Take A Look at Disney


Can We Talk about The Mr. Toad's Wild Ride Movie

Disney, repeat after me: It already exists! Look I get that you think because Pirates was successful that other attractions will work as films.   But let's take a look at that,  The Country Bears, didn't work. It was a flop and fans of the attraction hated it.   The Haunted Mansion, I've talked about the problems I have with that one, it was unbalanced.  I get that you wanted it to be a family film and I do know about the del Toro reboot but so little has been said on that, I'm starting to wonder if it's been canceled.   The three Pirates films after the first one didn't do as well and at best get mixed reactions from audiences.   I've heard about The Magic Kingdom film that you want to do and that may be cool and there is The Jungle Cruise film coming up with Tim Allen and Tom Hanks. Two actors, I really like but from little info you've given on that film, it sound cliched because so many films including The Haunted Mansion have done a story of a parent trying to reconnect with their children in a fantastical setting.

Now that we've gotten your track record of attraction films out of the way, let's go back to the statement that I used at the beginning of this article.  Look you know it and I know it, Mr Toad's Wild Ride unlike most of the other attraction based films is based off of something. In this case, the classic and funny short, Wind In The Willows.

Now, I must ask doesn't it seem a bit silly and maybe a little odd to make a film based off an attraction that is based off a short.  Now yes, I do understand that it is just a short but still like most everything you do, it has a lot of fans as does the attraction.   Now I enjoy the short and as for the attraction, I have no opinion on it as I've yet to ride it but still,   doesn't it seem like this is an odd choice for an attraction based film? When there is already a short with this storyline that inspired this attraction.  Disney, look I'm a fan. Always have been and always will be but sometimes your decisions just seem odd.   This is a good example of something I don't quite understand.  Do I think this film will be bad?   As of right now,  I don't know but my main issue with this is that it feels unnecessary. Now I've read up some on this film and look I know that you'll never see this but here's an idea.  Why not re-release the short to theaters alongside this new film and not sweep it under the dust because right now I get that impression or why not just re-release short by itself.  Call me crazy but I actually think people would go to see The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad in theaters.    That is one of those Disney films from the canon that doesn't get much recnogtion these days and probably would help from a re-release in introducing this generation to these characters.  Many have said it and I believe it but there is nothing like seeing a Disney film on the big screen and this would be a great idea to re-release this film.

Until I can learn about this film,  I hold my reservations but I just don't see the need for this one.     I believe that best way to end this si with a song...


  1. At first I thought this was a joke. But I know you wouldn't talk about it this seriously if it wasn't true. Where did you find out about this? Would you mind providing the source? Anyway this is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT MAKES NO SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay the ride is basically the SAME EXACT THING AS THE SHORT except you are playing toad because you're driving the motor car and you die in the train sequence and you get sent to Hell. No joke on the ride the finale is Hell. Which is awesome! But a movie based on this attraction that pretty much already exists is sickening! That's what I call desperate and lazy! I can't believe Iger and Lasseter of all people approved this!!! What are they thinking??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????

    1. Certainly, I'll provide a link. Of all places, I found out about this on the TGWTG forums.


      The ride does indeed look awesome as I've seen YouTube videos of it and your reaction there was mine but instead, all I could say was It Already Exists!
