Take A Look at Disney


Dino-Rama: Day of The Dino (Power Rangers: Dino Thunder Episode Review)

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and today, I am doing something a bit different. I am going to review the first episode of Power Rangers: Dino Thunder. Now years ago, I said that I'd never review Disney Era Power Rangers on A Look at Disney. But that was over 5 years ago, when I said that and since then, I've done a Disney Era Power Rangers Music Fridays.  And also, I am coming at this as someone that enjoyed Power Rangers as a kid but is not a superfan. So, if you want a more detailed and indepth analysis of the series, I suggest Linkara's History of Power Rangers.  And having said that, I will only be looking at the first two episodes of Dino  Also,  yes I know that Saban got the rights back to Power Rangers and they are now in a Neo-Saban era but at the time of this airing on TV, Disney owned Power Rangers.  So, that counts.  

Episode Title

Day of The Dino

In a nice nod the Mighty Morphin' era, the title of the first episode of Dino Thunder is a nod to the first episode of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, Day of The Dumpster.

It's small and you may not pick up on that, if you aren't paying attention but considering that I've browsed the RangerWiki numerous times and watched most of Linkara's History of Powers Rangers videos about 5 -10 times, I was able to pick up on this.  Also, this is one of two things that pays homage to the classic era. The other obviously being Tommy returning.

Now, the return of the most popular Power Ranger was twofold for me because A., even if I am not as much a fan of Power Rangers as some other people, I still think that Tommy is really awesome and when I was a little kid, my best friend in Okinawa was obsessed with Power Rangers and always watched it. He had all the toys, I remember going to his house during the Zeo era and he and his dad were discussing the identity of the Gold Ranger.  So, my nostalgia for Power Rangers isn't just for the show but it takes me back to the time that I use to spend with my friend as a little kid and yeah, it may be silly that about a fictional character  but looking at him now, all these years later, brings back those memories and that's the connection that Power Rangers has for me.  It reminds me of a simpler time with a friend from my youth. Though to be honest, Tommy was never my favorite of the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.  I always wanted to be Billy.

But that's a story for another day.  With that out of the way, let's begin.  

The Plot

We open  with Tommy Oliver (classic Power Ranger)  being chased by Tyrannodrones,  the lackeys of the season and there is someone else after him.  Tommy is able to escape, while the island that blows up into pieces.  

Many years later, Dr. Oliver.  He's a paleontologist now.  He went from a racecar driver to studying dinosaurs.  Sure, why not.  He has decided to put his past behind him as he is now teaching science in the city  of Reefside. 

 After he meets the high school busybody,  Cassidy after he runs into the school principal, Randall.  Such a lovely lady, not!   As Dr.  Oliver (as he's called by his students ) starts class,  he notices that notices a student is missing.  Conner McKnight.  Our future Red Ranger is more interested in honing his soccer skills than showing up for class.   

He's busted for truancy by Principal Randall and then Randall goes after,  our future yellow Ranger, Kira. Who was performing on schools without permission. and lastly techie, Ethan for pulling a tech based prank. And yeah, he's the Blue Ranger.   She gives them detention and puts Dr. Oliver in charge of detention.  Turns out, he had other plans as he was going to go to a museum.  Dr. O decides to take the kids and man, oh man, we get what is easily the worst moment of the show as we see a shoddy looking CGI T-Rex come to life and chase Tommy through the road.  Yeah, I know that Power Rangers has never had a particularly high budget and after Disney got the show, they cut down the budget a bit more by switching the show's filming location to New Zealand.  (Yet, ironically the show is banned from airing on New Zealand television).  

While, this is going on,  the three kids go into the woods as Dr. O told them that if they find anything prehistoric, he'll cancel detention for the rest of the week.   

They soon come across an underground lair, aka Dr.  Oliver's lab and what will serve as the Command Center for the season.

They see the three gems and decide to take them and head out of the lab.  But as they do, they are attacked by Tyrannodrones. But they soon discover that the gems have fused with their DNA and given them superpowers.  Conner is given superspeed, so he's The Flash.  Kira is given the power a supersonic scream, ah Black Canary.  And I can't really figure out Ethan's power.  It's not fully explained but it seems like  his skin can protect from attacks.   Afterwards, they meet up with Dr. O and pretend as nothing ever happened.  They get back to school and a fed-up Kira hands over her gems to the guys.    But she is abducted by tyrannodrones.    Man, these things do not let up and the guys head to Dr. Oliver's house and discover the same lab from earlier and have some questions for their science teacher.  

Meanwhile,  Kira has taken to the lair of the season's villain, Mesogog and plans to interrogate the young teenager.

This guy is creepy, not Lord Zedd creepy.  I don't think many villains have reached that height of terrifying but Mesogog is up there. Especially with what we learn later in the season.  The guys tell Dr. O about what happened.  Meanwhile, Kira holds her own in a fight with Mesogog's henchwoman, Elsa.

No, not her.   

Ah, that's better but through doing this event, Getting back to the review at hand.  Kira tries to escape but is tracked down by Mesogog's right hand cybord, Zeltrax.  The guys along with Dr. O take off in his jeep and we learn that Tommy was partly responsible for the creation of the tyrannodrones. As he was working on way to combine Dino DNA with technology.  His partner, rich scientist Anton Mercer disappeared or so he thought.   But Mesogog attacked the island and that is why Tommy was escaping in the flashback at the beginning of the episode. 

Back at Mesogog's lair, Kira find a portal that takes her out and lands her on top of Dr. O's jeep.  And the team drives off.  Later that night, Mesogog orders an aerial attack from Zeltrax and that Bio Zords be unleashed.  Tommy hands the kids, Dino Morphers and tells them that if they accept their roles as Power Rangers and tells them of what it entails.  They head down to the city and morph into the Dino Thunder Power Rangers.

Which yeah is pretty cool.   Soon, the tyrannodrones attack and Tommy tells the Rangers to put their weapons together and soon, they have the Z Rex Blaster and use it to attack the goons.  They then tame the zords and use it to form the Thundersaurus Megazord.

And use it to destroy Zeltrax's ship.  Back at his lair, Mesogog punishes Zeltrax and Elsa with a brain blast. His preferred method of torture and warns them that he doesn't take defeat lightly.  Back at Dr. O's lab, Tommy gives the kids bracelets that can act as communicators and tells them that their lives will never be the same but if they work together as a team, nothing can stop them.


Main Characters

Conner, Ethan, & Kira played by James Napier,  Kevin Duhaney,  & Emma Lahana 

I'm grouping the three Power Rangers together because there really isn't much to them in the first episode.  They're a bit stereotypical with Conner as the athlete,  Ethan, a tech nerd and Kira, a rebel musician.  Sure, they come together in the latter half of the episode and show that they can work together as a team.  And they do get better as the season goes on.

Dr. Tommy Oliver played by Jason David Frank

It was pretty cool to see Tommy back in action and as Linkara mentioned, this was a great way to get older fans watching the show again as Tommy is the most popular of the classic era Power Rangers.   Never quite understood why but he is awesome and the idea of putting a former Power Ranger in the role of mentor for a new team was a great idea for this season and honestly, it's something that I'd like to see more of.


Zeltrax played by James Gaylyn

Zeltrax is a pretty good right hand man and rather menacing in his own right.  I really like the design of Zeltrax here as it does invoke fear.   

Principal Randall/Elsa  played by Miriama Smith

Yeah, I didn't mention it uptop but Elsa and Randall are played by the same actress.  It's a neat touch but I'm going to focus more on Elsa,  she is okay but not as interesting as Zeltrax or Mesogog.  

Mesogog played by  Lathan Gaines 

Mesogog is a great villain.  His plan is interesting as he plants to revert the world back to the age of dinosaurs.  Different than others that want world domination.  And his design is just creepy and  he like Zeltrax invokes fear by looking at him.

My Final Thoughts

These first two episodes do have a bit of a rough start.  There were parts that had me laughing at how dated. Mainly, some of the CGI has aged horribly but overall, this was an enjoyable experience.  And I'd suggest it, if you are interested.  Join me next time as we look at....

Tarzan and The Hidden World

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