Take A Look at Disney


Moviefan12 & DisneyOtoko Discuss The Cinderella Remake & Frozen Fever

Moviefan12: Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and today, DisneyOtoko and I are once again to review the Kenneth Branagh directed Cinderella. Overall, I liked it and out of the live action films based on animated classics, this is perhaps the best one.   Now,  with the nature of this particular article and the fact that this film is still in theaters (as of this writing),   there may be spoilers.  But instead of a full on linear review,  we still instead go over what we liked and what we didn't like about the movie. With that out of the way, let's begin.

DO: Yes and we have quite a bit to say. So sit back,relax and let the ranting uh I mean praise uh I mean the review commence!

Moviefan12: I think to be fair to the movie, we should start with the aspects of the film that we did like.  

What We Liked

The Prince

Moviefan12: One of the big pluses in the movie in my opinion is  the Prince. Now, while the animated Cinderella is one of my favorite Disney movies.  I do agree with the complaints that Prince Charming barely did anything in the original.  Here's that not the case.  The Prince named Kit in this version is very proactive in obtaining his happy ending.  I'll come back to that, you see his father is dying (that seems to be a common cliche now).  And wants him to marry a princess.   But  because  he met  Cinderella early on in the movie during a deer hunt, he has been awestruck by her.  Yes, it is love at first sight but it works.   And because of this, Kit  asks that that ball to find him a suitor that he be allowed to invite all women from the kingdom, not just royalty but also commoners.   Now, one could argue that  is just an easy way to get Cinderella to the ball in this new version. Which I do see but Kit is the one that demands this.  And  I also like how  Kit  makes the decision for Cinderella to be found after losing her glass slipper. And know The Duke, who is now a villain in this version will not be upfront about it and actually  goes  out with The Duke undercover  to make sure that Cinderella is found.   

The Message

Moviefan12: Now, there is a bit of a caveat here because  before the film came out, the whole  message was cut out, which I liked more.

I do understand  how some people found it cloying how many times, the message was said throughout the film.   But I do think that this message sums who Cinderella is fairly well and  I think that for the most part throughout this movie, Lilly James' Cinderella  lived up to this mantra throughout  the film.  I know some people  have argued that this Cinderella came across as weaker than her animated counterpart but I'm not too sure I agree on that.   I just think this Cindrella  had different strengths and was still very kind to the people around her.  And this goes back to what I've said about the animated Cinderella,  she is able to show kindness to those that have mistreated her.  Though, this does tie into something that does bug me a little about this movie. We will get to that in due time, however.

DO: I definitely agree with the Prince and by extension the King. Both of them were very good and I cared about what happened to them. In defense of the animated film and just the early princess films in general they tried to make the Prince a more developed character, but after testing the scenes out it just didn’t work so they scrapped them. Anyway the Prince or Kit as he’s called is Charming and is a nice guy who is trying to find his way and do the right thing.

The Technical

I really like the technical aspects of the film! Wonderful cinematography and use of color and light with the gold environments and Cinderella’s blue dress creating a wonderful contrast and highlighting the character in all the right scenes. Also the sets are amazing!! There is a great sense of scale and it is a very pleasant film to look at.

Moviefan12: One  other thing I liked  in this new Cinderella was Cinderella herself.

I've found myself in a position of having to defend not only Lily James' Cinderella but also the animated Cinderella from people calling her a bad character.  I kinda have to disagree with that. I do have my complaints about what was done with this Cinderella but  to me, Lily James felt like Cinderella throughout the whole movie and exuded the same kindness that I expect from Disney's most popular princess.  One of the biggest things I've seen people do in regards to this Cinderella is compare her to Anna Kendrick's take on Cinderella from Into The Woods to say that James is playing a terrible Cinderella.

And I understand the want to do that seeing as Into The Woods came out not too long before this new Cinderella.  People were bringing James' Cinderella by comparing her to Kendrick's and saying the latter's was more progressive and a more refreshing take. And complaining that this new Cinderella is too simple and that Disney is just going back to basics.  Well,  that was kinda of the point because this new Cinderella was based more on both versions of the classic fairy and moreso, the animated classic. And for what it's worth,  Lily James did a good job as Disney's Cinderella.  She made me feel for her throughout the movie and I bought into the pain that she was feeling. This also ties into one another complaint I've seen thrown at the movie.  In the early part of the movie,  Cinderella is seen riding a horse and  we also see her go into town.  This has led people to ask why she doesn't leave.

Cinderella  explains in the movie that she has an emotional attachment to the house and she feels as though that she can never leave.   To Cinderella,  that house is a part of her  and  it reminds her of her parents.  Which I take to mean that after she made the promise to her parents that she'd never leave that house, she felt as though that if she left the house she'd be going back on that house.  And more importantly,   she is staying there because  I assume that she doesn't want to lose the only attachment that she has to her parents being the house. Also kudos to having her name be Ella and paying homage to the fairy tale by having her get the name Cinderella from falling asleep in the cinder from the fire place.

DO: Got to disagree on that one. I like Lily James and her smile is amazing! But the writing of Cinderella in this movie in most cases, not all, is just not good. The house thing. Sorry there’s no defending that. There really is no promise to her family shown on screen. If there was it was to take care of the house, but she failed because the step mother and step sisters ruin it. The servants tell her “why do you stay?” This “promise to the family” is a lazy excuse to keep her there to make the story work. This isn't a complex psychological problem of someone staying or going back to an abusive spouse or significant other. There’s no real strong emotional attachment to Lady Tremaine or the step sisters that would compel her to stay. Cinderella hasn't really known them long enough nor does she love them enough. I mean seriously I don’t care how strong an emotional attachment she has to that house I think her parents would want her to be happy most of all. I don’t think that’s a stretch. Also if the house was on fire would she just stay and burn with it? Because if she’s willing to stay with Lady Tremaine then Lady Tremaine might as well be metaphorical fire burning the house down. Also and the last points I’ll make are first she’s not maintaining, defending, or holding onto anything. The integrity and honor of that house died after her father did so if she was trying to do those things she failed. Cinderella in this film is smart enough to know that and to feel that. Second, she LEAVES THE HOUSE ANYWAY! When she marries the Prince or I should say newly crowned King she leaves the house! This never sat well with me. In the theatre I called this out for the bull crap it was. When she refuses to live with the servants THAT HER PARENTS HIRED AND TREATED WELL AND TRULY REPRESENT WHAT IS LEFT OF HER FAMILY that made me roll and eyes and just say to myself “Why?”

Moviefan12: I think this is as a good time as any to move onto the aspects of the film that we didn't like about this film.

What We Didn't Like

The Narration 

Moviefan12:  I don't  mind narration in a movie when it is done well.  And it was not done well in this movie at all. The narration in this movie would NEVER SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!   This was so grating. It's like they forgot the rule of "Show, Don't Tell".  It felt like every five minutes,  the narration would pop up and describe what we were seeing onscreen.   Because of this aspect, I felt like someone was reading a storybook of Cinderella to me instead of letting me watch the movie.  Film is a visual medium.  Let the scenes tell the story and only use narration if it can enhance the story but in this context, the narration wasn't needed.  And it bogged down the movie.

The Fairy Godmother

If I had to describe Helena Bonham Carter's portrayal of Fairy Godmother in one word, it would be ditz.  Granted, I am borrowing from my mom a little bit who thought The Fairy Godmother came off a little ditzy.  This left me wondering if she was supposed to be a fairy godmother in training because she just seemed so clumsy.  And while there is nothing wrong with that but ditziness and clumsiness seemed to have overshadowed the warmth and love that you are supposed to get from The Fairy Godmother.  Comparing her to the original animated Fairy Godmother, it just felt like something was missing from her character.  In the animated version,  you got the motherly love but here it felt like she was just doing a job.  I mean she did care for Cinderella but I dunno, there was something missing.

Moviefan12: DisneyOtoko, what are some aspects of this remake that you didn't like?

DO: Well for starters I have to agree on that stupid narration! It was narrating the obvious and wouldn't stop. It kept interrupting the film and it was to the point where I started to count. I think there were 11 times throughout the film so on average you had a narration every 5-10 minutes.

 I also hate the botched classic moments. The ripping of the dress scene is nowhere near as effective (mostly because of the different film medium) and I said to myself “is that it?” Also it was Lady Tremaine actually ripping the dress because she shouldn't have to. In the original all Lady Tremaine had to do was use her words and press the spoiled and selfish buttons of Anastasia and Drizella yet still be in absolute control and that to me is much more cruel. And I think Rob Walker put it best regarding the dress transformation scene that WENT ON FOREVER!!!! I literally checked my watch and almost yelled at the top of my lungs in the theatre “CUT!!!!!”Oh man and the “preservation of her mother’s dress” wasn't really followed because it wasn't that recognizable. Every complaint really can be found in the Walker Bros. Sibling Rivalry of the film.

Moviefan12:  Now, let's move to one of the biggest things that I think we both HATED about this this remake!  The climax.  As I said before, the original Cinderella  obtained her happy ending by being the one to present the other slipper,  What does Ella do?   


Because as the narration put it, Ella did not know  nor did she care who was at the door, when The Duke showed up.  Instead, we had to rely on the mice to get Ella's attention.  While she was just waltzing about in the attic that she had been locked in for a couple days by this point.  This scene right here to me shows that Kit should've been the main character.  Seriously, the Prince was more proactive in obtaining his happy ending than Ella.   Because he actually put effort into finding her.  She relied on others to obtain her happy ending. And that just feels so wrong. 

DO: Oh boy! Where to begin with this! In the movie Cinderella or “Ella” excuse me gets trapped in the attic LONG before the Grand Duke arrives so Ella has been trapped in that attic for at least 2-3 days! She is clearly being held against her will and when someone ANYONE comes up to house what does she do? NOTHING!!!!!!!! Because as the narration states she doesn’t care! While in the original animated film Cinderella is DEVASTATED and UPSET! Now in this remake the mice being the only ones with brain cells form a chain and open the window to somewhat increase the odds of Ella being discovered, but Ella STILL DOES NOT CARE AND IS BRAIN DEAD!! 

The Captain of the Guard just happens to hear her signing and the Prince just happened to sneak along. So in other words PURE DUMB LUCK!!! Now let’s look at the original animated film. Jaq and Gus being Cinderella’s most loyal friends decide to beat the odds and go downstairs, retrieve the key from Lady Tremaine’s pocket, climb the huge amounts of stairs back to the attic and get the key to Cinderella all being the size of a mouse and with a very tight time limit! 

Many people, even film scholars, have stated Cinderella has an extremely suspenseful climax because of the aforementioned scenario and because just as Jaq and Gus get the key to Cinderella’s door Lucifer traps Gus and the key! Now it is balls to the wall the other mice light candles and charge at Lucifer, the birds drop china on him and Jaq is about to take on Lucifer with his fists! Then Cinderella gets the idea of getting her dog Bruno to chase Lucifer away and the horse wakes up Bruno.

 EVERYONE IS A PARTICIPANT IN THIS CLIMAX!! THE DAY WAS SAVED BY THE EMOTIONS, FRIENDSHIP AND LOVE THAT CINDERELLA AND HER ANIMAL FRIENDS HAD FOR ONE ANOTHER! It resolves the current and overall conflict, it is the payoff to several plot points that were set up early on (the mice’s relationship with Lucifer and when Cinderella told Bruno to stop chasing Lucifer aka. irony). After this climax the audience is so happy it feels like America won every single solitary event in the Olympics with Gold Medals! You as an audience member feel happy and extremely satisfied! What does this remake have? NOTHING!! I never once felt like anything was hanging in the balance! Nothing was at stake! Most importantly there was no emotional investment from our main character who would be effected by this the most! Wow what a MISERABLE FAILURE of you know what I can’t even call this a climax because it’s not! Wow!

Moviefan12: Clearly, you had a more severe hatred of that climax than I did.  I don't think there's anything else I can add to that but we aren't just done yet.    There is one other thing that we need to discuss.

Yes, Frozen Fever and if I'm to be honest, I thought this was worse than the movie that followed it.  Let me make this abundantly clear, I am a Frozen Fan.  It's easily in the top 4 of my favorite Disney movies but this was such a blatant cash-in on the film's popularity that it was groan-worthy.   You want to know the plot to this short, just listen to the song, Making Today A Perfect Day

Moviefan12: I Cannot believe the talents of Kristin Bell and more-so,  the lovely and one of my Broadway Icons,  Idina Menzel were wasted on this song.   This song is just so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I've heard better songs on Sofia The First. Actually, this song feels  like a song that would be from a lesser episode of Sofia.   And this is  the part that killed me.

Besides, a cold never bothered me anyway!

Moviefan12: No.... just NO!  This song does NOT deserve to reference Let It Go!  A good (but overplayed) song.  And this is indicative of one of the biggest problems, I have with this short. It's so reference heavy.  There are so many references to Frozen,  I was left thinking, I'd rather watch Frozen.   I mean, one of Anna's presents is a sandwich. Really.... Just Really????    And don't even get me started on those weird abominations that Elsa sneezes out.  I swear,  they were only created so that Disney would have something to market as a competitor against The Minions.

  And this isn't even really a short,  it's a music video for a terrible Frozen song.  If I want a Frozen music video,  I'll watch Nick Pitera's cover of Let It Go.      Because there was actually effort put into that.  Unlike this. DisneyOtoko, you got anything to add on this disgrace of a short?

DO: No you pretty much hit everything wrong with it. I hated the song I hated the shameless plugs (in a bad way) to Frozen. Elsa’s powers are simply out of control! Everybody made jokes about how she created life with Olaf and now it is just ridiculous! She can make fabric now? Yes I know she did it in the movie, but it looked like it could have been made of very thin and controlled ice! Now she’s making GREEN dresses that are NOT the color of ice! 

I think she even made Anna’s hair bun WHAT CAN’T YOU DO? Then she makes these little snowbabies which is a disgusting toy commercial. Elsa’s powers make NO SENSE EVEN IN ITS OWN WORLD!! It was bad and a shameless display of milking cash from the cash cow.

Moviefan12:  I still love these characters and Anna is one of my all time favorite Disney characters but I'm more  upset  by how Disney is willing to use these character in anything willy nilly, just because they're popular. And this was also seen last Christmas with Frozen Parade and Frozen Fever sadly continues that trend.

At the end of the day,  I'm mixed on the Cinderella remake.  There are some really good things about it but a lot of the bad things really weigh it down.  And as for Frozen Fever,  even as one of Manic Expression's biggest Frozen fans, I cannot recommend it. DisneyOtoko, what are your final thoughts?

DO: There are some good things about the Cinderella remake, but there are way too many story and character problems so much so where the simpler, old fashioned, beloved, classic original animated feature is the much better option. For those of you that are die hard progressives then go watch Ever After which is a much better modern retelling of Cinderella. This movie, just no. Frozen Fever was very disappointing and shows the irresponsible use of the property with no thought or restraint.

Moviefan12: I don't think there's much else left to say on this remake or Frozen Fever.  I'd like to once again thank, DisneyOtoko for joining me. Peace!

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