What can I say? I'd love the Big Celebration so much so that this Top 6 is going to countdown my Top 6 Moments From The Big Celebration. The Celebration includes Blogs # 90 - # 100. To define what I mean by moment, it may be part of a blog, an outcome from a blog or a particular blog in general.
6. The Mickey Mouse Joke From The Q & A.

This joke right here will go down as one of my favorite moments from any of my posts. You see back when I started I had planned on doing a joke Interview saying I had gotten Mickey Mouse to agree to do an interview with me. I was going to leave updates on each blog telling you how much closer I came to getting the interview and then I would put it up on April Fool's Day and say that I got Mickey but I would just reveal it to be my stuffed Mickey and I would actually carry on an interview. The entire time though we would think he is the real Mickey and I would have to remind that he is just a stuffed animal but he wouldn't believe me. That never happened but with the Q & A, I just thought why not include that joke but on a smaller scale. So I did, I said I had gotten Mickey Mouse to agree to an interview and then just showed this picture. While not what I had intended, I still think that joke was a nice way of including something that never saw the light of day.
5. The Return of Darkfan21
Also from the Q & A, that day saw the return of my foe from Request Month. For a short period of time he took over the Q & A and answered a question. Of how he would prefer to take over the world. Now while he may be my foe and I don't approve of anyone taking over the world, I must say I liked the question that was asked of him and I also believe he gave a well thought out answer. Let's just hope he never acts upon it though. And yes he is still trying to get a date with PushingUpRoses. The poor sap doesn't know when to quit. If he ever returns though, I will be armed with my Ipod full of Disney songs. Here is a link to the Q & A, in case you missed it.
Q & A
4. Finding Out I Convinced Someone to see The Tigger Movie

As you recall, as part of the Big Celebration I reviewed my Top 5 favorite Disney movies. One of them being, The Tigger Movie. Now I received a very nice suprise when BigBlackHatMan had told me, that my review of The Tigger Movie led to watch this movie and he liked it. Honestly, that is the coolest thing that has ever come out of anything I have with this series. It even surpasses getting two Awesome Blogs of The Week. I say that because that honestly made me feel like a true reviewer for the very first time. My intention was to never tell you guys to see these movies, I just wanted to share movies I liked with you. Hearing that was a nice bonus.
The Tigger Movie Review
3. The Co Review of The Hunchback of Notre Dame with Zach

This was the first review from the batch of movie reviews that were a part of The Big Celebration. As I said in the blog, this had been planned for months. It was awesome to finally share this with you guys. Trust me, doing this review when two people are not in the same room is tricky but luckily we communicated via e-mail to get this thing done. The response was great so much so that some of you want to us to team up again. While I like the idea, I don't know if Zach would want to and also if I do another co review, I'd like to do it with someone else. Nothing against you Zach, I like you but if I do another co review, I think I'd like to review with a female blogger to get the women's perspective on a Disney film.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Co Review
2. Getting 36 Comments on the 100th Blog.
As of my typing this, the 100th blog currently has 36 comments. We may not have reached the 50 comments goal that I hoped for. But that's all right because 36 comments is still pretty good and that is the most comments any one of my blogs has ever gotten. Oh best part, it was troll free. I was worried saying that I wanted 50 comments would bring in a troll or two but we did not have a single troll or flamewar. That just shows how awesome you guys are.
1. Reaching The 100th Blog
Like it could be anything else. The Big Celebration was all leading up to this one blog. I was so excited to finally put it up and the best part is almost immediately after I put it up got first comment for that blog. That was awesome with a great suggestion. I was so nervous that no one was going to reply and I would look like a fool for attempting something like what I had planned for the 100th blog but you guys helped me out there. You gave me a lot of good suggestions. So many that I couldn't cover them all. Well I could of but I was still getting comments at 8:00 here in VA. I felt I had to cut it there. As I said there though if I did not cover your topic, I will try to get to it eventually but just as I said there, I'm taking a short break from movie reviews seeing as I churned out a lot of reviews during the Celebration.
My 100th Blog
There you have it, these are my Top 6 favorite moments from the Big Celebration. Do any moments from these blogs stick out in your mind as memorable. If so what are they? Tell me what they are in the comments.
6. The Mickey Mouse Joke From The Q & A.

This joke right here will go down as one of my favorite moments from any of my posts. You see back when I started I had planned on doing a joke Interview saying I had gotten Mickey Mouse to agree to do an interview with me. I was going to leave updates on each blog telling you how much closer I came to getting the interview and then I would put it up on April Fool's Day and say that I got Mickey but I would just reveal it to be my stuffed Mickey and I would actually carry on an interview. The entire time though we would think he is the real Mickey and I would have to remind that he is just a stuffed animal but he wouldn't believe me. That never happened but with the Q & A, I just thought why not include that joke but on a smaller scale. So I did, I said I had gotten Mickey Mouse to agree to an interview and then just showed this picture. While not what I had intended, I still think that joke was a nice way of including something that never saw the light of day.
5. The Return of Darkfan21
Also from the Q & A, that day saw the return of my foe from Request Month. For a short period of time he took over the Q & A and answered a question. Of how he would prefer to take over the world. Now while he may be my foe and I don't approve of anyone taking over the world, I must say I liked the question that was asked of him and I also believe he gave a well thought out answer. Let's just hope he never acts upon it though. And yes he is still trying to get a date with PushingUpRoses. The poor sap doesn't know when to quit. If he ever returns though, I will be armed with my Ipod full of Disney songs. Here is a link to the Q & A, in case you missed it.
Q & A
4. Finding Out I Convinced Someone to see The Tigger Movie

As you recall, as part of the Big Celebration I reviewed my Top 5 favorite Disney movies. One of them being, The Tigger Movie. Now I received a very nice suprise when BigBlackHatMan had told me, that my review of The Tigger Movie led to watch this movie and he liked it. Honestly, that is the coolest thing that has ever come out of anything I have with this series. It even surpasses getting two Awesome Blogs of The Week. I say that because that honestly made me feel like a true reviewer for the very first time. My intention was to never tell you guys to see these movies, I just wanted to share movies I liked with you. Hearing that was a nice bonus.
The Tigger Movie Review
3. The Co Review of The Hunchback of Notre Dame with Zach

This was the first review from the batch of movie reviews that were a part of The Big Celebration. As I said in the blog, this had been planned for months. It was awesome to finally share this with you guys. Trust me, doing this review when two people are not in the same room is tricky but luckily we communicated via e-mail to get this thing done. The response was great so much so that some of you want to us to team up again. While I like the idea, I don't know if Zach would want to and also if I do another co review, I'd like to do it with someone else. Nothing against you Zach, I like you but if I do another co review, I think I'd like to review with a female blogger to get the women's perspective on a Disney film.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Co Review
2. Getting 36 Comments on the 100th Blog.
As of my typing this, the 100th blog currently has 36 comments. We may not have reached the 50 comments goal that I hoped for. But that's all right because 36 comments is still pretty good and that is the most comments any one of my blogs has ever gotten. Oh best part, it was troll free. I was worried saying that I wanted 50 comments would bring in a troll or two but we did not have a single troll or flamewar. That just shows how awesome you guys are.
1. Reaching The 100th Blog
Like it could be anything else. The Big Celebration was all leading up to this one blog. I was so excited to finally put it up and the best part is almost immediately after I put it up got first comment for that blog. That was awesome with a great suggestion. I was so nervous that no one was going to reply and I would look like a fool for attempting something like what I had planned for the 100th blog but you guys helped me out there. You gave me a lot of good suggestions. So many that I couldn't cover them all. Well I could of but I was still getting comments at 8:00 here in VA. I felt I had to cut it there. As I said there though if I did not cover your topic, I will try to get to it eventually but just as I said there, I'm taking a short break from movie reviews seeing as I churned out a lot of reviews during the Celebration.
My 100th Blog
There you have it, these are my Top 6 favorite moments from the Big Celebration. Do any moments from these blogs stick out in your mind as memorable. If so what are they? Tell me what they are in the comments.
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