by John Kahrs & Kari Wahlgren 

While we do spend most the short with George, this is ultimately George and Meg's story and as we see them come together, it is a very cute journey and as the short goes on, we see how cute they are together.  A cute couple for a cute short.

My Final Thoughts

I cannot suggest this short enough as it is simply adorable and absolutely worth a watch as it will brighten your day. You will do yourself a favor by checking this one out. Join me next time as we look at Feast

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