Take A Look at Disney


Top 6 Disney Automobile Characters

One of my favorite events that I've ever done was Automobile Month,  it was a blast taking a look at all of these car based material from Disney.  Now I had thought of doing a follow up to it but sequels aren't always as good as the original.  Anyways, I bring this up today because there was one article that I had thought of doing for Automobile Month that I couldn't figure out to do until today.  That being the Top 6 Disney Automobile Characters but alas I've finally managed to figure out how to do this.  Join me as I countdown my favorites.

6. Benny The Cab - Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Benny is such a fun character and I love the idea of him being a cab that has an attitude of a cabbie.   That is such a funny concept and while he has a bit of an edge to him, we see that he is loyal to his friends and willing to help them out in jams.   Plus he's got a great look to him.  He may not have been the film very long but he certainly lit up the screen when he was onscreen but all of the other characters shine too and while, he's just a minor character when compared to others, he's still great.

5. RC - Toy Story

Now I just love RC and as I said in the past, he's my favorite Toy Story character.  The reason I like him is because he's loyal and the idea of him being treated like a pet is rather cute.  It works though because he is loyal through and through.    Plus the way, RC was used in the finale to save Woody and Buzz was really cool.    Now again, this may be a bias as I used to own an RC.   Still, I love him and I think that he's really cute and lovable.

4.  Lighting McQueen - Cars/Cars 2

Now I know that the Cars film are looked at as the oil stain on Pixar's resume so to speak but I'll admit that Cars is my second favorite Pixar film behind Toy Story 2.   McQueen is a great character in the first film as  we really get to see him grow into more of a character and become a better person, err car.  You know what I mean but I really enjoyed his arc seeing him learn that there is more to life then just racing and become a more well rounded being.

3.  Mater - Cars/Cars 2

Yeah, I know but just but I like Mater and I feel no shame in admitting that I enjoy Larry The Cable or the fact that I liked Cars 2.   Now I'll admit that film isn't perfect but it was fun seeing Mater get a chance to shine even if he really didn't need a film as the Tall Tales let him shine fairly well.  Mater was the funniest character in the first film and most certainly my favorite character of the film.  I know it's not popular opinion to like him but it's my opinion and at the end of the day, I like Mater because he feels like a character that I'd like hanging around.

2.   Herbie - The Love Bug

How could I do a list like this and not include Herbie?  Herbie is the classic  Automobile character.   He's  just so lovable and as I said in my review of  the first film, Herbie is like a child, which makes him all that more endearing and one of the things that I love is that with Herbie, they were able to express emotion without relying on speech and instead you had rely on watching Herbie to see how he feels and it works.   Now I still say that the scene where Herbie tries to commit suicide is rather eerie but it is effective in making feel bad for Herbie and not want to see him want to go through with it.

1. Susie The Little Blue Coupe - Susie The Little Blue Coupe

Ah,  Susie.  Fun fact for ya before I started Automobile Month, I'd never seen Susie The Little Blue Coupe but I'm glad I did as this has become my all time favorite Disney short.   As for Susie, she's such a lovable character and getting to see her change through her life.  Just as with Herbie, she doesn't talk and instead you have to rely on her expressions to figure out what is going on.   It's also really funny and intriguing seeing her interact with all of her different owners.  Just like Herbie, when she's down, you feel bad for her and when she's happy, you feel good for her.

There you have it, my Top 6 Disney Automobile Characters. I hoped that you enjoyed this Top 6.  Peace!


  1. RC was unexpected, yet I like the choice very much! I need to check out Susie The Little Blue Coupe at once.
