We've made it people. The big 100. What do I have in store today. Well that is part of the fun becasue today you get to take over the blog. You get to tell me what I will write about. Be it a movie reveiw, Top 6, Can We Talk about, or even a Music Fridays. It's all up to you what I write. Juat leave a suggestion in the comments and if I like it I'll write about it. Now I will write about the first suggestion since that seems only fair. If you need rundown of these one more time here we go.
I do ask that you don't request anything I have already covered and for that here is a link to all of my blogs.
My Blogs
There you go that is just part 1 of this blog. Part 2 I'm still going to need your help but I have a feeling that we can do this. As of right now, The Hunchback co reveiw and the Q & A from yesterday have the most comments for any A Look at Disney blog posted. They both have 25 & 24 respectfully. I'd like to surpass by alot....
Call me crazy but I 'd like to see if we couldn't get 50 comments all on this 1 blog. That's right 50 comments.
If your wondering how long this will last until I'm too tired to continue and you see the words "Enough I'm Done" appear. When I type those words, the blog is over. (Obviously right now does not count)
Before I start I'd like to thank some people. First of all gotta thank my mom who reads my blogs on a daily basis and is a big supporter of this. Next Iwant to thank Linkara as he inspiried me to start my own blog series. (It would be so awesome if he left a comment but nto gonna happen) I want to thank CRITIC TV for choosing two of my blogs as Breakthrough Blogs of The Week. Also I would like to thank Transmission Awesome for also picking two of my blogs as Awesome Blogs of The Week. I'd like to James Daniel Walsh author of Stop The Hate as that was always a great blog series to read and it inspiried me to start my Can We Talk about segment. Also he put a shout out to me in his 100th blog so I owe it to him. Next up gotta thank Gomu69 for deliverign an awsome reveiw alongside me. Also gotta thank BigBlackHatMan & Patrick_O for becomign frequent readers of my stuff and leaving a comment. Actually I should thank anyone whos has ever read my blogs because that means a lot to me. I can't forget my best freind he may not be part of the blogging community but he helps me come with ideas because I bounce ideas off of him and I see if he likes it. He was the first person to know about the Bonus Reveiw and thhought it was a great idea. I feel I should include a song. Genie hit it.
This is how I feel about you guys. so Let's Start Blogging!
Music Fridays Big Celebration Special: More Songs From Kingdom Hearts
Ratin8tor, my good pal you have inspiried me for our first topic of the day. You asked if I have played Kingdom Hearts. Well, I have played Cahin of Memeories as that is the only KH game I own and it is pretty fun save for the fact I have stuck in Atlantica for three years now. Anyways if you remeber one of the earliest Music Fridays I did showcased songs from Disney vidoe games mainly Epic Mickey & Kingdom Hearts. With your question I have decided to showcase three more songs from KH.
Precious Stars In The Sky
Listening to this song, is very relaxing. It makes me feel like I'm on an ocean just drifiting away. With no care in the world at all. This may sound strange but this little tune right here was giving me a lullaby type vibe and it almost put me to sleep. We don't that now, do we?
A Piece of Peace
This track is rather somber but also mysterious and I ce see why Ariel is on the video for this thing as this sogn does sound like it would fit her. Because the more I listen to it, it sounds like someone sneaking around their house. Please understand what I'm saying when I say this but this song sounds wet. What I mean by that is it sounds like you are Under The Sea. (Sorry could'nt resist!) It really sounds like your under the ocean when listening to this song.
So clsoes our first segment of the 100th Blog.
Can We Talk about The Lion King & Its Sequels
Patrick, you want to me to talk abou the The Lion King and its sequels. You got it. The Lion King is by far one of the greatest Disney movies from the '90s and even of all time.

The Lion King is one of the greatest Disney movies as it has a wonderful sotry about growing up. It deals with the loss of a loved one. I appreicate the fact that Simba's tears don't bring Mufasa back to life as that is an annoying cliche and losing a loved one is part of growing up. This is a wonderful movie that deals with love,loss and life. It is a beautiful movie with great songs and everything but then we had to get the sequels.
The Lion King II

The Lion King II was the first Lion King sequel and compared to the rest of the Cheapquels (my word for direct-to-sequels) it's not that bad. It continues the story of the one quite nicely. Unlike Hunchback II which had an awful villian, the villian in this film isn't that bad as seen in her villian song.
While not as memorable as Be Perpared it still works. It is a rather funny song in the sense that it starts out sweet as a lullaby being sung to little Kovu but as soon he falls asleep, the song takes another turn and it becomes meancing. Decent job for a song that is supposed to the outline of the villian's plans. Now if you are a theater goer, you should be able to find the Shakespeare influence in these films. The first one was influenced by Hamlet. The second film however was influenced by what is perhaps Shakespeare's most famous play, Romeo & Juliet. I like that because it still feels mature and it works. Now of course some liberties are takne such as Kirra & Kovu, (The film's Romeo & Juliet) don't die. What were you expecting that in a kid's movie? If I do have any complaints about the Simba's Pride, it would have to be Timon & Pumbaa are underused in this film and being a Timon & Pumbaa, I'm not okay with that. Honestly you could re edit this entire film to take out the Timon & Pumbaa scenes and the movie would still make sense.
The Lion King 1 1/2

You may find it funny that my biggest complaint about Simba's Pride was the fact that Timon & Pumbaa were underused. When the next Lion King movie that I'm talking about they are the stars of this next film. Now I have seen this film get a lot of bashing on the internet. Perhaps it is just me but I find this to be one of the better direct-to-video sequels. Part of it may be the fact I like comic releif characters and I think they deserve the spotlight if they are funny. Timon & Pumbaa are certianly fuuny and I think this is a good movie that showcases their humor. Now I have seen one of the biggest complaints I have seen about this movie is the whole sillouhette thing. I find this complaint rather odd because some of the people that made this complaint were fans of MST3K and I don't see why they with htem doing that but not Timon & Pumbaa. Also this isn't the first time, Timon & Pumbaa broke the fourth wall. If you remember, Hakuna Matata. There is one line, where Pumbaa says "I was always down wind". His butt is to front of the screenand for a lack of a better term it seems as though he is going to fart. Then Timon says "Pumbaa, the kids". That line references the kids in the audience. Sure it may be more subtle but I see nothing wrong with breaking the fourth wall. If done right and I think it was in this film.
That is alll I have to say about theses films. Defintlely see the first film if you haven't. The second one is forgettable and only wach it if your intrested. I reccomend the The Lion King 1 1/2 if you enjoyed the Timon & Pumbaa TV show. That's another thing I find 1 1/2 more enjoyable if you don't think of it as a Lion King movie but rather just a Timon & Pumbaa movie.
Top 6 Favorite Disneyland Rides
This is a great suggestion so let's begin.
6. It's a Small World

I have a love/hate relationship with this ride. What I mean by this is that I love the message of this ride because I agree with what this ride is trying to say but the song, the song, the song. It's cute at first but it get annoying very soon. I must be glutton for punishment as I have this song on Disney playlist on my Ipod. Who knows?
5. Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin

This is the only Roger Rabbit ride that I know of at any Disney park. It is pretty fun especially if you are someone that loves ride that spins. Call me strange but I love getting dizzy. This ride is great because it takes you through the main plot and it is a simple ride. Best part is you get to control the car and choose which direction you spin. My only complaint towards this ride would be the fact that they had to change the name of the cab from Benny to Lenny. I just pertend that Lenny is Benny's cousin.
4. Big Thunder Mountain

Big Thunder is a great ride with wonderful storytelling. It takes you back to the time of the Old West. This is awesome. There is wonderful storytelling going on. The ride truly immerses you in the world of the Old West. They did a great job with this ride.
3. Mad Hatter's Tea Party

Come on, I told you I like sthat rides that spin. So don't be too suprised to see this on the list because while Roger Rabbit is a great ride but if you want a classic ride that makes you spin, you can't go one wrong with this one.
2. Pirates of The Carribean

Even with all the changes because of the film, it is still a great ride. Part of the reason, I have placed this ride so high is because it was the very first Disneyland ride I ever went on. Unlike It's a Small World, the song is great and fun.
1. Splash Mountain

Now this is my all time favorite ride at both parks. It is just downright awesome. This ride led to my love of water rides and I love how they trick you into thinking this is a nice simple ride and then the drop. That is just awesome. IF you want more of myopinion on this ride check out this blog, where I compare the Disneyland and Disney World version to each other.
Which Is The Better Splash Mountain?
Movie Reveiw: Trazan
James, twice you have asked for either a Trazan or Brother Bear reveiw. Well today, I'm going to deliver anf give you a reveiw of...
The Plot
The basic plot of this film is the story of a boy who is orphaned in the jungle when his parents are killed. He is then adopted by a gorilla who names him Tarzan and raises him as his own child. There he grows up and becomes protector of the jungle. That covers the basic plot, now onto the characters.
The Characters
Now as usual, I'll be breaking this down into Main Characters, Supporting Characters and then after I talk about the music, I'll talk about the villian. I must say it is nice to reveiw a film that has a villian again. Not that the other films I reveiwed needed one but it threw my revewing off a little bit.
Tarzan voiced by Tony Goldwyn

Now even though we first see Tarzan as a young boy, I'm only going to cover his adult years. As an adult Tarzan is strong and agile but this comes from all of his years training with gorillas to be better than the best and to prove himself. He uses all of the ablities he has learned in the jungle to fight off foes and just to live. Personally, I think Tarzan is the greatest Disney antimated action hero. I mean sure, Hercules is nice but the rawness of Tarzan just makes him so much coller in my mind and I even enjoyed the TV show because they were able to expand on the rawness and strength with new villians. Tarzan will always be my favorite Disney Badass (Yeah I know I broke my own rule but I couldn't think of any other way to describe him.)
Jane Porter voiced by Minnie Driver

Now Jane is quite the opposite of Tarzan. She is refined and rather ladylike. So she feels out of place in the jungle. Because this is not what she is used and to her suprise she falls in love with Tarzan. They say opposites attract. At the end of the film Tarzan and Jane get married (Who marries them when they live in the Jungle?)
Supporting Characters
Terk voiced by Rosie O' Donnell

I guess you could say Terk is Tarzan's cousin. Terk is tomboyish and loves playing rough and tough with the boys. Funny thig, Terk was orignally supposed to be a male character but when Rosie O' Donell auditioned, the makers decided okay change Terk to a girl.
Tantor voiced by Wayne Knight

Tantor is Tarzan's other best freind. He is paranoid and scared of ever little thing. Although when push comes to shove he will help his freinds and forget about his worries.
Kala voiced by Glenn Close

Now I have already talked about Kala in the plotline. Kala is a caring mother who will do anything to protect her son. She doesn't care if Tarzan is different than her because in her eyes Tarzan is her son. No matter what no one else tells her.
The Music
Now there are three songs I wish to cover. They include Two Worlds, You'll Be In My Heart and Son of Man. But I love all the songs in this film but I feel if I try to cover all of them, it'll take up too much time.
Two Worlds
First off, James I knw your a Phil Collins fan. So instead of the usual song from the movie. I have a live performance of this song at a concert. I hope you like it. This song sends chills down my spine each time I hear it. It is a great song that talks about the merging of Tarzan's two lives into one family. Because Tarzan is a human but he was raised by the gorillas but in order for him to have a balanced life, he needs to embrace both aspects of his life.
You'll Be In My Heart
Why stop with one live performance. Here is a live performance of You'll Be In My Heart. This is a beuatiful song that talks about how strong the bond between parnet and child can be. Even if people make fun of you, your parnets will always love you and they don't care if your different. That is the most beautiful message I have ever heard. I'm sorry but I'm in tears writing this right now. This song is getting to me. It's done its job.
Son of Man
Sadly I could not find a live performance of this song. This song is actually my favorite from the film. It's funny but listening to this song again it sounds as though it is someone trying to encourage Young Tarzan to do his best and as long as he does that, he has succeeded. Now I say it sounds like someone is trying to encourage Tarzan but I can't say its Kala. It kind of seems like Tarzan's spirit is talking to him and encouraging him to do his best.
The Villian
Clayton voiced by Brian Blessed

Here is an underrated villian from the Disney Rouges Gallery. He is such a great villian because he is suave, agressive and he is able to his true motives for a very long time. At first he acts as just a tour guide for Jane and her father but he is truly there to hunt down the gorillas. You can see that he dislikes Tarzan but he plays it off by saying Tarzan is not very smart because of living in the jungle.
My Final Thoughts
This is a great movie that has a good balance of heart and humor with some great action. If you want a Disney movie with heart, humor and action go see Tarzan.
Files From The Archive: The Power of Pixie Dust
Hey guys, I know I said that you get to tell me what to write but I wanted to share this old blog with you. It'srather personal one and I hope you enjoy it.
Music Fridays Big Celebration: Songs of Live Action Films From YesterYear
BBHM, you wanted something that had to do with the live action films of the 50s, 60s, & 70s. I hope this will work for you. For a change on a Music Fridays, I'll be showcasing songs from live action films of YesterYear. YesterYear that reminds me of a certian site that I want you guys to check out.
Yesterland: A Theme Park On The Web
The Setlist
The Age of Not believing
This is a beautiful song. Of course the lovely voice of Angela Lansbury doesn't hurt either. The song is so sweet. It is saying don't grow up too fast and enjoy the time you have as a child because before you know those day won't be around any longer.
Feed The Birds
Now here is another great song from a live action film. Many people consider Mary Poppins to be the grandest and greatest Disney film of all time. With a song like this, I can see why. Sure I may not have chosen pne of the fun songs from this film but why would I when this is such a beautiful and touching song. Again the actress singing has something to do with it. Each time I listen to Julie Andrews sing this song I get chills because it truly sounds like she believes what she is singing and that is the best part of this song. I may have seen the stage adaption of Mary Poppins but no one can hold a candle to Julie Andrew's version of this song. Sometimes, the origianl is the best just like with this song.
Valnetine's Candy
Now I have never seen the movie that this song comes from but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. This song comes from the film The Happiest Millioniare. This is such a great song. This song fall underneath what I like to call the "Where am I?" songs. What I mean by this with these type of songs, the character is questioning the decisions they have made that have lead them to this point and they are going through a transition period because they are lost with their thoughts. They don't knwo where to go. This song right here shows the girl trying figure where she is. Does she want to be the tomboysih girl she has always been or does she want to become a lady.
If you want to listen to Classic Disney sogn from the master of Disney music pick up this CD. Now I don't know if it's on Itunes but to me nothing beats listening to the CD.
The Sherman Brothers Songbook
The Disney Gremlins
Pharm, you have give me a great topic. Thanks for that. If you have played Epic Mickey, you should know this character...

Now if you followed Epic Mickey, you would know tht Warren Specter decided to use aspects of Disney Lore tht never saw the light of day. These Gremlins are one such example. Back in 1943, the Gremlins were to star in a antimated film. Sadly this never happened but they did see the light of day with this book written by Roald Dahl.

- Movie Reveiw- I talk about a certian movie starting with the trailer, then the plot, the characters, the music, & the villian (if there is one)
- Top 6- I coundown Top 6 Things I like
- Can we Talk about - I talk about something in the realm of Disney that is bugging me be it the fans or the decisions made by the compnay.
- Music Fridays - I showcase songs of a certain genre or theme that are alll Disney songs.
I do ask that you don't request anything I have already covered and for that here is a link to all of my blogs.
My Blogs
There you go that is just part 1 of this blog. Part 2 I'm still going to need your help but I have a feeling that we can do this. As of right now, The Hunchback co reveiw and the Q & A from yesterday have the most comments for any A Look at Disney blog posted. They both have 25 & 24 respectfully. I'd like to surpass by alot....
Call me crazy but I 'd like to see if we couldn't get 50 comments all on this 1 blog. That's right 50 comments.
If your wondering how long this will last until I'm too tired to continue and you see the words "Enough I'm Done" appear. When I type those words, the blog is over. (Obviously right now does not count)
Before I start I'd like to thank some people. First of all gotta thank my mom who reads my blogs on a daily basis and is a big supporter of this. Next Iwant to thank Linkara as he inspiried me to start my own blog series. (It would be so awesome if he left a comment but nto gonna happen) I want to thank CRITIC TV for choosing two of my blogs as Breakthrough Blogs of The Week. Also I would like to thank Transmission Awesome for also picking two of my blogs as Awesome Blogs of The Week. I'd like to James Daniel Walsh author of Stop The Hate as that was always a great blog series to read and it inspiried me to start my Can We Talk about segment. Also he put a shout out to me in his 100th blog so I owe it to him. Next up gotta thank Gomu69 for deliverign an awsome reveiw alongside me. Also gotta thank BigBlackHatMan & Patrick_O for becomign frequent readers of my stuff and leaving a comment. Actually I should thank anyone whos has ever read my blogs because that means a lot to me. I can't forget my best freind he may not be part of the blogging community but he helps me come with ideas because I bounce ideas off of him and I see if he likes it. He was the first person to know about the Bonus Reveiw and thhought it was a great idea. I feel I should include a song. Genie hit it.
This is how I feel about you guys. so Let's Start Blogging!
Music Fridays Big Celebration Special: More Songs From Kingdom Hearts
Ratin8tor, my good pal you have inspiried me for our first topic of the day. You asked if I have played Kingdom Hearts. Well, I have played Cahin of Memeories as that is the only KH game I own and it is pretty fun save for the fact I have stuck in Atlantica for three years now. Anyways if you remeber one of the earliest Music Fridays I did showcased songs from Disney vidoe games mainly Epic Mickey & Kingdom Hearts. With your question I have decided to showcase three more songs from KH.
Precious Stars In The Sky
Listening to this song, is very relaxing. It makes me feel like I'm on an ocean just drifiting away. With no care in the world at all. This may sound strange but this little tune right here was giving me a lullaby type vibe and it almost put me to sleep. We don't that now, do we?
A Piece of Peace
This track is rather somber but also mysterious and I ce see why Ariel is on the video for this thing as this sogn does sound like it would fit her. Because the more I listen to it, it sounds like someone sneaking around their house. Please understand what I'm saying when I say this but this song sounds wet. What I mean by that is it sounds like you are Under The Sea. (Sorry could'nt resist!) It really sounds like your under the ocean when listening to this song.
So clsoes our first segment of the 100th Blog.
Can We Talk about The Lion King & Its Sequels
Patrick, you want to me to talk abou the The Lion King and its sequels. You got it. The Lion King is by far one of the greatest Disney movies from the '90s and even of all time.

The Lion King is one of the greatest Disney movies as it has a wonderful sotry about growing up. It deals with the loss of a loved one. I appreicate the fact that Simba's tears don't bring Mufasa back to life as that is an annoying cliche and losing a loved one is part of growing up. This is a wonderful movie that deals with love,loss and life. It is a beautiful movie with great songs and everything but then we had to get the sequels.
The Lion King II

The Lion King II was the first Lion King sequel and compared to the rest of the Cheapquels (my word for direct-to-sequels) it's not that bad. It continues the story of the one quite nicely. Unlike Hunchback II which had an awful villian, the villian in this film isn't that bad as seen in her villian song.
While not as memorable as Be Perpared it still works. It is a rather funny song in the sense that it starts out sweet as a lullaby being sung to little Kovu but as soon he falls asleep, the song takes another turn and it becomes meancing. Decent job for a song that is supposed to the outline of the villian's plans. Now if you are a theater goer, you should be able to find the Shakespeare influence in these films. The first one was influenced by Hamlet. The second film however was influenced by what is perhaps Shakespeare's most famous play, Romeo & Juliet. I like that because it still feels mature and it works. Now of course some liberties are takne such as Kirra & Kovu, (The film's Romeo & Juliet) don't die. What were you expecting that in a kid's movie? If I do have any complaints about the Simba's Pride, it would have to be Timon & Pumbaa are underused in this film and being a Timon & Pumbaa, I'm not okay with that. Honestly you could re edit this entire film to take out the Timon & Pumbaa scenes and the movie would still make sense.
The Lion King 1 1/2

You may find it funny that my biggest complaint about Simba's Pride was the fact that Timon & Pumbaa were underused. When the next Lion King movie that I'm talking about they are the stars of this next film. Now I have seen this film get a lot of bashing on the internet. Perhaps it is just me but I find this to be one of the better direct-to-video sequels. Part of it may be the fact I like comic releif characters and I think they deserve the spotlight if they are funny. Timon & Pumbaa are certianly fuuny and I think this is a good movie that showcases their humor. Now I have seen one of the biggest complaints I have seen about this movie is the whole sillouhette thing. I find this complaint rather odd because some of the people that made this complaint were fans of MST3K and I don't see why they with htem doing that but not Timon & Pumbaa. Also this isn't the first time, Timon & Pumbaa broke the fourth wall. If you remember, Hakuna Matata. There is one line, where Pumbaa says "I was always down wind". His butt is to front of the screenand for a lack of a better term it seems as though he is going to fart. Then Timon says "Pumbaa, the kids". That line references the kids in the audience. Sure it may be more subtle but I see nothing wrong with breaking the fourth wall. If done right and I think it was in this film.
That is alll I have to say about theses films. Defintlely see the first film if you haven't. The second one is forgettable and only wach it if your intrested. I reccomend the The Lion King 1 1/2 if you enjoyed the Timon & Pumbaa TV show. That's another thing I find 1 1/2 more enjoyable if you don't think of it as a Lion King movie but rather just a Timon & Pumbaa movie.
Top 6 Favorite Disneyland Rides
This is a great suggestion so let's begin.
6. It's a Small World

I have a love/hate relationship with this ride. What I mean by this is that I love the message of this ride because I agree with what this ride is trying to say but the song, the song, the song. It's cute at first but it get annoying very soon. I must be glutton for punishment as I have this song on Disney playlist on my Ipod. Who knows?
5. Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin

This is the only Roger Rabbit ride that I know of at any Disney park. It is pretty fun especially if you are someone that loves ride that spins. Call me strange but I love getting dizzy. This ride is great because it takes you through the main plot and it is a simple ride. Best part is you get to control the car and choose which direction you spin. My only complaint towards this ride would be the fact that they had to change the name of the cab from Benny to Lenny. I just pertend that Lenny is Benny's cousin.
4. Big Thunder Mountain

Big Thunder is a great ride with wonderful storytelling. It takes you back to the time of the Old West. This is awesome. There is wonderful storytelling going on. The ride truly immerses you in the world of the Old West. They did a great job with this ride.
3. Mad Hatter's Tea Party

Come on, I told you I like sthat rides that spin. So don't be too suprised to see this on the list because while Roger Rabbit is a great ride but if you want a classic ride that makes you spin, you can't go one wrong with this one.
2. Pirates of The Carribean

Even with all the changes because of the film, it is still a great ride. Part of the reason, I have placed this ride so high is because it was the very first Disneyland ride I ever went on. Unlike It's a Small World, the song is great and fun.
1. Splash Mountain

Now this is my all time favorite ride at both parks. It is just downright awesome. This ride led to my love of water rides and I love how they trick you into thinking this is a nice simple ride and then the drop. That is just awesome. IF you want more of myopinion on this ride check out this blog, where I compare the Disneyland and Disney World version to each other.
Which Is The Better Splash Mountain?
Movie Reveiw: Trazan
James, twice you have asked for either a Trazan or Brother Bear reveiw. Well today, I'm going to deliver anf give you a reveiw of...
The Plot
The basic plot of this film is the story of a boy who is orphaned in the jungle when his parents are killed. He is then adopted by a gorilla who names him Tarzan and raises him as his own child. There he grows up and becomes protector of the jungle. That covers the basic plot, now onto the characters.
The Characters
Now as usual, I'll be breaking this down into Main Characters, Supporting Characters and then after I talk about the music, I'll talk about the villian. I must say it is nice to reveiw a film that has a villian again. Not that the other films I reveiwed needed one but it threw my revewing off a little bit.
Tarzan voiced by Tony Goldwyn

Now even though we first see Tarzan as a young boy, I'm only going to cover his adult years. As an adult Tarzan is strong and agile but this comes from all of his years training with gorillas to be better than the best and to prove himself. He uses all of the ablities he has learned in the jungle to fight off foes and just to live. Personally, I think Tarzan is the greatest Disney antimated action hero. I mean sure, Hercules is nice but the rawness of Tarzan just makes him so much coller in my mind and I even enjoyed the TV show because they were able to expand on the rawness and strength with new villians. Tarzan will always be my favorite Disney Badass (Yeah I know I broke my own rule but I couldn't think of any other way to describe him.)
Jane Porter voiced by Minnie Driver

Now Jane is quite the opposite of Tarzan. She is refined and rather ladylike. So she feels out of place in the jungle. Because this is not what she is used and to her suprise she falls in love with Tarzan. They say opposites attract. At the end of the film Tarzan and Jane get married (Who marries them when they live in the Jungle?)
Supporting Characters
Terk voiced by Rosie O' Donnell

I guess you could say Terk is Tarzan's cousin. Terk is tomboyish and loves playing rough and tough with the boys. Funny thig, Terk was orignally supposed to be a male character but when Rosie O' Donell auditioned, the makers decided okay change Terk to a girl.
Tantor voiced by Wayne Knight

Tantor is Tarzan's other best freind. He is paranoid and scared of ever little thing. Although when push comes to shove he will help his freinds and forget about his worries.
Kala voiced by Glenn Close

Now I have already talked about Kala in the plotline. Kala is a caring mother who will do anything to protect her son. She doesn't care if Tarzan is different than her because in her eyes Tarzan is her son. No matter what no one else tells her.
The Music
Now there are three songs I wish to cover. They include Two Worlds, You'll Be In My Heart and Son of Man. But I love all the songs in this film but I feel if I try to cover all of them, it'll take up too much time.
Two Worlds
First off, James I knw your a Phil Collins fan. So instead of the usual song from the movie. I have a live performance of this song at a concert. I hope you like it. This song sends chills down my spine each time I hear it. It is a great song that talks about the merging of Tarzan's two lives into one family. Because Tarzan is a human but he was raised by the gorillas but in order for him to have a balanced life, he needs to embrace both aspects of his life.
You'll Be In My Heart
Why stop with one live performance. Here is a live performance of You'll Be In My Heart. This is a beuatiful song that talks about how strong the bond between parnet and child can be. Even if people make fun of you, your parnets will always love you and they don't care if your different. That is the most beautiful message I have ever heard. I'm sorry but I'm in tears writing this right now. This song is getting to me. It's done its job.
Son of Man
Sadly I could not find a live performance of this song. This song is actually my favorite from the film. It's funny but listening to this song again it sounds as though it is someone trying to encourage Young Tarzan to do his best and as long as he does that, he has succeeded. Now I say it sounds like someone is trying to encourage Tarzan but I can't say its Kala. It kind of seems like Tarzan's spirit is talking to him and encouraging him to do his best.
The Villian
Clayton voiced by Brian Blessed

Here is an underrated villian from the Disney Rouges Gallery. He is such a great villian because he is suave, agressive and he is able to his true motives for a very long time. At first he acts as just a tour guide for Jane and her father but he is truly there to hunt down the gorillas. You can see that he dislikes Tarzan but he plays it off by saying Tarzan is not very smart because of living in the jungle.
My Final Thoughts
This is a great movie that has a good balance of heart and humor with some great action. If you want a Disney movie with heart, humor and action go see Tarzan.
Files From The Archive: The Power of Pixie Dust
Hey guys, I know I said that you get to tell me what to write but I wanted to share this old blog with you. It'srather personal one and I hope you enjoy it.

Normally, when I post "A Look at Disney", I usually talk about Disney related things and my view. Today, however I have decided to get just bit more personal and talk about Pixie Dust. Some of you may be wondering how Pixie Dust relates to my life. Well, I should give you some background, I have epilepsy. For those of you who do not know what this is epilepsy causes a person to have seizures. Seizures in of themselves are hard for me to describe because I'm really not here in the mental snese when they happen and also due to the fact that there are so many different types of seizures.
If you are still wondering what Pixie Dust has to do with my life, I understand. You see it is this, if you have seen "Peter Pan", you have heard "Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust" before. Well, my family has adopted that as one of our sayings. Because you have to have Faith that everything will all right, Trust in God and what he is doing. And a little Pixie Dust for fun. This saying has become such a part of our family's lives that when he go to see my neurologist, who is also a Disney fan, my mother and I make him a bottle of Pixie Dust for good luck. The Dust is not to just help me but all his other paitents. While some of you may find this silly, I beleive, "Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust" has done me good as I have seizure for the past two years. If they do start back up, I know where to find some Pixie Dust.
Music Fridays Big Celebration: Songs of Live Action Films From YesterYear
BBHM, you wanted something that had to do with the live action films of the 50s, 60s, & 70s. I hope this will work for you. For a change on a Music Fridays, I'll be showcasing songs from live action films of YesterYear. YesterYear that reminds me of a certian site that I want you guys to check out.
Yesterland: A Theme Park On The Web
The Setlist
The Age of Not believing
This is a beautiful song. Of course the lovely voice of Angela Lansbury doesn't hurt either. The song is so sweet. It is saying don't grow up too fast and enjoy the time you have as a child because before you know those day won't be around any longer.
Feed The Birds
Now here is another great song from a live action film. Many people consider Mary Poppins to be the grandest and greatest Disney film of all time. With a song like this, I can see why. Sure I may not have chosen pne of the fun songs from this film but why would I when this is such a beautiful and touching song. Again the actress singing has something to do with it. Each time I listen to Julie Andrews sing this song I get chills because it truly sounds like she believes what she is singing and that is the best part of this song. I may have seen the stage adaption of Mary Poppins but no one can hold a candle to Julie Andrew's version of this song. Sometimes, the origianl is the best just like with this song.
Now I have never seen the movie that this song comes from but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. This song comes from the film The Happiest Millioniare. This is such a great song. This song fall underneath what I like to call the "Where am I?" songs. What I mean by this with these type of songs, the character is questioning the decisions they have made that have lead them to this point and they are going through a transition period because they are lost with their thoughts. They don't knwo where to go. This song right here shows the girl trying figure where she is. Does she want to be the tomboysih girl she has always been or does she want to become a lady.
If you want to listen to Classic Disney sogn from the master of Disney music pick up this CD. Now I don't know if it's on Itunes but to me nothing beats listening to the CD.
The Sherman Brothers Songbook
The Disney Gremlins
Pharm, you have give me a great topic. Thanks for that. If you have played Epic Mickey, you should know this character...

Now if you followed Epic Mickey, you would know tht Warren Specter decided to use aspects of Disney Lore tht never saw the light of day. These Gremlins are one such example. Back in 1943, the Gremlins were to star in a antimated film. Sadly this never happened but they did see the light of day with this book written by Roald Dahl.

This book was meant to serve as tie-in to the film and it was meant to introduce the characters so they could be acquainted with the characters. Honestly, I think these characters will start getting fans even if they are not featured in any future projects. I say this because they are different and unique. I know ans like that and also being that they are classic characters that Walt worked on, they'll get some fans that way as well. However, I don't the parks using them as walkaround characters because of those facts. Also it just seems like they would be out of place at the parks.
"I'm Done"
That's right the 100th blog has come to a close but thanks to everyone who read this blog and left a suggestion I do apologize if I did not get to your suggestion but there were a lot. Don't worry though I will try to cover as many of the uncovered topics in the future. Also starting next I'm taking a break from movie reviews as I'm tired from all the reveiws that I did. Don't get me wrong I loved him but there were a lot. Also we may not have reached 50 comments but this blog did receive the most comments of any of my blogs with 30 comments. That's something to be proud of. We didn't quite make it but at least we tried. Goodnight everyone.
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