Take A Look at Disney


Month of The Mansion: Meet & Greet: Hitchhiking Ghosts (With Les)

Moviefan12:  Ah, I am impressed that you many of you have returned.  Perhaps you couldn't find your way out. Though as our Ghost Host would say...

Of course, there's always my way.

Excuse me, foolish mortals but it appears that we have a visitor.  Perhaps this person will be the 1,000th  inhabitant of Gracey Manor. Ah yes, there are 999 Happy Haunts in our little Mansion  and starting today, we will be turning our attention to some of the more iconic inhabitants of our Mansion.  Ahem, I have found our visitor and it appears to be someone that all of you should know.  

LES: Moviefan12?…huh? I knew I shoulda taken a left turn at Albuquerque….and WOW! What a creepy looking mansion…waitaminute…This is the Haunted Mansion, isn’t it?

Moviefan12:  Yes, welcome to our Mansion. Perhaps you could provide some insight for us on some of the inhabitants here as I just know that our guests are dying to hear what you have to say.  And I know just the three  spirits to get off this event with. They are perhaps the most iconic ghosts from our old and decrepit Mansion.  You can even see them on the poster for our place.

Now, as we discuss these three, we will look at their Personalities,  though some of our spirits have rather dead personalities in the Afterlife.  Scares In The Mansion,  see how they frighten the guests the dare enter Gracey Manor, Scares Outside The Mansion, every so often, they like to roam outside the Mansion and find other places to haunt and finally, What They Bring To The Haunted Mansion?  What do you say, are you interested? If not, we do need someone to keep watch over the graveyard!

Les No…no…I’m interested…no need for me to ”guard” the graveyard…carry on…

Moviefan12: Excellent, excellent. Let's begin, now shall we.


Moviefan12: As we dig up information on our Hitchhiking Ghosts, we learn that they once  had names in the land of the living.  They were once known  as Phineas, Ezra, and Gus.  Not much is known  in terms of who they were but their designated roles are as such, Phineas is a traveller,  Ezra is a skeleton, & Gus is a prisoner.  However, the comic series from 2005 to 2007 did give us some insight on these ghoulish characters.

Gus was a shepherd of bad fortune that just wanted a place to sleep but no place could be found until one day, he was arrested in Port Royal and soon found himself trapped in our Mansion and wants out as the parties of the other ghosts keep him up at night.  Ezra had a knack for playing pranks and as he grew older, he ran a joke shop and found a pair of Chinese Finger Traps and got himself trapped and laughed himself to death and then was brought to the Mansion but the other ghosts hated his pranks and thus he became an outcast alongside our other hitchhikers.  Phineas was a slick and sleazy snake oil salesman that was on the run from an angry mob as his snake oil had caused them to grow snake tongues. He tried to continue his business in the Mansion but Madam Leota reminded him that everyone was already dead and thus he joined the other two. And it is clear from these descriptions that our three frightening fiends are outcasts and only have each other and perhaps, they want out of the Mansion as they don't belong there. 

But they cannot escape with the living as their time amongst the live is behind them. They are forever trapped in a place, where they are not wanted. The Mansion is their suffering and there is no way out for them, no matter how desperate they are.  They have attempted to escape numerous times and perhaps they stick together not because they want to but out of necessity.   Thinking that one day, they'll make it out but always being confronted with the truth that no matter, how hard they try, they are stuck. 

LES: Wow, poor souls…I sure hope they don’t try and ”hitchhike” out with us when WE leave…

 Moviefan12: Who said anything about leaving? I have made arrangements for you to stay.  I am just perishing the thought of you staying with us.

Scares In The Mansion

Moviefan12: Our three hitchhiking haunters are seen, when those of the living enter a mirror room and they make their attempt to escape. Depending on which version of the Mansion, you visit, they may have more tricks up their sleeves. At The Mansion in California, it is simple enough as you see them thumbing for a ride and one appears in the Doom Buggie with you.  

However, at Gracey Manor, the residence in Florida, they are a bit playful as of 2011 as they play more tricks on the guests such as sitting on top of one of the Doom Buggies and I speak from personal experience in that like playing the guests' heads. As they now like to rearrange the bodies of the living and do a head swap between the guests. Thankfully, most of the guests do get their heads back once they leave The Mansion.  Although, there was that one person that walked out without his head. We even have evidence of what they can do to our poor guests.

They may have realized that their old tricks weren't working and needed to try something new to get out of The Mansion but while they are still stuck there, they seem to be having the time of their afterlife.  

LES: It is an impressive effect and the greatest ride exit at the Disney parks. The first time I went on this ride back in ’76, I was amazed by the way the mansion created its effects, and now that I’m 47, I’m still impressed. Sure, I understand how they’re done, now, but the creative use of those effects are still effective, and I love seeing them.

Scares Outside The Mansion

Moviefan12: While these three spirits  may seemingly be forever trapped in the Mansion, they have escaped from time to time such as to scare up some frights at the House of Mouse and they have even been seen roaming the parks from time to time.


Now in fairness of not scaring you dear readers, I shall not mention any other appearances that these ghouls have had....

Ah dear readers, I shutter at the thought of that tragedy. It will face the guillotine soon enough.  Now, my ghoulish friend, do you know of any frights that these spirits have had outside the Mansion.

LES: Hmmm….they MIGHT’ve been in the new ”Ghostbusters” film…but HEE!…HEE!!….I’m not going to see that film, so….Nah…I’m not aware of any of them…

Moviefan12:  Ah yes well, these spirits may not ever laid to rest but I feel that we should bury the hatchet and put this blog to rest as we conclude as we look at What They Bring To The Mansion 

What They Bring To The Mansion

Moviefan12:  These poor souls at first glance may not offer much more than one of the best scares that the Mansion has to offer.  But seeing as they have been delightfully spooking guests for nearly 50 years,  they will never escape and at this point, why would we want them to?  They are forever trapped in Gracey Manor and that is where they shall spend the rest of entirety.  A grim reminder that you cannot escape death.  

LES: True, but if you’re really entertaining, you might achieve immortality in a beloved theme park ride….

Moviefan12: Yes well, there is that.  We shall lower the coffin on this subject and put the dirt over the grave but your time your time in the Mansion is not yet done as we go to have our fortunes read by...

Madame Leota 

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