Take A Look at Disney


My Thoughts on Pascal Witaszek's Walt Poster

Coming soon to a theater near you,   a the story of the man who brought to life so many lovable characters such as Snow White or of course, Mickey Mouse.   From acclaimed  director Ron Howard and starring Ryan Gosling as Walt.  

 Follow his story or you would if the movie I just described was real. Alas, it's not but this poster made by French Graphic Artist Pascal Witaszek.    Ill admit that  I had never heard his name until I saw this poster but I gotta say I love it.  It is such a beautiful poster. All of the little details in this poster make it feel real and  if you'll recall what I said  in my  Top 6 Movie Posters to open it.

Movie posters don't have to seem the essence or charm they once did.  Movie posters used to be able grab you in and give you an idea of the movie and the way they were trying to sell the movie. Sad to day, even Disney has fallen into this trap. 

That is not true of this poster,  it has a lot  of charm to it and I love  that in this poster, you get a story. The story I get here is of Walt trying to come up with Mickey on the train ride home after he lost the rights to Oswald.   I love everything in this poster  from Walt on the train as that is a nice setup for the story and the crumbled pieces of paper on the seat give off the idea of Walt is going through the time on the train in trying to come up with a name for his new character.   Also another thing I really love is the Mickey cloud which  to me seems like foreshadowing.

Also the train car is just gorgeous and another thing I have to praise the artist for is while I can tell it's Ryan Gosling but  he's feel like Walt at the same time.   Now I'll admit that I'm not familiar with Gosling's body of work but in this poster,  I feel as though he'd be good as Walt and Ron Howard is a great director and I think that he'd be able to get a great story here. Of course, we'll probably never know as this film is only a fantasy.  I really wish we could because after seeing this poster my cynical views on a Walt biopic have lessened somewhat.  I'm still anxious and nervous about the idea but after seeing this poster I want to see this film or at the very least have a print of this poster.  

Now I know that this wasn't very in-depth and that's why I didn't make this a Can We Talk about.  Still, this is a gorgeous poster and my hat is off to the artist.   What are thoughts on this poster? Tell me in the comments. Peace! 


  1. You know what I think Ryan Gosling would make a great Walt. He would be going back to his roots because he was once a Mouseketeer in the 80s. I love the poster. It was so good I thought it was real for a few seconds.

    1. Yeah, I read that and that's pretty cool. I would have thought this to be a real poster too unless my best friend hadn't told me otherwise when he called me this morning.
