Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 101: Cruella de Vil

Hello and welcome to the 101st Music Fridays.  And starting these new sets of Music Fridays, I knew I wanted to do something fun, when I got to 101.  So, that's why today is all about Cruella de Vil.   The way, this'll work is I'll first look at the classic version from the film and three different covers of the song. With that out of the way, let's begin.

Cruella de Vil  - Original 

What can one say about this song?  It's one of the most memorable villain songs and sums up the character of Cruella quite well.  And it lets us know that Roger hates her and that she is not well liked by most of the family.   She is just tyrannical and ruthless and she puts herself above everyone else.  And this song perfectly captures how people feel about her.  And this is one of the earliest villain songs not sung by the villain but rather about the villain.  

Cruella de Vil - The Replacements

Wow, this one sucks.  The singers aren't bad but it's too damn busy and too loud.  There is too much going on in the background just to appreciate the singing being done. They feel the need to put in blaring instruments in the background that serve no real purpose and almost drown out the lead singer.  It's fine to have background music in your song but don't let it overtake the song.  And here I was worried about the Selena Gomez cover.  Speaking of which...

Cruella de Vil  - Selena Gomez

And I was right to be worried about this one.   I don't hate Selena Gomez but this is not helping my case that Disney did not ruin the music industry.   Selena is not a bad singer per se but my god,  she is trying way too hard here.  It sounds forced and I'm sorry but when she says, "killed", it sounds like she is choking on the word.  Again, there is just too much going on here. Whatever happened to less is more.  This just feels like too much for a song that doesn't need bells and whistles.  And did she, she did, she laughed during this number.  Way to keep things professional, Selena.  Please let the last cover be good.

Cruella de Vil - Vocal Spectrum

THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!   After two bad covers,  I get one of the coolest covers with this great acapella  rendition of the song. That is just fun to listen and you can actually hear the song,  there are no  gimmicks other then their voices and that is a genuine talent. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!  After two terrible covers,  I found a good one.

Okay, so this one didn't pan out as successfully as I had hoped but c'est la vie.  Oh, well join me next week as I take a look at the music of...

Sofia The First

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