Take A Look at Disney


5 Other Well Liked Disney Films I Don't Care For

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  If you saw my third anniversary announcement,  you saw that I will be reviewing The Incredibles,  one of my least favorite films. Well, today we are going to get a wee bit controversial as I countdown 5 other well-liked Disney Film,  I didn't really care for.   Now just keep in mind, that these are just my opinions.  Do not take them as fact but I hope to explain, why I don't like these films.  With that out of the way, let's begin.

5.  Sleeping Beauty

Okay, this one is only at # 5 because well,  I've seen other people speak out against this film.  My big issue with this film, it's incredibly boring.  And being boring is the worst sin, a film  and if you really want a good deconstruction of this film, read Ratin8tor's In Too Deep Into Disney on it.     I mean to start off with Aurora is in my opinion, the worst Disney princess and  she is the bad example that people like to make fun of when stereotyping the Disney princesses and there is the dragon in the room that we need to discuss.  I like Maleficent....  in her dragon form that is but other then that I HATE HER!!!!!!!!   I know this is going off topic a wee bit but when I saw the description for her upcoming film label her as the most iconic Disney villain.  I found that to be rather offensive and I think villains such as The Wicked Queen from Snow White are more deserving of that title.  My issue with her is the same as Aurora, she has no character.    Her motivation is flimsy and weak.    Prince Phillip like Prince Charming from Cinderella (a film I like and adore, mind you)  is not a character but rather a plot device.  There are no truly memorable characters in this film save for Maleficent and that is mostly because of her look.  She looks menacing and scary but she doesn't live up to it.  Going back to Maleficent for a moment,  you can say some villains don't need motivation to be evil and cause their schemes and I understand her not being invited was just a taunt but it comes across as though, she was evil just to be evil.   Other great villains had better and more clearly defined motives then this.  Let's step outside of Disney but stick with fairy tales and look at a classic villain.  The Wicked Witch of The West from The Wizard of Oz.   From the get go, we knew what she wanted.  The ruby slippers, it was clear and defined.   She wasn't doing evil deeds just for  the sake of being evil,  she had a motivation.  Something that the character of Maleficent sorely lacks.   And if I were to rank the Disney princesses, Aurora would come in dead last because I feel as though this film really never introduced to who she was.  Now to be fair, this one thing I like this film.  I like Once Upon A Dream but other then that,  I don't watch this film all that often.  

4.  Wreck-It Ralph

And here is where people are going to start disagreeing with me.  Let me clarify, I like Ralph,  I like Vanellope Von Schweetz and I like King Candy.  That was a wonderful Ed Wynn impression. Then what are my issues with this film,  I can't explain but again I found this one to be boring.  Maybe because I don't have a very large video game knowledge and therefore a lot of the references were lost on me but that's a minor issue.  Ralph becomes a supporting character in his own film, once we enter Sugar Rush and that was a bit of a turn off and it feels like a tonal shift.  Mind you, as I said I like Vanellope, she's cool but the film was called Wreck-It Ralph but during the time, the film was in Sugar Rush, it felt as though the focus was shifted to Vanellope.  And  I have to mention that I feel Jane Lynch was typecast because  as I've said this about film,  it's feel Sgt. Calhoun is just Sue Sylvester from Glee but without her tracksuit. She's playing the same character.  It's a character good at, that was a little bothersome.   

3.   Pinocchio

I  haven't made dislike of a certain character from this film, a secret.  Each time, I see him, I want to call Terminix.  Yep, I HATE Jiminy Cricket but he isn't the only thing I dislike about this film.  I just feel it's way too dark.  I've already gone over this in the past with my issue with the donkey scene.  Now again, there are things I like about this film such as Gepetto and the music but that can't save the film for me.  I understand it's importance as the second animated film from Disney but I just don't like it.

2.   Toy Story 3

Ooh,  boy I'm taking on a sacred cow here but let me try to explain before you pick up the pitchforks and form an angry mob.  I wanted to like this film, I really did.  Especially considering how much I loved Toy Story 2.   But to me there are just too many things holding it back such as let's start with obvious,  if the toys had just listened to Woody, none of this would've happened.  And then there is the issue with Lots-O' Huggin' Bear.  He's not a bad villain but the film  NEVER LETS YOU FORGET HE"S THE BAD GUY!!!!!!   It's like they have to hammer it in every 5 seconds.  And then there is Spanish Buzz, the stupidest thing to ever come from Pixar.  Spanish Buzz added nothing, you could cut out all of his scenes and you'd probably get a better movie. And I'm sorry but for a film that is supposedly closing a trilogy, there are way too many new characters introduced and the only ones that are worth hanging out with are Bonnie's toys.  Because they're cool, I like them.  But  there is not enough time with them and I feel like this film drags in parts and there are just so many things keeping me from enjoying this.  I've liked everything related to Toy Story save for Toy Story 3.  I personally think that it is the weakest film in the trilogy.

And now we come to my  # 1.  (Thankfully, I know of at least one other reviewer who doesn't like this film all that much)...

1.  Enchanted

Where do I even begin?  Y'know  unlike most other films on this list,  I had a pretty good inkling I was going to hate this film, when I saw the trailers and I was right.  Okay,  let me start off by saying I understand that this was meant to be a satire.  But I don't think worked in that department.  I understand that Giselle was meant to be a parody of the older princesses a la Cinderella or Snow White but that's the problem, by the time this film had come out,  we already had more progressive female characters from Disney such as Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Mulan etc.. etc.. etc...   And as Doug Walker pointed out in his Disneycember review,  some of the big things that were turned on it's head such as Patrick Dempsey's character being the one that needed saving wasn't shocking.  We'd seen that before and  Giselle being the one to save the day, big deal!   Again much better female characters before her had accomplished that and also is a minor nitpick but all the references to the Disney films, just make want to watch those films instead.  I think this is most blatantly obvious, when you see Patrick Dempsey in a suit that is identical to the one, Beast wore.

And to be honest, some of the moments in this film  didn't  feel like homages to Disney but rather  Disney of today laughing at how silly, Walt's Disney films were.   See this is perhaps one of the few Disney films, I knew I wasn't going to like and I didn't.  Truthfully,  I can't stand this film because I feel it falls flat on it's face, when they try to satirize and some of it is just a little bothersome.   And in a way,  this film to me almost comes across as a slap in the face to all of the great Disney films have come before it.  And that's why as a Disney fan, this film bugs me so much.  This doesn't feel like a Disney film, it feels more like a Freidberg and Seltzer parody of Disney film.   Just better put together.   Now there is one thing from this film,  my beloved Carrie Underwood did the song, Ever Ever After and I really like the song and makes me want to see Carrie as a Disney princess.  Hey, a guy can dream right.

Even animated, she's pretty. Oh, Carrie, I wish you could've been in the film.  Then at least I'd have something pretty to distract me from the rest of the film.  But I didn't get that.

So, there you have it, 5 other Disney films, I don't like.   Keep in mind,  I purposefully chose not to use the words, Bad or Worst because that is not true of these films, but I just can't stand these 5 five films.  Particularly, my top 2 entries in this list.  I understand if others like these films but  I don't.   We all have beloved films, that we don't like.  What are some of yours?  Let me know in the comments.  Peace!

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