Take A Look at Disney



We have maide it folks, the final movie reveiw before we move on to the next part of the Big Celebration leading up to my 100th Blog.   The film that we will be reviewing today is...


That's right folks, my all time favorite Disney movie. By now you know the drill but just as a reminder, I'll break it down with characters, music and typically end with villain but seeing as how Dumbo does not have a villain, I'll end it with the music. Before anyone asks, I don't consider the ringmaster a villains even if some Disney computer game does.

The Plot

In a nutshell, you could say that the plot of this film is the story of an elephant that learns how to fly/ While that is good jumping off pint, I think you could also add that it is story about working with what you have even if it makes you different and how to make the best out of a bad situation.


Time to start with the the characters. You know what no Important or Supporting Characters because there are just three characters that I want to talk about and they are all important.

Dumbo  (not voiced)

Dumbo , whose real name  is actually Jumbo Jr .earned that nickname  from the other elephants because of the size of his ears. Dumbo is just a baby and he doesn't know anything. His mother, Mrs. Jumbo wants to protect him. Maybe a little too much because when she sees a human boy making fun of Dumbo she hurts him and alas mother and son are separated.  Dumbo soon becomes the star attraction of the circus when it is revealed he can fly  with oversized ears. He's not alone though as he has help form a little mouse.

Timothy Q. Mouse voiced by Edward Brophy

Now I love Timothy, so much so that one of my earliest blogsall bout this character. Also when I did my Top 6 Sidekicks/Supporting Character, he came in at number 1. Here is what I had to say about him.  I love Timothy the Mouse and I think he is the best Disney Sidekick/supporting character because of  how he sticks up for Dumbo against everyone else. Just like Jiminy, he kind of serves in the role of a conscience but I think he does it better and how of  his actions just seem more genuine.  Those feelings still ring true and I will always feel that way about this character.

Mrs. Jumbo voiced by Verna Felton


Mrs Jumbo is Dumbo's mother. She is a loving an caring soul. Just like any mother should be. She will protect her baby at all costs even if it means she has to pay for it and she does when she is locked up. She loves her son dearly/ Mrs. Jumbo wants her son to do the best he can and to overcome his differences. In that regard, Mrs Jumbo reminds me of my own mother as you see I have autism as I have mentioned on this blog before. My mom is my biggest cheerleader always ready to cheer me on and to remind me so what if your different,  use that to your advantage.


For this I have picked two song that I wish to talk about. Baby Mine and Pink  Elephants On  Parade. Since I have talked about Baby Mine before a few times, I'll  start with Pink Elephants On Parade.

Pink Elephants On Parade

Now this song starts after both Timothy and Dumbo accidentally drink water that has some type of liquor in it that pured in by the clowns.  I have seen many people say this song freaks them out. Personally, I don't see it. To me it is just a fun and trippy song.  I guess I could understand with the transformation of the elephants but this song never affected me in that manner.  It's a fun song  is all. Does it feel out of place for the movie? Perhaps! I guess it could be the it is sung as well. I got nothin' else I can say on this song.

Baby Mine

This song right here is so sad. It can easily get me crying each time I listen to it. It is so sweet. It is basically saying even  if you are different, your parents will always love you. They don't care if you have big ears or autism, you are who you are and that is all they want.  

My Final Thoughts

Definitely see this movie. It is a classic and with the 70th anniversary DVD coming out soon, you can pick that up if you already don't this. You'll love this film. The songs are great. The characters are likable and it is all around just a sweet and innocent film What happened to those kinds of movies? Can we just get another sweet and harmless movie? Look, I enjoyed  The Dark Knight but every once in a while, I would like a film that isn't violent, doesn't need deaths to be sad.  But rather just a film about overcoming adversities that isn't too sappy. Is that too much to ask for?

Time to reveal  what comes next. another review. Are you surprised? Well,  I only said that this was my final movie review.  I have one more review in store and oh look I even have a  poster so you can try and guess what is that I'll be reviewing.

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