Take A Look at Disney


Classic Shorts Showcase: The Robber Kitten

Welcome back to another edition of Classic Shorts Showcase. Join me today as I take a look at The Robber Kitten.  I'm not going to lie that I thought this was going to be a retelling of Puss In Boots as you see that character has been around longer than Shrek.   Alas I was wrong.   As with The Golden Touch, I'm skipping narration as there is none in this short and in some instances that is a good thing because this short is too short for the use of narration.

The Plot

The basic plot of this short is that we follow a young cat who likes to pretend he is a robber.  He is playing in his bedroom when his mother calls him to take a bath but like any young boy he doesn't want to take a bath and runs away but not before stealing some cookies.  When he runs away he runs into a real robber, Dirty Bill who at first he gets along with and that is until the young cat reveals that he hasn't robbed before and the loot he has is just cookies.   This is probably out of all the shorts that I have watched the simplest plot and while I can understand that it can work, it just felt too simple.    I mean yeah, you don't need an extensive plot but sometimes  with this short it just felt too simple.


Here I'll be breaking this down into Main Character and Robber.  Because that is all we have.

Main Character

Ambrose/Butch  - Voiced Unlisted

Ambrose or Butch as he calls himself is our main character.  The best way to describe him is by saying that is he a young child who thinks he can be a robber and doesn't need to abide by his mother's rules and doesn't listen to her when she calls him for a bath.  Once again, I ran into the same problem with Ambrose that I had with Ben Franklin in Ben & Me in that there was nothing to me that would make him likable.  His thoughts really drifted off   when he started to tell Bill about his most recent job which was just him telling him his story of him playing robber and when Bill realized he was fibbing, Bill chased him back into his house and he finally got  into the bath.   Now again,  I said we wasn't likable and part of that is, we never really  are given a good reason as to why he runs away and more importantly there isn't a need for him to.  His mother isn't cruel to him or anything and one thing that really made me angry is that when he got back to his house, he wasn't scolded for running away.  I mean c'mon a young child that runs away from home should be scolded somehow because not only are you disobeying your parents but also your worrying them.  Really in the end, he was let off scott free and that just felt unrealistic.


Dirty Bill voiced by Billy Bletecher

Dirty Bill was the real robber and unlike Ambrose he was actually fun with his actions.  He just felt so big and fun. Plus the interaction between him and Ambrose is truly the highlight of this short.  Also when he chases Ambrose I was actually rooting for him because Ambrose deserved it after what he did. In all honesty, Bill was the most likable character.  He was just so menacing and that worked in his favor.   Again, my favorite character he actually added something to the short.

My Final  Thoughts

In the end, is this short bad?   I wouldn't say bad but I didn't enjoy it.   Now this one doesn't surpass Ben and Me in shorts that I haven't enjoyed but it does have a similar problem in that it has an unlikable character.  Though  I would say this short is skippable as there many better shorts out there.  One of the biggest complaints that I had with this short is that it felt like nothing happened.   Join me next time when I take a look at a Disney classic...

The Three Little Pigs.  But wait, there's more.  Starting when next we meet on Classic Shorts Showcase, I'll be taking a look at only The Three Little Pigs but that will be followed by it's sequel shorts.  Here is the schedule of shorts and now just as I did with John Henry I'm breaking my 2000 rule as there is 2002 sequel short as well that I wish to cover. I promise to avoid this but it just feels right to include this short. For those who wish to know that short is Lil' Bad Wolf.  

The Three Little Pigs

The Big Bad Wolf

The Three Little Wolves

The Practical Pig

The Thrifty Pig

Lil' Bad Wolf.

There you have it, the list of upcoming shorts on Classic Shorts Showcase.  Until next time, Peace!

Everyone help me in wishing Positive Troll a Happy Birthday

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