Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 32: Love Handel

As I said last week, I would be taking a look at more music from Phineas and Ferb. That's the case as I take a look at the music of the fictional '80s band, Love Handel. Love Handel first appeared in flashback in the episode, Dude, We're Getting The Band Back Together. In the episode, Phineas and Ferb try to reunite the band so that they can preform for Lawrence and Linda's wedding anniversary For those of you don't know those the mom and dad. Most of the music featured in today's entry will come from the episode. I hope you enjoy.

You Snuck Your Way Right Into My Heart 

This song right here was the band's big hit and it was also Lawrence and Linda's song.  If you know what I mean by that.  Again, this song shows how much the writers can have with these songs.  It is a cute sand simple little love song.  It is a ton of fun and the concert setting in this episode makes just as much fun.    It is a fun little song that works as a cute and somewhat cheesy love song.

I Couldn't Kick My Way  Right Into Her Heart

This song was featured in an episode that came after Dude, We're Getting The Band Back Together and this song is actually a parody of You Snuck Your Way Right Into My Heart.  I actually found that to be pretty funny and sure it is shorter but it still works and I haven't seen many shows that take one of their songs and actually make a parody of it. To me that is  a unique idea.  It sound exactly like the first song only changed lyrically and it still is a decent song.  Now I don't think it as much fun as the first song but it is still pretty good. 

Ain't Got Rhythm 

This song once again comes from Dude, We're Getting The Band Back Together where Phineas and Ferb are trying to reform the band and here with this song, they are trying convince Swampy, drummer of the band that he still has rhythm. Even though  he say he doesn't.  Part of the charm of this song comes from the beat that this song has as that is very catchy.  Out of all the solo songs from this episode, this is probably my favorite.   Again, I go back to the beat and also I love the irony of this song number being set in a library.  This song plays to the strength of the show with just having fun with the songs. Also as I have been saying, you can't deny the beat of this song. It is just that good.


Here again this song is rather catchy and once again that goes toward the sound of the song. This song probably has the most unique sound out of the songs featured in this episode.  Though I would lying if I didn't think this song was a little bit of an ego stroke for Bobbi. But Phineas and Feb needed to get the job done and had to do whatever was needed.  I will say though that I don't think this song is the most fun from the episode. No, that honor belongs to Ain't Got Rhythm.   Though I could see this song working in an '80s music video with the look of the number. Also I won't lie but I did get a vibe of some odd undertones from the character of Bobbi.  

So ends, my look at the music of Love Handel.  I hope you have enjoyed these past Phineas and Ferb Join me next time when I start a celebration of theme park songs with



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