Take A Look at Disney


Return To The Theater: Into The Woods (Part 2)

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney, and today we finally come to the close of Return To The Theater as we look at the music of Into The Woods.  With that out the way, let's begin.

Prologue: Into The Woods 

The prologue for Into The Woods is the one of the longest opening numbers that I can recall from any musical but in many respects, it has to be this long as it has so many characters to introduce and set up, what they are wishing.  And I do think that the film cast does an excellent job of capturing the introductions that are needed to get the audience acquainted with the cast and what they are hoping for.  

Cinderella At The Grave 

As I said in the first part of the review, I really love what Into The Woods did with Cinderella's Mother by having her in the Fairy Godmother role.  And in many respects, this song feels like a continuation of the prologue.  Which I think is meant to be the point as this is the first step that we see in a character getting what they want.  

Hello, Little Girl 


Chances are if you hear a non-musical fan complaining about the film version of Into The Woods.  Their rant will have one of two themes,  either they were singing.   Why were they singing?  I don't like movies where they sing.   Or why was Johnny Depp playing The Wolf as a pedophile.  It was so creepy and gross, and won't someone please think of the children.  

Uhm, that was kinda the whole point.   

Diva said what I have thought about this song for a long time better than I could have as this song as this song is meant to make the audience feel extremely uncomfortable as it hits the audience in the face with the predatory nature of The Wolf.  This number is meant to make the audience squirm and be at unease.

I Know Things Now

This song serves as a growth for Little Red Riding Hood after the dangers that she faced with Red and it shows that she had to grow up faster than girls should have to because of the uncomfortable experience that she was put through.

A Very Nice Prince

This isn't a bad song but it's probably my least favorite number in the whole production as it is just nothing more than two girls talking about a man.  And that really does nothing for me.

Giants In The Sky

Now, this is more like it.  This is easily, one of my favorite songs from Into The Woods as you just get swept up in Jack's amazement of the new world that he discovered in the sky.  Huttlestone does his damnedest to sell this number and it is amazing.


There really isn't much that I can say about this number. It's hysterical and I think you just need to hear it for yourself.  It's easily the funniest song in the number as you hear these two shallow princes sing about their first-world problems.

It Takes Two

This is perhaps the most loving you hear The Baker and The Baker's Wife. It's a very sweet number as you truly hear the love that they have one for another in this number. It's just so sweet and you can't help but be happy for them as they sing of their love.

Stay With Me

This is one of the most iconic numbers from Into The Woods and with good reason as it is just a bit eerie and unsettling.  Now, I've heard some people say that Streep's voice doesn't quite work in the beginning but I must disagree as I think that the sternness in her voice is wonderful as she transitions to the sickly sweet and finally goes into the eeriness of the number, you truly get a sense of the build up in her voice as how she feels betrayed.  That makes it so uncomfortable and I think the song works because of that.  

On The Steps of The Palace

This is such a fun number in the movie as time freezes as Cinderella thinks over what she wants to do.  And again, Anna Kendrick really sells this number and makes it work.  You can't help but get wrapped up in the number as it goes on.

Careful, My Toe

A short dark and funny little moment in the film.  I love it for how morbid it is. And it just goes to show the length that some people will go just get to a prince.

Witch's Lament

In many respects, this song is a preview of Children Will Listen and it is quite a punch to the gut and Streep really sells it here.   Short, simple and beautiful.

Any Moment

Yeah, like I said in Part 1, Cinderella's Prince is a bit of a scumbag and that comes through here as he hits on The Baker's Wife.  In many ways, he reminds me of Captain Hammer from Doctor Horrible. I wondered if Joss Whedon used this character as a basis for that one.

Moments In The Woods

Emily Blunt really sells it here as she fights herself over the feelings that she has been trying to keep down  that she has for the Prince.  And it is such as fun number as you can hear the conflict in her voice as she sings.

Your Fault

This is my second favorite number in the whole movie as I just love the repetition of the whole number. It keeps the performers on their feet and it is so much fun as they place the blame upon one another.  Missing the bigger picture of that they are all to blame for what has taken place as they are about to find out.

Last Midnight

You can hear The Witch at her wit's end as she is sick of the other characters not owning up to that they how had a part to play.  And again, Streep really sells it here as she calls them out on what they are and how they aren't any better than the people that they wanted to get away from.  I just love how she calls them all out on this. It's so wonderful.

No One Is Alone

Ah, now we've made it to my favorite song in the whole movie.  This song is rather simple, sad and poignant in the message of saying that just because you have lost someone, that doesn't mean that everything is lost and that there will always be someone there looking out for you.  I rarely have a dry eye as I hear this number. It is just so hauntingly beautiful.

Finale/Children Will Listen (Part 1)

This is such a powerful number to end on.  It truly brings the message to light and makes you understand that as said in the last song, people make mistakes and you should honor and learn from their mistakes.  Don't let them define you but don't ignore them either.

Finale/Children Will Listen (Part 2)

Pt. 2 of this song is played over the credits and I think that works pretty well but I prefer the first part but it is interesting to not that this song and thus the story as a whole ends with Cinderella saying "I wish".  Some have taken this to mean that she hasn't learned her lesson from the events that have unfolded but I think she has and instead shows that no matter how much we may have or how little, we have, we will always wish for more. And that is just human nature.

As I said in My Final Thoughts in Pt. 1, I love this movie.  Again, there are parts that frustrate me about it as a whole, I really do love this movie and I think the music is easily the strongest aspect of the whole film.

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