Take A Look at Disney


Figment # 3 (Journey Into Imagination Part Three)

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and today, we continue our look at the Figment mini series as we dive into the third issue.


This cover makes perfect sense as we come to learn the the little creatures that took Figment and Blair in the last issue  are called Sound Sprites and thankfully, while sound is one of the key components of their character, they avoid what Linkara brought up in his review of Batman: Fortunate Son.  I love all our characters hanging off the music notes and I don't know if it's the notes are for One Little Spark but if they do, that'd be awesome.

The Plot

We once again open with a recap of the last two issues and learn that at the time, when this issue first came out,  you could actually listen to the song on the front cover, if you had the right app...  and if you were reading a physical copy.   Eh well, that's one of the downsides of reading a digital copy. We open, where the last issue left with Blair and Figment are still being held prisoner by the Sound Sprites.  And this is when we learn that the location that our heroes are in is known as the Audio Archipelago.   Blair tries to reason with the Sprites and Figment agrees with Blair that it'd be nice if it they stopped but the pleas of the scientist and the dragon fall on deaf years. As they are carried by the Sprites into a miraculous looking location. And Blair is just as fascinated by  where they are and wants to ask but is silenced and they are told that they deserve punishment as they thrown into a cell. Blair wants them to explain but they are silenced.

Stop sounding and stay still!

Blair talks to himself and Figment and that this is both bewildering and astounding.  He's amazed that invention was able to open a portal to a new location but at the same time, he's not sure what the inhabitants of this place consider he and Figment.  Figment says that it might just be a misunderstanding and the next time that one zips by, they can explain that a mistake has been made.

This is when we are introduced to a new character, who warns Figment of the Sound Sprites.

Be careful, stranger.  Sound sprites don't make mistakes.. or at least, that's what they tell themselves. Everything they do is about keeping "harmony"  and they're convinced your'e "off key"   

Figment is confused and asks, our new friend, isn't  he one of them as he is indeed a sprite.  But he says not anymore and this is when we are introduced to Fye The Flawed as the sprites call him.  The other sprites locked because according to him, the other sprites were isolating bad audio.  Blair and Figment explain they they to this world by mistake and that they could use any information on where they are would be most helpful. This is when Fye explains the world to our heroes.

The world is broken up into regions. Each one is ruled differently.  This audio acreage is controlled by sound sprites.  They extract notes from sound sap and then "play" them to make new things.  Everything here comes from sound.  

Figment thinks is neat and asks Fye, why he isn't doing that.  And he says that it's like he explained he has bad audio as he demonstrates.  He doesn't talk like the other sprites and instead of making things, he breaks things.  Which turns things into bad music.  Ah so, he's record producer for Justin Bieber.   Okay, that's a bit tough as I do like as I do like Fye as a character.  He says that everything he does turns out wrong and he doesn't fit in. And Blair can relate to that feeling. Figment encourages Fye and says that they'll find a way out and find a place, where he'll be appreciated. Fye isn't so sure.

Sure but where?  The Color Wheel? The Mathmagic Land?  No one goes to the Nightmare Nation by choice...

Mathmagic Land, is that a reference to Donald In Mathmagic Land?

And Nightmare Nation,  ah he must have read the Nightmare Rarity arc that I reviewed last month.  Figment suggests earth, where Blair is from and that it seems nice. And we see Blair yearning to go back to earth here. But he thinks that the Chairman is filling out his termination papers right about now.  And just as he says that we see interaction between the Chairman and The Singular as The Singular wants to learn more Ing-land.  So, he doesn't know how to say England.  The Chairman explains who he is and that England is a very powerful country.  Though, when The Singular is informed that it's ruled by people like The Singular, he coldly states this.

Then it is not powerful.

Ouch!  This Singular dude is giving me the creeps.  The Chairman just says that is rude and The Singular says that emotional outbursts proves his point and that his army will trample this land bring order to all of the chaos here.  Oh boy, this isn't going to end well. But The Chairman asks  what army because as his name points out, he's quite singular.  This is when The Singular decides to show the Chairman  as he latches an arm onto the Chairman's head.  And tells him to look into his eyes.   The Chairman resists at first but it futile as The Singular gets angry at him and yells at him to do it now.  And now the Chairman sees The Singular's army.  And through doing this, The Chairman built a bridge to bring The Singular's army into London.  Yikes, this isn't going to end well.

And after this, we go back to the cell that Figment, Blair and Fye are locked in and Figment seems to know Blair pretty well by now as he points out that Blair is over-thinking.   Blair explains that they've been in this world for 16 hours but it's still daytime and the weather has only changed once.  Meanwhile, we see Figment and Fye playing a game of Tic Tac Toe but Fye doesn't totally get it and uses musical notes instead of an "o" but Figment's cool with it.  Blair asks Fye, if they have any type of legal system and they do but it won't do them any good at this point.

Yes, but if your'e here then they've already judged your "auditory achievements."...   It mean we've exiled to the lowest octave, also known as the "bass-ment".  

Okay yeah, I can't look past that pun. Mr. Zub, that's bad.  And a groan from Blair seems to be show that he agrees.   Fye and Figment continue their game of Tic Tac Toe with Fye drawing all kinds of shapes.  Though seeing as they can't determine who won, Figment decides to call it a tie.  Blair is none too amused as he feels that they don't have time to waste and  sorry Figment but I gotta agree with Blair, this time.  Blair wants to figure out the mystery of the place that they are in and find the system that it works on.   That is when he's struck by something he overhears Figment say something about rules being whatever they want them to be and Blair realizes the brilliance of  Figment. And I'll let Blair explain.

We opened a portal to the source and were pulled through. All this came from dreams and wild ideas!  This is a place of pure imagination! Anything is possible!

Pure Imagination, I wonder if Mr. Zub is a fan of Willy Wonka.   This is when Blair realizes that the storm that they ran through in the last issue was a brainstorm, his brainstorm and Figment is excited to see his friend happy for a change. As am I, as am I.   And this is when Blair realizes that everything here is mind to matter and that if he can see it, he can make and having said that creates a key to escape their cell. And from here, Figment and Fye carrying Blair fly off in a daring escape.  Figment asks why Blair couldn't just imagine himself some wings.  Blair, he might if he had enough time but their current plan is faster. Though, just as he says this, our escapees are spotted by the Sound Sprites.  Ooh, this isn't good. Our heroes realize that they need to get out of here and find anywhere else but here to be and just as they come to that realization,  a projectile is launched at them. But Fye using his ahem *bad* music deflects it and saves Blair from being hit by it.  But it seems to be too late as Figment loses grasp of Blair.  And Blair tells himself that it's time to imagine a pair of wings for himself. Though, it doesn't seem to work but no matter as just at the right moment, The Chimera flies in and saves Blair.   And Blair couldn't be happier to see the old girl.  And Figment's okay and Blair informs our purple scaly friend that they now just have to stay ahead of the sound police.  But it may not be as easy as it seems as they are right on their tail. Though the sprites stopped giving chase to our heroes as they saw that they were going in a dangerous direction.  The Nightmare Nation. Look, if any Nightmare Forces try to tempt any of you into becoming Nightmare Moon  and to take over Equestira,  just say no.  Though, Nightmare Figment?  Hmm,  that could make for an interesting villain. What would an evil Figment be like?   Fye tells our heroes to fight back against The Nightmare Nation and man, this thing is creepy.  But The Nightmare's real and it has taken hold of our three friends.  Figment tells Blair to think of happy thoughts like rainbows and sunshine but it's of no use.  The Chimera comes in to save our heroes but alas she too is grabbed by The Nightmare Nation.   And that is where this issue ends with our heroes being pulled into the Nightmare Nation.  And with a name like that, nothing good can come out of that.


Main Characters


I loved the development and growth that was given to Blair in this issue.  This is the first time that I really felt in truly becoming Dreamfinder.  As much as I may love Figment, Blair was the standout character here as Mr. Zub gave him a lot of great development into becoming self-confident.


There really isn't too much I can say about Figment that hasn't already been said.   I still love what is being done with him.   But like I said,  I think that his shenanigans took a back seat to the growth that Blair went through. Albeit,  I think that was needed.

Supporting Character


Fye's story isn't anything too special.  He's an outcast a la Dumbo or Rudolph but  what is done with him works for this story and he really steps up to the plate as a hero in his own right, when he attempts to save Blair.


The Singular

The Singular creeped me out in this issue.  I didn't get a good feel for him in the second issue but here, dude is creepy.  Only thing that would make The Singular creepier if I could hear his voice because I imagine that it would like Hal from 2001: A Space Odyssey and that scares the daylights outta me.  I may not have seen that movie but I know that voice and yikes.

My Final Thoughts

If I had to sum the third issue in one word, it'd be intense.  My heart was racing throughout the third act of this comic.  The story started simple enough as Blair and Figment are taken prisoner but man, it turns out to a really energetic escape sequence towards the end and I couldn't look away. And that ending, I know that each issue so far has ended with our heroes in peril but this time, I truly felt scared for them.  I mean, it's called The Nightmare Nation.   How can you not be freaked out by something like that?  Yeah, I liked this issue a lot and I think this may be the strongest issue in the mini series to date.  Join me next time as I look at the fourth issue in this mini series.

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