Take A Look at Disney


Can We Talk about Why The News of A Live action Genie Movie Bugs Me

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  And I know it's been a while since the last Summer Blowout but there is something I had to get off my chest.  Last night,  Disney announced their latest live action film based on one of their classics.  A live-action Aladdin prequel about Genie.     Here's what the film is going to be about.

The film will explore the “realm of the Genies” and explain how one became trapped inside the iconic lamp. The long term hope, then, is for Genies to develop as a franchise and pave the way for a live-action retelling of Aladdin itself.

Now at this point, it seems like every classic animated Disney movie is getting a live-action remake or prequel because we have a Tinker Bell movie, a Mulan remake, a live Winnie The Pooh,  a Dumbo remake, a Pinocchio remake,  a Jungle Book remake, a Beauty and The Beast remake.  And so many more Oh and a Prince Charming movie.  None of these except the Dumbo remake have bugged me and that was only because that's one of my favorite movies of all time. But this one is insulting.  Let's back it up here.  Disney is making a Genie prequel, and they announce a year after Robin Williams passed away.  That is so tasteless to his memory and to the contribution that he brought to the character of Genie.

To announce plans for a movie based on his most popular Disney character, only a year after he passes away feels as though Disney is forgetting about what Williams contributed to the role.  He made Genie his own.  And nobody else can imitate that.  And sure, other actors have played Genie  but it's different here because of how connected Robin Williams is to the role of Genie.  When one thinks of Genie, they think of Robin Willams'  performance from Aladdin.  Because of how good he was in that role.  And to cast someone else as Genie will not be fair to this new actor because people are going to expect Robin Willaims' Genie. Even if this isn't what he delivers.

Now sure,  Genie isn't the first popular Disney character to be spun off into his own movie because last year, we had Maleficent.  But Elenaor Audley died in '91. Thus giving people enough time to bring a new spin of The Mistress of All Evil.  And as for the Tinker Bell movie.   Well, Tink doesn't talk unless you watch the Disney Fairies movies, where she's voiced by Mae Whitman but audiences that may not have seen that know Tink as a silent character and that will allow Reese Witherspoon to put her own stamp on Tinker Bell.  But Genie,  Robin Williams put his stamp all over that character.  It's impossible to replicate and the bigger issue is that Disney forgot what "Too Soon" means.  

Would people be as upset if they announced a movie based on a different character such as Jafar?  Probably not because Johnathan Freeman is still alive and as far as I know is still playing Jafar in the Broadway run of Aladdin.  But it goes back to people love Robin Williams and people love Genie.  When I did my Friend Like Me Music Fridays, this year I mentioned how when I listen to that song or his stand up, I have to remind myself that he is no longer with us.

As someone that was first introduced to Robin Williams via Aladdin, this feels like a punch in the gut. And as though Disney is forgetting  about much life this talented comedian and actor brought to the role of his that has always been my favorite Robin Williams performance.  I place Genie up high on my list of favorite Disney characters alongside Mickey Mouse.  He is one of the most iconic Disney characters and that is all to do to how Robin Williams played that role to perfection.

Now I will see most of these live-action Disney films in the theater as I am curious but I cannot in my heart of hearts support this film.  This is just so tasteless on Disney's part.  If they had waited 5 - 10 years even to announce plans for a Genie, people such as myself wouldn't be having this severe reaction to the news.  Yes,  I know that this blog does come across as hysteria and as though I am judging the film before it comes out but that's not what I'm doing here.  I am voicing my disappointment in this decision.  And yes as I went over in the Music Fridays, we've had new actors play the role of Genie such as James Monroe Iglehart from the Broadway production. The big difference there is that with something like the Broadway production, there is enough distance from the movie to allow it to be different whereas most these films especially Maleficent (the last film to spin off from another film and focus on a character that wasn't the main character),  it tied heavily into the original.  And that even opened by saying the events of Sleeping Beauty were a lie.  If this Genie film does that, I'm out.

I apologize for being so angry in this article but this news bugs me to no end.   And I just don't think this movie should have been announced so soon after the passing of Robin Williams.  I've already gone over so much how  much he made that character work and how much I personally associate him  with Genie.  What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments. Peace!

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