You know I always see these lists of what video reviewers that should be on the main site. I have nothing against that and even though, I know they aren't accepting article writers. I'd like to take this time to shed some light on some text bloggers that are worth your time.
Dawn_Heart - My Thoughts on MMTT

Dawn_Heart is the newest text blogger to come along and she has been really good. Now she only has 3 blogs to her name as of now. Her first one being my favorite with her second being a review of The Wizard of Oz and her latest being a rant on 3-D. So far everything I have read from her has been really good and quite interesting. She is someone that I would love to collab with in the future. Maybe we could do a movie review together. Who knows? Now if I were to pick my favorite blog by her. Well that's a tough pick as all three are pretty good and the subject matter of each one is pretty broad but I think that I would have to go with her first blog. This was a countdown of her 10 favorite movie/game soundtracks. I find this to be one of the best first blogs that I have read. She explained her thoughts well and she included the songs so that the reader could listen to the song while they read the list. Kudos, Dawn_Heart. That was a great list. What songs were on that list. Click this link to find out.
10 Movie and Game Soundtracks
BigBlackHatMan - Support Your Classic Western/M*A*S*H* Notes

BigBlackHatMan actually has two blgo series. Support Your Classic Western and M*A*S*H* Notes. Now to be honest I'm not all that much into the Westeren genre. Honestly the closest I'll come to watching a John Wayne movie is by watching any episode of Whose Line Is It Anyway? that has Ryan Stiles doinghis John Wayne impression. Now that's not to say I don't enjoy BBHM's work. I love it but honestly I perfer his other series, M*A*S*H Notes which as I type is drawing to a close as he has already covered all 11 seasons and he has one last entry planned for that series. Now since BBHM has two series, I have decided to showcased one entry from both of his series. Both of them being his latest because that I feel they are his strongest in each series and don't worry teh entry for M*A*S*H* Notes has a link to every other entry for that series on it.
For Support Yout Classic Western, it was hard to pick an entry. The Disney fan in me wanted to go with his review of The Apple Dumpling Gang but I found that his latest entry where he takes a step out of the normal movie review and instead talks about development of the hero of the westeren that has occurred over time.
Support Your-Classic Westerns-Western Mythos of the Hero
Now for M*A*S*H Notes, I have chosen his final entry in this series where he covers the fianl season and I find that out all of his entries for this series, this one was the most fairly balanced. You can tell that he enjoys this show but BBHM makes it rather clear that he some qualms with this season such as stating that the episodes before the series finale felt like an afterthought.
M*A*S*H Notes Season 11
Apac - TGWTG Friday Funnies

Now admittedly, Apac's series is actually an online comic and not a text review. Though I like his stuff, therefore I felt I could include it. I will be honest and say that TGWTG Friday Funnies is the first online comic that I have read on a weekly basis. So far, I'm enjoying everything I see from him. It is a simple comic strip with a self contained story starring the reviewers and villians of Channel Awesome. It's hard to pick a favorite strip as they are all so funny. Though I think my favorite would be the one where ToddInTheShadows finally gets to go on a date with Lupa.
TGWTG Friday Funnies 6
All right, now I know there are plenty more people you should check out but some of them are hiatus as of right such as Patrick_O who does an awesome book review series, At The Scene of The Crime and Pap64, who does some great antimated movie reviews. I'm not including links because I honestly can't narrow it down to just one favorite for these two.
James Daniel Walsh - Stop The Hate

Now if someone were to ask me what my all-time favorite blog series is? The answer would be Stop The Hate by James Daniel Walsh. Sadly, though he ended theat series a few months back. They were wonderful and while I didn't always agree with what James said, he still showed me respect. I have stated this before but I beleive James to be one of the biggest supporters of A Look at Disney. In fact , he helped me to continue the series when I was ready to throw in the towel. Besides, I was luck enough to actually have him as a guest on A Look at Disney for one of my Can we Talk about's. Which as I have stated in the past was inspiried by Stop The Hate. In this Can We Talk about, we took a look at Disney Rumors to see if there was any reason to cause such fuss over them. Here is that special Can We Talk about.
Can We Talk about Disney Rumors (with James Daniel Walsh)
I really hope that you take the time to check out the bloggers I have mentioned here today and I think you won't regret it. They are all wonderful.
Dawn_Heart - My Thoughts on MMTT

Dawn_Heart is the newest text blogger to come along and she has been really good. Now she only has 3 blogs to her name as of now. Her first one being my favorite with her second being a review of The Wizard of Oz and her latest being a rant on 3-D. So far everything I have read from her has been really good and quite interesting. She is someone that I would love to collab with in the future. Maybe we could do a movie review together. Who knows? Now if I were to pick my favorite blog by her. Well that's a tough pick as all three are pretty good and the subject matter of each one is pretty broad but I think that I would have to go with her first blog. This was a countdown of her 10 favorite movie/game soundtracks. I find this to be one of the best first blogs that I have read. She explained her thoughts well and she included the songs so that the reader could listen to the song while they read the list. Kudos, Dawn_Heart. That was a great list. What songs were on that list. Click this link to find out.
10 Movie and Game Soundtracks
BigBlackHatMan - Support Your Classic Western/M*A*S*H* Notes

BigBlackHatMan actually has two blgo series. Support Your Classic Western and M*A*S*H* Notes. Now to be honest I'm not all that much into the Westeren genre. Honestly the closest I'll come to watching a John Wayne movie is by watching any episode of Whose Line Is It Anyway? that has Ryan Stiles doinghis John Wayne impression. Now that's not to say I don't enjoy BBHM's work. I love it but honestly I perfer his other series, M*A*S*H Notes which as I type is drawing to a close as he has already covered all 11 seasons and he has one last entry planned for that series. Now since BBHM has two series, I have decided to showcased one entry from both of his series. Both of them being his latest because that I feel they are his strongest in each series and don't worry teh entry for M*A*S*H* Notes has a link to every other entry for that series on it.
For Support Yout Classic Western, it was hard to pick an entry. The Disney fan in me wanted to go with his review of The Apple Dumpling Gang but I found that his latest entry where he takes a step out of the normal movie review and instead talks about development of the hero of the westeren that has occurred over time.
Support Your-Classic Westerns-Western Mythos of the Hero
Now for M*A*S*H Notes, I have chosen his final entry in this series where he covers the fianl season and I find that out all of his entries for this series, this one was the most fairly balanced. You can tell that he enjoys this show but BBHM makes it rather clear that he some qualms with this season such as stating that the episodes before the series finale felt like an afterthought.
M*A*S*H Notes Season 11
Apac - TGWTG Friday Funnies

Now admittedly, Apac's series is actually an online comic and not a text review. Though I like his stuff, therefore I felt I could include it. I will be honest and say that TGWTG Friday Funnies is the first online comic that I have read on a weekly basis. So far, I'm enjoying everything I see from him. It is a simple comic strip with a self contained story starring the reviewers and villians of Channel Awesome. It's hard to pick a favorite strip as they are all so funny. Though I think my favorite would be the one where ToddInTheShadows finally gets to go on a date with Lupa.
TGWTG Friday Funnies 6
All right, now I know there are plenty more people you should check out but some of them are hiatus as of right such as Patrick_O who does an awesome book review series, At The Scene of The Crime and Pap64, who does some great antimated movie reviews. I'm not including links because I honestly can't narrow it down to just one favorite for these two.
James Daniel Walsh - Stop The Hate

Now if someone were to ask me what my all-time favorite blog series is? The answer would be Stop The Hate by James Daniel Walsh. Sadly, though he ended theat series a few months back. They were wonderful and while I didn't always agree with what James said, he still showed me respect. I have stated this before but I beleive James to be one of the biggest supporters of A Look at Disney. In fact , he helped me to continue the series when I was ready to throw in the towel. Besides, I was luck enough to actually have him as a guest on A Look at Disney for one of my Can we Talk about's. Which as I have stated in the past was inspiried by Stop The Hate. In this Can We Talk about, we took a look at Disney Rumors to see if there was any reason to cause such fuss over them. Here is that special Can We Talk about.
Can We Talk about Disney Rumors (with James Daniel Walsh)
I really hope that you take the time to check out the bloggers I have mentioned here today and I think you won't regret it. They are all wonderful.
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