Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 25: House of Mouse

Now I have talked about House of Mouse in the past and I'm not going to deny the fact that I love this show. It is perhaps my all time favorite Disney cartoon because I love seeing all of these Disney characters at the same place. To me this show was a Disney fan's dream come true. Now while the show show was built around showing shorts, they also had musical numbers and sometimes that would even be the focus of the show.  Join me today as I take a look at 4 songs from House of Mouse. For anybody, who is curious, here is my review of the show.

House of Mouse Review

Rockin' at the House of Mouse

Now the best way to start this off is kick it off with the theme song.  It just gets me excited to watch this show and it is just so upbeat and fun.  It has a nice sound to it and just makes the audience feel very welcoming to the audience watching at home. Also the pacing of this song works nicely with the opening as it zig zags throughout the club and we see the different Disney characters.  

Big Bad Wolf Daddy

Now this song is really fun even if it is just an updated Jazz version of the classic Disney song but it works and the idea of the Big Bad Wolf being a Jazz singer oddly works.  It is just a a lot of fun and I love the backup vocal s from the blonde triplets sitting with Gaston.  This is just a flat out fun song and now I did some research because I wasn't sure but turns out I was right in the voice acting as the voice of Big Bad Wolf Daddy is none other than voice over legend, Jim Cummings.

Me The Mouse and I'm The Duck

Now the main reason, I chose this song is that this is one of the rare times that Mickey and Daisy did a duet together. Makes me wonder what made the writers decide to pair up Mickey and Daisy.  It's a fun little song and surprisingly, Mickey and Daisy's voices work well together. It's a fun little song and it is nice to see Mickey and Daisy together.

Now for our final song, I have chosen a song I like to call the Disney Villain theme song. 

It's Our House Now

This song comes from the Halloween special, Mickey's House of Villains.  This is a great song and I love how they try to fit as many villains in as they can.   It is just a fun song to sing along with and makes for a great takeover song. Gets the message across quite nicely. This song is just oozing with evil and I love every second of it.  It is a fun song to sing along with.

So ends, my look at songs from House of Mouse. Join me next week for a Music Fridays that will be something  Awesome! 

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