Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 123: Mannheim Steamroller Meets The Mouse Pt. 2

Hello  & welcome  back.  After a one week break, Music Fridays is back, and today we conclude our look at Mannheim Steamroller Meets The Mouse.  With that out of the way, let's begin.

The Ballad Of Davy Crocket

This one seems to have a slow start to it and at first,  it does give me the feeling of being out in the woods, camping and trying to avoid snakes but  during a good portion of the song,  I hear nothing that makes me think of the man of the wild frontier.   I would say that this number doesn't really start reflecting Davy Crocket until the very end of the number.  It's  not bad per se and again these are more inspired by the songs and not direct covers but I've noticed with some of these that seem to lose the essence and presence of the original.


Okay,  I'm getting conflicting images here of the Dwarfs as a street gang in the Star Wars universe listening to this take on Heigh-Ho.  Seriously, it sounds both like something you'd hear a performer play while at the same time, elements of it, sound very space like.  Do I think it's bad?  No,  just different.

You've Got A Friend In Me

I  actually really like this one and it does seem to stay closest to the original so far while doing what I expected, putting a new spin on it but not to the point, where you don't what it's supposed to be.  It has a big band type feeling that compliments the song rather well.

When You Wish Upon A Star 

This  number is very tranquil and peaceful.  Which perfectly suits this song,  it has a very lullaby like feeling to it, to the point that one could drift off to sleep listening to it.  I find it to be very calm and serene. I think my only complaint is that I would've saved this for last. 


Ah,  now we come to the one that made me want to do this Music Fridays in the first place.  My  thoughts,   this is as good as their take on Go The Distance,  it captures the beauty and soul of Reflection while putting a new spin on this song but you can clearly hear what song, this is supposed to be as they do a fantastic job of making this sound like Reflection should sound like.  I honestly find this take just as powerful and moving as Lea Salonga singing it.

The Mickey Mouse Club March

Uh,  are we sure that this is The Mickey Mouse March?   Because  it don't sound like the March at all,  it's too quiet and tranquil. Where's the fun and upbeat nature of the March?  The March is supposed to get you pumped up and excited, not put you to sleep.  Oh,  they used the Alma Mater.   Guys,  the March and Alma Mater are not the same song.  If you wanted to do the March, do the March because the March is fun and exciting whereas the Alma Mater, was when everyone would gather to say goodbye and that's what you were doing here.  But here's the thing,  this is kinda false advertising as you said this was the March but it's actually the Alma Mater.  They are NOT the same.   Big difference between the two.  Just because they both appeared on Mickey Mouse Club does not mean, they are one in the same and you can't even hide behind the excuse that the Alma Matter is a reprise because it isn't.  If you wanted to do the Alma Mater, do the Alma Matter and call it the Alma Mater,  because that makes sense as a closing song but to call this the March,  I was expecting the March.  So,  I'm  just a little disappointed in that I was expecting the March but instead got the Alma Mater.  You shouldn't trick people like that.

In the end,  this was a unique album.  I liked more than others, mostly Go The Distance and Reflection but I can't help but to be disappointed by the closing number, not being what was promised.   In the grand scheme of things, it's minor but it still leaves me with a sour taste.  I'm not sure that I'd go out and purchase but it was an interesting listen.  Peace!

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