Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 10: Grab Bag

Welcome to a very special Music Fridays. We have reached the tenth installment of what has become my favorite part of A Look at Disney. Over the past 9  articles, we have looked at songs ranging from many categories. We have looked at Sad songs, Video game songs, Country Covers, and Reprise songs. These are just some of the things that we have looked at and well there is always a song that could have gone on any one of these posts but for whatever reason I didn't include them. Today, I have decided to pick my 4 favorite topics from Music Fridays and pick a song that could have gone on that post but it didn't. Note the ones I listed are not necessarily the topics that will be featured.

Let's begin. To start off, let's go back to a topic that I think really helped to establish Music Fridays. If you'll recall Music Fridays # 2 was Sad Songs. Well a few people have mentioned other Disney songs that they would have liked to see. One that sticks out to me comes from Robin Hood.

Not in Nottingham

Now even with how short this song is, it is so tragic. The film's Alan- A- Dale sits in jail singing of the suffering that the town is going through because of the corrupt greed of Prince John. It is simple but quite effective as it delivers the message of hoping for a better tomorrow but they aren't so sure that it will ever come.

All right our next song has to come from what I consider all of my all time favorite topics to cover on Music Fridays. During The Big Celebration there was bit of hiatus from Music Fridays. Though when Music Fridays returned it cam back in style with Reprise Songs. I know at least one person said they were surprised that I did not include this song. And seeing as how I listed it as one of my favorite Disney films, I can understand that.  This reprise comes from The Little Mermaid

Part of Your World Reprise

Now as I said in the comment fro Reprise Songs, I didn't even realize that this was a reprise. Once I got an Itunes gift card, I downloaded this reprise and while listening to it on my Ipod was nice. Part of ti is lost when you don't see Ariel interact with Eric. As I said in Reprise Songs, reprises can sometimes take on a different form from the first version of the song. I'm not sure that is the case here because while it becomes more romantic and lovely with Ariel singing to Eric, it feels more like a continuation of the first song. Only this time instead of Ariel describing her thingamjigs, she is singing to Eric and saying how she wishes to be on land with him. Other than it doesn't change that much and again it feels more like a continuation.

All right our next song comes from a Music Fridays that was actually a tribute topic to a Disney Legend. Now making her third appearance on A Look at Disney is Annette Funicello.

Pineapple Princess

All right, perhaps I'm cheating here as I included this song in the comments for this Music Fridays. Though it was not part of the article so I can get away with it.  Here again, Annette is singing about her boyfreind. This time though with beach theme and talking about all the fun things that they can do while on the beach. It's an okay song but I don't find it to be as good as the four songs from the Annette Music Firdays.

All right our last song comes from what was the very first topic to be covered on Music Fridays. Music Fridays # 1 was all about The Disney Afternoon.  This song is no exception. I give you the Gummi Bears theme.

Gummi Bears

Admittedly, it has been ages since I watched this show and the last Gummi Bears related thing I watched was JewWario's Stuck In Your Head of this song. Anyways, this song tells us about the Gummi Bears and let's us know that they ar heroes looking to protect the forest fro evil doers. They are brave and will fight for what is right.  Okay,  does anybody else want some gummibeary jucie and gummi bears candy right now. Because  I could seriously go for some.  All in all, a good song but I don't find it as catchy as some of the other Disney Afternoon Theme Songs.

Join me next week when we head back to the world of Covers of Disney songs. When we take a look at Covers That Caught Me Off Guard and then again in 2 weeks for another specail Music Friday where I reveal Your Top 6 Songs That Have Been Featured on A Look at Disney.

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