Take A Look at Disney


Nursery Crimes (Kim Possible Episode Review)

Ah, it's been a while since KP has appeared on A Look at Disney. Now I wish that I could say that this was a warm welcome but no, today I'm taking a look at my least favorite episode from Kim Possible.   Now in all fairness, it's not a full episode as it is from one episode where they had two 15 minute shorts. Something that the show didn't do too often but these episodes usually weren't memorable but this one I have always looked at as silly and dumb.  To think out of every episode, it was essentially boils down to a 15 Minute short, I consider my least favorite.

The Plot

The plot is something that I'll admit was unique but just didn't work for me.  We open on Kim and Ron driving up to a house as they think the family's baby is missing but no instead our pacifier had been stolen and this is where the episode takes a huge plummet.  Apparently worldwide, baby's pacifiers have been stolen and with help from Wade, KP finds out that there is an old town somewhere in the UK that used to have a nanny training academy that may have a connection to the sudden disappearances of the pacifiers.  This is where we meet our villain for the episode Nanny Nane who used to be a teacher at the Nanny academy and from KP and Ron's visit to the  local ice cream parlor, one is led to think that she rules the town with iron fist.  Which apparently she does as she has an army of super babies that can take down the town. I repeat super babies.   Look I know that KP has faced some bizarre situations but super babies, really?!?!  Apparently Nanny Nane has a machine that turns adults into these super babies.  There's the episode's required cliche because how many shows have used the trope of a character getting younger as we see a young Ron in this and here take a look at little Ron..

Where to start? Where to start?   Again as I said, KP has faced some bizarre scenarios in her crime fighting days but I honestly think this one takes the cake  as the most out of left field.   Again, I know that the KP villains were over the top but the problem here wasn't the villain was over the top but rather her plan was and just seemed convoluted and nonsensical.  Yeah, I know that seems like a silly complaint for Kim Possible  but this one  just seemed all over the map with it's idea.  Now I'll give the writers credit as this episode did tell a coherent story.  Albeit a dumb one.  And really that's my biggest problem. Ah, well enough about the plot, let's move on.

Episode Title

Nursery Crimes

Now while I do feel that the episode title is a bit generic.  It is one of the better things about this episode, even though I believe this title has been used for other shows that shall remain nameless because they are much worse than the worst episode of Kim Possible.


Now I'll just be breaking this down into Main & Villain and sadly that means I won't be talking about Rufus as he really didn't play a role in this episode but if you want a laugh, he was the star of the short that aired in the same episode as this one. Titled  Chasing Rufus,  which is a fun episode.

Main Characters

Kim voiced by Christy Carlson Romano

Oh, I don't if I mentioned this up top but this was season 4 episode meaning it aired during the final season of Kim Possible and in some ways, I'm grateful for that.   Anyways it can be noted that this is a season 4 episode by KP's new mission outfit.   As for KP herself in this episode/short (whatever you want to call it), she was her usual self though I thought she was bit bland in this episode not for a lack a trying but really, the characters  just weren't that exciting in this episode and there was no development, it was just gag after gag. Though I must give the show credit in that KP found a unique way of saving the day because as she put it, this wasn't a saving the day thing but rather a babysitting thing. And we actually get to see some of KP's babysitting skills in motion.

Now this was cute and funny and perhaps a bit creative and it is one of the few things that I liked in the episode but all the same, it doesn't save this episode.

Ron voiced by Will Friedle

Again with Ron, we don't  see anything out of the ordinary with Ron save for the very end when we see him in a giant diaper. I have decided not to post that as there is only so much dumbness one can take.   According to Ron, he found it to be a comfortable change of pace  and let's just leave it at that.  Sure, it was funny seeing Ron go through the machine but in the end, it just got boring and repetitive seeing go through the machine and well I must give Ron credit as he's the one that saw what Nanny Nane was doing and described it as sick and wrong, I can see that and good news, we have pictures.

Again as I mentioned above those super babies are actually adults and this is the machine that turns them into babies. By the way, is it just me or does anyone else think of a certain sequel to a horrid film when they hear super babies, c'mon you know what I'm talking about.

I imagine this episode is at least better than that film as I never sat through all of it.   Getting back on topic, that is pretty much all there is to say for KP & Ron.


Nanny Nane  voiced by Jane Carr

I talked at great length about this villain's evil scheme and how she thought she could make more stealing pacifiers and to be fair the academy closing drove to this point as strict nannies had faded out and she wanted to show that she could make more money making babies unhappy then happy?  To this, I say huh?! Seriously, I don't get this. Now maybe I wasn't paying attention  but again huh?   It just doesn't add up in my mind.  Also on a sidenote,   why would you use a new villain so late in your final season. Well I guess it just goes to her being a throwaway character she's never mentioned again and I already talked about KP  babysat her way to victory above and  really, there is nothing more for me to say.

My Final Thoughts

Yep,  boy does this come handy for stuff like this.   Just like with Davis, this perfectly sums up my feelings about this episode. Though to be fair I'd take the worst episode of KP over anything involving Davis but this only better by a margin.   A slim margin at best.  Now I know not every episode of a show will be a hit but man this one is just bad.  Folks, there 86 other episodes of this show to watch, you can skip this one. And seriously if you want to see Disney treat nannies right, you should know what to turn to. Just pop in your copy of Marry Poppins but as for this, let's pretend it never happened.   I think the worst thing about this is that it aired two episodes before the series finale.  I think that makes me even angrier at this episode knowing that now.   


  1. In general I enjoyed Season 4 of Kim Possible because of how it developed Kim and Ron's relationship, but this was rather filler-ish. Okay, Ron turns into a baby, and odd hijinks ensue. Huh. Season 4 was a good finale to the series, but occasionally it reminded you that they were running out of ideas.

    Have you watched Gargoyles?

  2. I have watched Gargoyles and well, I don't have a strong connection to it as I didn't watch it growing up. The way you described the plot of this episode works better then my review and your right that at best, this was filler.
