Take A Look at Disney


A Look at my Lego Disney Minifigures

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney. In 2016, Lego released a wave of Blind Bag minifigures based on Disney characters.  I love Lego & Disney, so I knew that I wanted these but instead of trying to search through Blind Bags, I found the ones that I wanted by either hunting them out at conventions at BrickFair or looking for them on Amazon and added them to my wishlist.  And thus fair, it has worked out rather well as I was able to get Mickey Mouse,  Aladdin, & Ariel at BrickFair and got Ursula, Genie, Captain Hook, & Peter Pan for Christmas. I knew that I wanted to look at the ones that I've gotten thus fair but wasn't sure to go about how to do it.  Then I thought the best way would to be ranking them from least favorite to favorite. With that outta the way, let's begin.  This won't be a Top Numbers list as I do like these for the most part but there are just some that are better than others.


Genie is okay but... This is a bit disappointing to place Genie so low here as Genie is one of my favorite characters but the minifigure take for Genie just really doesn't work.  Genie as a character is meant to be bigger than life and exciting and feel the room with his presence just by entering it.  The problem with the Genie minifigure is that it's just too flat.  And that's a shame as they did everything else perfectly with the coloring as you can tell by the coloring that it's meant to be the Genie but but my two biggest issues are again that it's flat and well, I get that is hard to translate with a Lego minifigure but yeah, and the face is the most egregious part for me.   The face could have been so much better than just a small smirk.  Yeah, that works a bit but I don't feel like it really gives the same expression that you would get from Genie in the movie.  I feel like this fig could have been done better but this one is okay. I don't hate it and I get the challenge with doing Genie as a minifigure and this is admirable job.

Mickey Mouse

It really breaks my heart as a huge Mickey Mouse fan to put him so low on this but  I kinda find this minifigure boring.   I get the desire to do classic Mickey Mouse as that is perhaps his most iconic look but that's where my problem comes in, there's too much black.  I know this is a dumb complaint considering Mickey's look is red shorts and yellow shoes but no shirt.  Everything about Mickey's lower half is great because the colors are on point but it's the torso section, where my problems come in as your eyes are drawn to it and you notice it and it is not pleasant to look at.  Compare it to the Mickey Mouse minifigure that comes with the Disney Castle set.

Out of the two, I think this is the better Mickey minifigure as it is just more eye-pleasing as the colors are more vibrant.  Honestly, I think going with the tux that Mickey wears in the parks is the better option for a Mickey Mouse minifigure as it is the all around better look. Just adding in more color works as it makes the minifigure seem more ecstatic.  Now, let me make this clear, I don't think minifigures with black are a bad thing in of themselves, it's just what you do with them. Take the Batman minifigure for The Lego Batman Movie.

Batman here does have more black than Mickey but it's in what was done with Batman that makes this minifigure work.  There is enough here to break up the black and make not look so boring. However, there is one huge positive here and that is the head mold for Mickey.  That head mold is perfect and I just love it as it greatly captures the face of the Mouse that built Disney.

Peter Pan

This is where it gets really hard as these next few minifigures are all ones that I'll be looking at from here on out.  Peter Pan honestly makes for a nice looking minifigure and kudos to Lego for including his pointy ears on the side of his cap.  His smirk is more in line with Peter as it's joyous but also looks like he's up to something.  And unlike Mickey, I really love the coloring on Peter.  Yes, it's all green but it's different shades of green and that makes Peter, so nice to look at.


I gotta say that Aladdin is probably one of  the best male hero minifigure that Lego has released in the Disney line.   This is one of the best to capture the likeness of the character that it is based on. You look at it instantly and know it's Aladdin. Everything about him just pleases me  from the white pants including the patch to his hair mold having his little fez on top.  I can't say too much about him as this little minifigure speaks for itself.

Captain Hook

Looking at this minifigure, I hear Hans Conried.  That's how great this Captain Hook minifigure is.   Granted, Lego has always been pretty good with pirates but this is one of the best that I've seen.   I love his hairpiece.  The outfit is wonderful and the best part is the expression on Hook's face  as it is just so menacing and does the perfect job of getting across in minifigure form, that this is a bad guy.  Maybe, Second Opinion should get this one and Peter Pan.


We've got another great villain here as again just as with Hook, I can look at this minifigure and instantly hear Poor Unfortunate Souls.   Where the Genie minifigure failed, this one succeeds.  As this one gives off the big booming and loud presence that you get from the sea witch and at the same time like Captain Hook, the menacing look on her face perfectly captures her villainy.  But easily, my two favorite parts of this minifigure are her hair piece for how wavy it is and her lower half with the octopus torso.  I'm not sure but I think that was a brand new piece created for Ursula and y'know what it works.   That is what gives her that feeling of being big.


Yeah, this is one of my favorite minifigures of all time. Out of all the ones that I own, I'd put Ariel in the top 5 easily.  In terms of the Disney minifigures,  this is near perfection.  Sure, it's simplicity but it works as the simplicity really brings out Ariel.   Her red hair is pleasing to look at and even looks a bit wavy.  Her tail is one of my favorite minifigure pieces as you can look at it and you can imagine here resting on a rock.  Even if according to my preview blog,  Les said that Ariel's tail was the  wrong color.  

Small nitpick, Ariel’s tail is a different color(They actually created a blue green shade of teal and named it “Ariel” in the paint dept of Disney animation).

I understand this but I think the shade of green that Lego used for Ariel works and the common masses probably wouldn't know this.  So, this green is fine as you can look at her and instantly tell, that this is The Little Mermaid.  I'd honestly love to see an Ariel minifigure based on her human appearance in a future wave maybe with Eric.  We've seen it in minidoll form but I just think a human minifigure version of Ariel would complement the Mermaid version of Ariel perfectly.

Maybe, they could also I dunno make the dress blue.

Sorry, sorry, that has nothing to do with this wonderful minifigure.   I can't say enough good things about this Ariel minifigure.  To me, more than any other Disney minifigure that I own, this is the one that perfectly captures  the character.   I look at it and am instantly reminded of the movie.   That's how great I think this minifigure is.

There you have it, my look at the Disney minifigures that I own.   Which one do you like the best and what Disney characters would like see in a future wave of Disney minifigures.  Let me know in the comments. Piece!

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