Take A Look at Disney


Top 6 Worst Things I've Watched For Review

As you know I've been doing this for a while and while I normally like celebrating Disney, there are just some things that I've watched for review leave me feeling like Donald up there and today, I've decided to countdown the Top 6 Worst Things I've Watched.   Some of them shouldn't be too surprising.    As I've made my hatred of a certain short and a certain wannabe circus show loud and clear. Really, I don't think you'll find much of the list surprising and I'm only doing this because I wanted to.   With that out of the way, let's begin.

6.  Air Mater

I've made it no secret that I love Cars and it's in my Top 2 Pixar films and I usually enjoy all of the Mater shorts but this one was just so boring.  I mean the premise is cool but I'm sorry the idea of  Mater flying doesn't work for me and that more or less comes from the fact that it only takes him a day.  It doesn't work that way.  Sure,  I should just suspend my disbelief but I'm sorry I can't and also it couldn't have been anymore blatant that this was a backdoor pilot for Planes and if these are the characters we have to look forward to in Planes, count me out.  This is one of the worst Cars Toons that I have ever sat through.  

5.   Nursery Crimes 

This... this thing.   When I reviewed it,  I said that this is my most hated episode of Kim Possible and that still stands because the whole idea is so stupid.    Look I get every show as to have the obligatory make the cast younger episode but it can be done well and actually have meaning in the plot. For a perfect example check out the episode Fountain from So Weird.  Because it actually ties into the story in a heartfelt way,  it's Christmas time and Fionna (the main character) misses her dad who is dead and goes to a soda fountain that takes her back in time and she gets younger. There it works but this episode it was just a dumb joke.  This idea can be used well but here it was so dumb and I'm sorry but the villain's plan of stealing babies' pacifiers is stupid.    I can't believe this was an episode of arguably one of my favorite shows.   They could've done so much more with this premise instead of it being a one note joke that fell flat.  

4. Ben and Me

For the longest time,  this was my most hated short that I had reviewed and well,  while I have found a new short, I still don't like it.  I swear Ben Franklin came across as a jerk and has to be one of the most unlikable characters in any Disney short that I've seen.  Not even Sterling Holloway could save this short from the being mess that it was.  I had not hated a character in a short so much until I watched this short.

3.  Casey Bats Again 

I find it rather fitting that this short ranks higher than Ben and Me seeing as the original was the review that came after Ben and Me.   The best way to sum up this short is by saying that it's a pointless.  This short took Casey who was a likable jerk in the first short and made him a bigot and a pig.  I cannot forgive the short for that. I'm thankful that the first one exists because as I said during my review of this one, if this was the only Casey short, this would've made him as one of my most despised characters.

2.  Too Smart For Strangers

Okay, maybe I'm cheating a bit here but let me say this.  I did watch this special and it started out okay.  It was just boring, not to bad but then this happened...

There are no words for this.  It just made me go what is this?  It was because of this thing that I decided that I couldn't finish it. I tried, I really tried but this broke me and I think that I would've gone mad had I tried finishing this thing.  

1.  Dumbo's   Davis' Circus

YOU!!!!   Your not Dumbo,  you are Davis.  How dare you prod around with the name of a classic Disney character.    I hate everything about this show because this isn't Dumbo and well never be Dumbo because he's a fake and I just can't stand what this show did to Dumbo. It was just so dumb and I can't stand what they did to this character and it couldn't have been anymore obvious that this was show was for young kids but that doesn't excuse it for being so bad.    I swear that this will be the last time that this thing ever appears on A Look at Disney.  

There you have it,  I hope you have enjoyed this look at these six messes.  I think there is only one perfect way to sum up how I feel.

Yep,  god I love that image.  


  1. YES! I knew Davis and Pooh will take the highest spots. They are truly the oddest things I have ever witnessed from a puppet show. I also thought Darby will be here somewhere.

    And Nursery Crimes just sounds so stupid. How can anyone thinnk about it and how come no one had the guts to say "This sucks. Let's find another idea."?

    It was a list that made me laugh, but at the same time, I'm sorry that you had to go through all this. :(

    1. Glad, the list made you laugh and Davis had to take the top spot because of how enraged I was after watching it and as for Nursery Crimes, I agree but it should also be pointed out that was from the final season of KP, so there's some leeway there but it still sucks.
